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Ever given any thought to just how easy it is to be violent towards others when you start from the premise that all humans are evil and sinful?

Ever give any thought to how much violence has resulted from "spare the rod and spoil the child", or Paul's admonition that wives should be obedient and subservient to their husbands?

Any idea how easy it has been to start wars when yours is supposed to be the only "true" religion and everyone else is believed to be serving Satan?

Any idea of how hard it is to sell a religion that teaches their "loving " god made it a sin to be human, because, allegedly, our forefather disobeyed one of his commands, or that every person should beg forgiveness for living another day as a human, or give thanks that this god hasn't cursed you yet?

You just don't get it, do you?

2007-07-12 10:57:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers


2007-07-12 11:01:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1- I wonder why you think that every person who is NOT Christian is evil and ""violent""? They are lost, YES. But many good people are NOT Chrstians, And certainly are NOT violent.

2- Even an animal chastises their young.

Obedient and subservient does not mean that you have the right to beat your spouse. Which, by the way, the bible tells husbands to love and treat their spouses like Jesus treats them. With love, generosity, forgiveness and honor.

3- So, ONLY or MOSLTY - folks from the true religion are war mongers? Hmmmmm!!
If you don`t believe in God, you shouldn`t be worried about serving Satan. No point to it..

4- Our God does NOT make it a SIN to be human. I don`t even know how you come up with that. No one begs for forgiveness to be living ,nor do we worry abour God cursing us. That is kinda ancient thinking.... I mean really, curses!!!!

Our Father loves us just like ANY other father. He gives to us before we even have to ask...We don`t BEG for anything. He supplies all our needs. We are thankful to our Father just like any other kid.

Ever wonder how folks who don`t have a clue what they are talking about shout the biggest load of garbage?

One more thing, Religion is man made organized meetings of persons in an organized relationship.

God is not religion or even religious. He doesn`t care if you are baptist, Methodist, Or Catholic. Those are religions. God is the FATHER.

It appears: YOU JUST DON`T GET IT !!!!

2007-07-12 18:28:32 · answer #2 · answered by jaantoo1 6 · 2 0

Ever thought how easy it is to set up strawmen and knock them down?

"Ever given any thought to just how easy it is to be violent towards others when you start from the premise that all humans are evil and sinful?"
If one took this belief to its logical conclusion, this would make people less violent, because then one would realize that he or she too is also sinful.
"Ever give any thought to how much violence has resulted from 'spare the rod and spoil the child'...."
From people who don't understand that the genre of proverbs isn't meant to be interpreted universally (or should one heed both "he who hesitates is lost" AND "look before you leap"?).
"... or Paul's admonition that wives should be obedient and subservient to their husbands?"
The Fairy Tale of Evolution has been distorted to justify racism, too. Maybe Darwin shouldn't have come up with it then.
"Any idea how easy it has been to start wars when yours is supposed to be the only 'true' religion and everyone else is believed to be serving Satan?"
Belief in the truth of one's religion and the practice of tolerance ("a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior") aren't mutually exclusive.
"Any idea of how hard it is to sell a religion that teaches their 'loving' god made it a sin to be human..."
Strawman. It's a sin to sin. We aren't sinners because of the actions of others, but because we prove that they were truly representative of us when we sin.
"every person should beg forgiveness for living another day as a human"
Not as a human, but as a human who has sinned.
"You just don't get it, do you?"
You're right. I don't get how you think any of this truly represents what I believe.

2007-07-12 18:23:23 · answer #3 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 2 0

Where do you get the idea that it is human to sin or dehuminizing not to sin? Are you suggesting that Jesus was not human? did it ever occur to you that you may be settling for ordinary when you could be extraordinary? Would you really turn down the opportunity to live your life free from anxiety, worry, fear, guilt or regret? Which would you prefer, never start using drugs or have an addiction ruin your life? You may start out with the option to use drugs or not, but that option can turn into anightmare with the wrong choice. Still think sin is all fun and games?

