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NOTE: The above question is only for Christians that like/support/are ok with Harry Potter; D&D, and other fantasy books and games; any responses from others will be ignored, and not considered for best answer.

As a Christian, please give your defense to the above subject matters, and tell me why they are not a problem to you. Do you think that it's ok for kids (and adults) to read, watch, and play with fantasy material, as long as they don't engage in real occult practices? How would you keep them from getting involved in real occult practices, if they enjoy this fictional fantasy stuff? Be as complete with your answers as possible; as the best defense will get chosen for best answer. Thank you.

P.S. With your answer, consider what the Bible has to say about being involved in occult practices.

2007-07-12 07:57:04 · 22 answers · asked by Christian 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Christians have read fairy tales and pagan mythology for centuries, and no one thought that mere literature could lead someone into the occult all by itself.

And two of the most celebrated theologians of the 20th century, namely J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, have written many fantasy novels involving magic and mythological creatures, and no one has thought anything of it.

As the Apostle Paul points out in the 14th chapter of his letter to the Romans, different people have different weaknesses, so different people will be affected by different things. What is harmless to one person might be suggestive and tempting to another. The main thing is to avoid anything that you think might compromise your faith, or walk with Jesus, without passing judgment on people who might disagree with your choices, and without doing anything that might offend or harm the faith of someone else.

Some people can read Harry Potter, for example, and walk away from it thinking that it is just a story, and it doesn't affect them at all. Other people, especially the very young, might have trouble telling fact from fantasy, and probably should avoid this type of material.

As the Apostle Paul would say, it all depends on the individual, and what you and the Holy Spirit know that you can handle. Your relationship it between you and God, and Jesus will judge you for your choices, not me.

2007-07-12 08:10:14 · answer #1 · answered by Randy G 7 · 5 2

I think it largely depends on the person. I can not think of a time when I did not know fact from fiction. The westerns I watched every night as a kid had the bad guy shot each episode and the same actor would appear next week on another series. I always knew what squibs were. The little bags of red dye and syrup that explode to simulate blood.

However, in the 5th grade, one of my classmates actually thought the Seaview, from Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea series, was real!

Some of the questioners here sound like they have problems separating the real from fiction. The Da Vinci Code ring a bell? His painting of The Last Supper was not a photograph! These people would have a problem with Harry Potter and the like.

As far as the movies go, I like them. Not #1 on my hit parade, but very good, well done. I plan to see #5 but will not buy the DVD set. I own the Star Wars DVD set. I read a series called The Destroyer about assassins because of the outrageous humor. Not for a moment do I confuse this fiction with reality or how I treat fellow humans.

I would also never go near any of the things accompanying occult practices as that might open a path for demon influence. In building houses, only a small crack in insulation or the foundation allows termites, mold, and makes your other insulation you paid an arm and a leg for, useless. So I do not underestimate the ability of evil.

2007-07-12 08:20:14 · answer #2 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 0

Harry Potter is great! No Harry Potter fans I know actually believe in practicing magic. There's been so much hubbub on this topic and I really do not understand why.

What some people forget is that fictional books are FICTION and must be taken as such. In the end, it's the story that matters, not its trappings. It's the story that really makes people think, not magic. The Harry Potter series is about a regular teenage boy living life, struggling to overcome evil with the help of his friends. He makes mistakes and corrects them; he loves his friends. Magic in the Harry Potter series is simply an ability.

There is nothing whatsoever wrong with children reading Harry Potter and similar fantasy material, as long as they realize that that is all it is: fantasy. Magic in the real world is not something to be fooled around with; it doesn't work the way it does in stories. But occult practices are something entirely different from magic in fantasy books, and I think anyone who's had a decent upbringing will realize that.

2007-07-12 08:13:07 · answer #3 · answered by csbp029 4 · 2 0

One does not need to be a practicing Christian to answer your question in a reasonable manner.

I have known many practicing Christians who see no direct reason for avoiding fantasy books, movies and games (even those with magic components). Is Superman or the X-Men any less evil than Harry Potter? How about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny (or the Great Pumpkin, for that matter)?

There is a huge difference between imagination and real deeds. Most adults (and many children) can determine the difference between make-believe and reality. Those who cannot have deeper problems that probably require professional help.

Calling a person a Magician and then saying this means that they are evil has never read the Book of Daniel. References in the New Testament including Acts and Revelations only mention Magic as practiced by what would already be called sinners. It never says All Magic Users. Re-read those passages again.

For example in Rev. 21:8
the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars.

Some versions use the word "witchcraft" instead of "magic arts", or replace the whole phrase with "sorcerers" but the meaning is those who use magic for selfish ends. This was the connotation of the words when written. They have since been twisted for other reasons.

Some Christians today do not believe in magic, singing, dancing or drinking alcohol. I would not say that they are wrong, but I do question their Biblical basis for this behavior. Christ not only drank wine, but he told his followers to do so to remember Him. He also changed water into wine at a wedding (sound like magic to you?).

"Occult practices" is a phrase loaded with emotional baggage. Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit similar to magic? Do not let the modern uses of the words interfer with study of the Word (Logos). Is a spiritual healer a magician? Does one who Speaks in Tongues just a faker, one who lies?

