I agree completely. To refer to God as a "him" is to prove our inability to even understand the concept of a divinity. Our two-steps-down-from-the-trees brains have to create an image familiar to us. Our hubris tells us it's the other way around. If god were a "him", that would mean "he" had genitals. The only two reason to have genitals are to procreate and to dispose of waste. The need to dispose of waste and the need to procreate to create both punch pretty big holes in the thought of divinity (and the procreation thing kind of invokes the idea of a "Mrs God" ).
If there's a God (I'm agnostic), I believe that we shaved apes don't (and won't ever) have the brain power to understand it's existence (let alone it's will or nature as most religions claim to know).
2007-07-12 13:52:12
answer #1
answered by Fretless 6
It makes god seem less fearful. Often, when people are scared or insecure about something they don't truly understand, or something that they feel is 'more powerful' than them, they'll often subconsciously give it characteristics that are familiar with them, to explain -why- it is that way....or, they'll give it characteristics and mannerisms that make it seem silly, or feeble, somehow, to reassure themselves.
Imagine a child in a bedroom at night, picturing the closet monsters being scared of the dark, too. Or imagine an office worker picturing their Boss with steam coming out of his big ol' ears.
It's basically the same thing, just...well, kinda with God(s)(esses).
2007-07-12 20:37:10
answer #2
answered by Remykins 2
I believe in God , but agree with you totally. We are constantly trying to create God in our image and give him our character flaws to boot.We must assign God a gender(male of course) a race(white I'm sure and no doubt blue eyed), and he only likes Christians.Why can't we accept God as a spiritual power who only operates out of love,principle,and truth?incapable of the horrendous acts many people believe God can and will do.I think believers have done more damage to their religions than atheists could ever do.
2007-07-12 20:48:22
answer #3
answered by monte54que 7
hell i think more people would respect the religion with 'god' in it if the so called 'god' was a completely unknown character. i would fear and worship an unknown being before a joe schmoe with a beard and long hair and white robes and a deep voice. 'god' looks like a freaking white santa claus. technically im an agnostic because i dont know what is out there. im just pretty damn sure it is not just one stuck up old guy with a knack for smiting people. i pick the unknown, the "mysterious and reassuring"(dead like me).
2007-07-13 01:11:12
answer #4
answered by theteapot 3
The Bible gives God human characteristics so that we humans can under stand better.
2007-07-12 20:37:33
answer #5
answered by Big Daddy 4
tyrannic? - Jesus who laid down His life for the whole world ?
1 John 3:16
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
Man has been made in the _image_ of God . We have emotions like God does .
As I read scripture I see the God who is higher than man . Loving pacient kind OT and NT . But God is also righteous , and all He does is good . He is the perfect judge , He is all powerful and knows everything , He is perfectly just .
2007-07-12 21:15:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm Catholic, and I see your point excatly.
The reason why artists give their view on God facial features and such; Is to make Him seem closer and more realistic.
It's a complicated matter, but I think anyone can understand how faith can be very fragile, so as people, we need to see some proof that we were created by someone like us.
2007-07-12 20:35:25
answer #7
answered by Viva la Kate! 1
I think you are making a huge assumption here. If there is a God, we could not "give" him anything. I assume you are speaking primarily of the Christian God, in which case we are made in his image not the other way around. Of course we are stained by sin, but we have many of his traits i.e. Intelligence, feelings, personality, a will, and so forth. A cause cannot be greater than it's effect so logically, if there is a God your question is meaningless.
2007-07-12 20:50:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Giving an all-powerful bodiless universal consciousness a human persona makes the concept of God easier to understand for our finite minds...but by anthropomorphizing God, we tend to forget that He does not think or do as we do.
2007-07-12 20:35:54
answer #9
answered by Basil 3
We believe we are made in His image, so actually the human characteristics we possess come from God Himself; characteristics such as love, compassion, mercy, anger, need for justice,etc.
2007-07-12 20:38:15
answer #10
answered by future dr.t (IM) 5