Your question can only be answered "According to the Scriptures.) And according to them; Adam and Eve were created by God.
Jesus, birth was brought upon by the Holy Spirit of God, that over shadowed Mary. Therefore giving birth to the baby Jesus in physical form. But, having two natures. One divine "from the Holy Spirit of God" and the second that of humanity, of which he obtained from Mary. Whereby the concept of Jesus - the God-Man comes from.
Jesus died a physical death, and was buried in a tomb. Then after three days and three night "72 hours) in the heart of the earth, he returning, taking up his once physical body, (with the marks of Calvary on it.) But, making it henceforth immortal, and rose from the tomb. Then later appearing to the followers, whereas they thought him to be a spirit. And he says to them (Luke 24:39-40) Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and his feet.
Then, 40 days later, he ascended up to heaven and took his seat at the right hand of the Father. The throne of all power and authority. Until his second return of Revelation 19:11-16; which is translated in modern day language as "Payback Time" And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
The Prophecy is recorded in Zechariah Chaprer 13 verse 6 of the scars of Jesus, saying; And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
Jesus became flesh once, and will remain, forever. He will forever, bear the marks of Calvary.
2007-07-12 12:36:54
answer #1
answered by n_007pen 4
Prophet Jesus was already a human.
Just as Adam was created without a mother or a father. Prophet Jesus was created with a mother and without a father.
2007-07-12 12:00:07
answer #2
answered by rose_ovda_night 4
Jesus is the only way of salvation using fact he's the only person who pays our sin penalty (Romans 6:23). No different faith teaches the intensity or seriousness of sin and its effects. No different faith gives you the limitless cost of sin that basically Jesus Christ ought to furnish. No different “non secular founder” replaced into God substitute into guy (John a million:a million,14) – the only way an limitless debt must be paid. Jesus had to be God so as that He ought to pay our debt. Jesus had to be guy so He ought to die. Salvation is obtainable basically by way of faith in Jesus Christ! “Salvation is modern-day in no one else, for there's no different call below heaven given to men by ability of which we could desire to be saved” (Acts 4:12).
2016-10-19 04:17:39
answer #3
answered by mcgoon 4
Jesus is already human. And, resurrected. After Jesus ascended into heaven amongst the clouds, angels told his apostles that he would return in the same way.
2007-07-12 12:00:10
answer #4
answered by Ruqaya 2
Jesus Christ never ceased to be human.
Through the incarnation He became a bona fide descendant of Adam and has never ceased to be that. That is why He is our Great High Priest, the only Mediator between God and man.
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. He says,
"I will declare your name to my brothers;
in the presence of the congregation I will sing your praises."And again,
"I will put my trust in him." And again he says,
"Here am I, and the children God has given me."
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for th sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Hebrews 2:9-18
2007-07-12 12:04:28
answer #5
answered by wefmeister 7
No, he's human now! and also divine...100% Human and 100% Divine
When he returns, he isn't coming to talk. He coming to bring judgment to the earth and bring the redeemed back to Zion (kingdom of heaven)!
"Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion and everlasting joy shall be upon their head, they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away" Isaiah 51:11
Are you redeemed?
2007-07-12 12:04:30
answer #6
answered by aizzle 2
The soul of Yeshua ben Yoseph has probably been human again several times.
The bible nonsense should be ignored as the fiction it is.
2007-07-12 12:01:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus? I think they found his bones in Tomb in Jerusalem. It doesnt look likes gonna come back....(theists would argue otherwise)
2007-07-12 12:01:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous