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How does common sense add up? If there was no God, nothing bigger than our common sense, then how did time begin? If time never began, then there are infinite years behind us, so how did we get here? How could any point in time have more behind it? That's beyond my common sense. I've seen too many atheist theories that depend on common sense. All math and science is an extension on common sense (hold up two fingers on each hand you get four is common sense, for example). I do feel I must admit, my accusation all rely on infinity, which mathematically doesn't exist (look at my other question), but don't allot of atheists rely on infinity? Just post your thoughts. Somehow, I bet I did something wrong. :P

2007-07-12 13:11:05 · 25 answers · asked by Charlie 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

No offense, but just because it's beyond your common sense, doesn't mean it's beyond mine.

2007-07-12 13:13:05 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa 3 · 7 3

Well, your Q is a bit all over the place, but I'll try this...

One big difference between Atheists and Theists is that we don't presume to know the origins of the universe. Knowing what we know now, I'm surprised that believers still go by what people wrote before germs were discovered and when we thought the Earth was flat.

And speaking of the Earth being flat, let's not give quite so much credit to "common sense." Early "common sense" concluded that the world was flat, the sun revolved around the Earth, etc. Science is not AT ALL based on common sense, because our senses deceive us.

2007-07-12 20:23:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anise 3 · 1 0

Here's some common sense for you:

If the universe had a beginning, then what could possibly have been powerful enough to do it? God? They say that God is all-powerful and had no beginning or end. In other words, God is infinite. So instead of accepting that the universe is infinite, you've added another, equally as complicated variable to the mix.

Where's the common sense there?

2007-07-12 20:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by boukenger 4 · 1 0

this is a hard question to answer. what you just asked me about how can atheists be sure about their thoery of infinity can be asked to you as well. how can you back up that there really is a god? i mean, where did he come from? and what IS he? how does he get all the powers to create everything? nobody really knows exactly how the earth and universe began. it may be strictly scientific or it could be mystical and having to do with some sort of god. everyone has their own ideas on how the universe and the earth and everything on it got started, the only problem is nobody really knows the answer. to some people the idea of god may be just too farfetched to even consider. there really is no solid proof there even is a god just like science can't entirely prove where everything came form other than telling people what they assume about the "big bang." so either way, whatever you believe, everything is still just a big mystery.

2007-07-12 20:19:36 · answer #4 · answered by skidthekitty 2 · 1 0

The problem here is an argument from a false premise. You're under the mistaken impression that the nature of reality is somehow dependent on our ability to comprehend it. Whether or not we know (or even think we know) time began, clearly it exists.

On a smaller scale, consider that gravity most certainly exists and by all evidence has always existed, even though we have only recently begun to comprehend its nature. Ergo the universe, or time, may be infinite (or not) regardless of our limited ability to perceive them.

2007-07-12 20:22:44 · answer #5 · answered by dukefenton 7 · 1 0

Why does evolution go against all probability?

Some people did some quick calculations and said that if you put one million monkeys in a room with a typewriter typing at normal speed it would take them more then 12000000000000 years to type the first verse in the Bible by accident, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".

So using probabity how on earth could all those A,C,T,G's form into the perfect pattern over 6 billion units long to form our DNA in the few billion years that scientists say that the earth was created let alone the universe. It just doesnt add up.

2007-07-12 20:22:37 · answer #6 · answered by TheTruthWillSetYouFree 1 · 0 2

Atheism, just like a belief in a God both rely on faith. One is faith in a very old collection of stories, the other is faith in one's un-provable reasoning. Neither can be proven or disproven. This is why agnosticism makes sense to me. Because we can't know. Some of us have faith in our observations that humans, too stupid to stop blowing each other up, are incapable of understanding the existence of a divinity, let alone the will or nature thereof. But at it's core, agnosticism is just open minded observation, we don't know... and we don't have a means of finding out.

2007-07-12 20:25:13 · answer #7 · answered by Fretless 6 · 0 0

Why should the universe conform to our own limitations and wishes? I find it uplifting and enlightening to know that in this infinite universe (before and after us) at this tiny insignificant moment, humans exist. We haven't been here for long and we might not be here too much longer. But like everything in, at least, this universe, matter evolves into consciousness. It happened here and it has happened all over the place. We are just now becoming aware of who we really are and our place in this infinite universe. An infinite universe is very easy to believe, the universe has always been here and will always be. That is an easy concept to grasp once you cure yourself of the mind virus called religion.

2007-07-12 20:19:16 · answer #8 · answered by skunkgrease 5 · 1 0

You call that quick? And you're making a case against common sense? "How did we get here?" Well, we can explore scientific theories or just say a god created everything. That answer might be neater, but is it really satisfying? Because then you have to ask how god got there.

2007-07-12 20:14:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not sure when/how time began but COMMON SENSE tells me singular, males don't make for a very convincing case of creation deity.
I know females can't do it on their own but in every single situation, a female was needed for procreation.
Also, common sense tells me that complex creations involve multiple sources-not singular.
Common sense spells out how unnatural any monotheistic belief is.

2007-07-12 20:23:02 · answer #10 · answered by strpenta 7 · 1 0

Well, why does it matter how time began? All that matters is that time did began and we are here. All we can do is try to be the best people we can and we shouldn't need to believe in god to do great things and kind things for people. I'm athesit and rely on myself. I don't need god to tell me to be good or else I'm going to hell, I will be good whether there is god or not. because I want to be good and for no other reason than that simple fact. It doesn't truely matter how we got here does it? I mean all that matters to me is that we are here.

2007-07-12 20:23:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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