2007-07-12 18:19:36 · answer #4 · answered by single eye 5 · 1 0

Right we are all blind.
We should n't be selling anything. You shouldn't buy it.
Just believe that the evil is in you and me and Jesus came to save us from it.
If people fight for almost anything these days. Road rage has nothing to do with religion and people get killed for not signaling a lane change. People get stabbed for having too many items in the express lane. It is in us it is selfishness and greed and materialism.
Paul's admonition is to those wives who's husbands love them and respect them. If you have some odd notion that it means being slave then that is on you.
Jesus said he is the way the truth the life no one come to the father but by him .You chose to believe it or not. Jesus never did tell us to kill or maim those who choose differently that is again man made evil.

2007-07-12 18:10:13 · answer #5 · answered by easyericlife 4 · 2 0

Ever given any thought that you are just a man and you are a sinner.
Ever given any thought that you should not spoil your child and they may need to be punished sometime and that man took out of content of what the Bible means that the wife should be obedient, that it don't mean you should beat her.
Any idea at all that there might be a good cause to go to war to stop evil.
Any idea that when we have faith in God we don't need to try to sell the idea, we are here to serve him by choice and we don't need to beg God for forgiveness we just ask and he dose because he loves us.
It seems to me you are the one that don't get it.

2007-07-12 18:14:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

What is your criterion for judging whether something is good or bad? Since you reject God’s transcendent moral standard, all you have are your own feelings. Why should we accept the feelings of an admittedly fallible human being?
God has a sovereign plan far greater than we could imagine. Thus, we need to put our trust in God's Word and the fact that He is in total control. 'He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes' (1 Sam. 3:18).People throughout history have misused Gods word, and HE alone will make it right

2007-07-12 18:30:25 · answer #7 · answered by notthemamas1 4 · 1 0

You obviously need to do more research on what Christianity REALLY is and what the Bible REALLY teaches. Hopefully, you will allow me to educate you.

First, your total premise is wrong to say that it is a sin to be human. A sin by definition is anything that prevent us from being in complete communion with God. It is our imperfect human nature which produces sin because it is our nature to seek self-interests.

Your second question continues the distortion of reality by assuming that Christianity (and therefore Christ Himself) teaches hatred and violence. In reality, the Bible teaches love for others, self-sacrifice for the betterment of all, charity, and most importantly mercy. The reason mercy and forgiveness are so important is the fact that we are to remember how imperfect we are in the eyes of God and should therefore not be hypocrites to others. Christ never taught violence, evil, or hatred.

Your third question continues the incorrect path about violence by assuming that disciplining children and establishing a guideline for unity between a man and woman in the course of their marriage is a bad and evil thing. One problem with today's society is the removal of any form of raising children to respect authority, repect the rule of law, and the fact that actions have consequences. Discipline is not a form of hatred but of love. Next, any team has one person who is ultimately responsible for making desicions. That doesn't mean that others do not think or provide input. What it means, though, is that when the chips are down, ONE person is held responsible. As the saying goes, "A house divided falls in on itself."

Your fourth question proceeds to assume that Christians are war-mongers, which again is completely false. While we do have the obligation to fight evil, a decision to enter into a war is not one which should be taken lightly.

I do not try to "sell" my faith as you try to proclaim in the fifth question. I do not have to. People can either accept the sacrifice that Christ made on the Cross for us or they cannot. People can either accept that they are fallible and in the need of God's mercy and healing or they cannot. You also make it appear negative to beg from God. That's fine. I find nothing wrong with coming to grips with my total and complete need of God's mercy and healing in my life. I am not ashamed to say that it is through God's Grace that I make it through the day. I give thanks for the abundant blessings not the absence of curses.

Finally, what I do not get is the reason people feel that they must twist, distort, and demonize a faith which truly call for love and charity. I suppose I do get the reason because I do believe there are spiritual battles going on for souls. I do believe there are evil forces at work hoping to destory as many people as possible and turn them from God's Son, Jesus Christ.

2007-07-12 18:49:45 · answer #8 · answered by Wookie 3 · 2 0

Damn dude you hit a chord.nice.only in a religion can someone start disputes.and to all christians,dont forget the raids you did in other countries to convert.

2007-07-12 18:42:30 · answer #9 · answered by eric m 2 · 0 1

You want to be God or what. After all, we are just human being with making all the dam mistake.

2007-07-12 18:01:56 · answer #10 · answered by Near of DN 4 · 2 1

When I die I feel pretty sure I won't need an attorney or a religion to enjoy the fruits of my labor...

2007-07-12 18:02:32 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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