Any Christian who states that the Bible is not open to interpretation has not studied the individual books in their original languages. Remember that if Christ truly believed that his followers should have their lives dictated by passages in a written work, he would have written the Gospel According to Jesus. Instead he left us with the simple message:

Love One Another.

If you are personally asked "How can you be a Christian and still read Harry Potter or play D&D?", then perhaps you can answer that your Faith in the Lord is strong enough to see the difference between Fantasy and Reality and you will not be taken from your Faith.

2007-07-13 16:52:32 · answer #4 · answered by Richard 7 · 8 0

Do I think it's okay? Yes- but that's because I'm strong in my faith and secure in my beliefs, and a game isn't going to change that. I know the difference between right and wrong, and am not easily swayed.

Do I think it's okay to engage in fantasy material, as long as it doesn't involve occult practices? Yes- because its the realm of fun and imagination and isn't real, any more than Star Wars is actual science.

How would I keep kids from getting involved in the occult?-
by making sure they have a solid, grounding foundation in faith, logic, reason, and an ability to seek information and make wise choices. The problem most parents have is they want to forbid kids to do things- which, when kids go thru their adolescent rebellion phase, is only going to make them more attractive as a way to "get back" at their parents. The new age/Wicca movement is so strong because its mostly kids, including adults who never really matured- and are rebelling against society and think being a rebel against God makes them cool. It's a little silly, really. I was a Goth, but I grew out of it.
So, the solution is pretty easy- present both sides to kids. This is faith, the church, the bible- here is what it is, and what it isn't, and what it offers and stands for. This is wicca, the occult, voodoo- here is what it is and WHAT IT ISN"T, and what it offers and stands for. Most kids think being a wiccan can REALLY make them cast spells, and when they find out they can't, it will lose its appeal.

And remember that there's nothing wrong with Christian Fantasy settings- like Narnia- CS Lewis, anyone? Good place to start.

Mostly, remember that if your kids system of values only lasts as long as you're standing over their shoulder watching them, then they really have no values. Teach them to make their own decisions- even bad ones- and they'll respect you for it, and grow out of their adolescent rebellion much quicker, the way Silver Ravenwolf and other wiccans can't.

2007-07-13 05:09:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Will an answer from a former Christian do? I was raised by my Methodist Sunday school teacher mother, so I think I can qualify.

When I was a kid, the dominant fantasy source was Disney. Some people disapproved because he showed magic in the cartoons, but my parents replied that he also gave significant moral instruction. I think the same, only more so, can be said of Harry Potter.

If a kid learns all their moral and ethical instructions in a Christian context, they may not realize that much of what they are learning is also valid to non-Christians. They may feel, for example, that if they want to be allowed to lie, cheat and steal, all they have to do is stop going to Sunday school. Just as I eventually realized that in order to stop being hassled about masturbation . . .

Anyway, I think it is important for kids to exercise their imagination, as well as to learn which is fantasy and which is reality. And I do not think Harry Potter or fantasy game fans necessarily consider real magic at all. They are content to enjoy it as fantasy unless someone teaches them about real magic. You do not plan to do that, do you?

P.S. to one of the earlier answerers: Harry Potter is NOT anti-religion. In fact, it is remarkable how cleverly Rowling has managed to side-step the issue of religion entirely in her books. Note that the holidays are referred to as Halloween (not Samhain), Christmas (not Yule; the "Yule Ball" is held on Christmas eve, not the winter solstice), and Easter (not Oestara). But no mention is made of religion, or of treating witchcraft and wizardry as a religion. That's Gerald Gardner's thing.

2007-07-14 01:39:49 · answer #6 · answered by auntb93 7 · 0 0

As a Catholic that doesn't really care whether or not I'm chosen as a best answer I will tell you I have no problem with any of the things you have mentioned because they are FICTIONAL!

I don't know about you, but I don't think my niece has a chance to enroll at Hogwarts, and I'll have to forever regret not being able to fulfill my wish of a pet dragon (like actual fire breathing and all).

Smart people know the difference between truth and fiction, just ask my 5 year old niece. I don't worry about her getting into "the occult" because she is being raised Catholic and knows the difference between good and bad.

2007-07-12 08:05:58 · answer #7 · answered by zytlaly 4 · 5 1

Wow, this question is SO out from left field that it makes me laugh. Being a fan of "fantasy" stuff, I've never even CONSIDERED it having ANY ties to the occult. Its bogus people like YOU that have to bring non-existant issues up to -I dont know- give you something to do without a job.

2007-07-13 09:13:25 · answer #8 · answered by Nick 2 · 0 0

I think there's no problem with them. There isn't any blasphemy in them, it's just the creation of a fantasy world. It's like saying science fiction is demonic. All the author is doing is creating a possible alternate world--he's not denying God. I think it's very good for both kids and adults to read/play them--they encourage creativity, and make them think. Lord knows we need more of that.

2007-07-12 08:06:38 · answer #9 · answered by cross-stitch kelly 7 · 4 1

J.R.R Tolkien was a Roman Catholic and C.S. Lewis converted to Christianity. J.K. Rowling has said she believes in God and attends church from time to time.

Meaning Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicles of Narnia were written by religious folk. Their books were not openly opposed by the Church as much as Harry Potter is however.

2007-07-12 08:03:09 · answer #10 · answered by Ian G 3 · 4 0

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