Thank you for those analogies, they make perfect sense to me. The earth is a nice place to live. It has been made just for us. Everything is here for us, water, food, sunlight, we have weather so that our crops grow, etc. Everything on earth points to a creative design. And since the Bible tells us that God created it, we have the answer.
2007-07-12 16:38:26
answer #1
answered by SisterCF 4
Well.. I saw two problems.. 1 - You're only putting in exactly the amount of metal you need for the watch, into a small bag, and the universe is several light years wide..
2 - The universe has far more supplies than a bag of metal. ^.^
(And a virgin-born, cosmic, Jewish zombie-God-man is very logical!)
Edit : "There is just too much detail and prescion in the world to conclude that it was just there, did you know that if the sun was merely 1 inch closer to the earth , would burn? Or if it was 1 inch farther from the earth it would freeze? And guess where i got that? A science book, because i love science and our creator." Are you serious? I didn't realize we could prove that. (Don't go to the equator. It's a lot more than 1 inch closer to the sun than the US is. :D )
2007-07-12 11:15:28
answer #2
answered by Joe S. 3
Of course the Earth did not form itself. Of course it took some time and effort.
after the sun was created, it influenced other particles of gas and rock towards it. As a clump of stuff started getting momentum, it started to spin, creating gravity, and finally clumped enough stuff together to create a planet.
Then luckily, cooling, bombardment, and leftover gases stabilized the Earth, and finally life could begin.
Many other planets in the solar system were close to getting that far, but they had tiny differences that ended in extreme improbability for a world like Earth to form.
We were lucky.
So the answer to your thought would be that yes, you are right the Earth could not have formed itself, many influences culminated into its creation. Even God could have not thought "why, i think ill create a universe now, shall I?"
And the Big Bang theory? Of course it is hard to believe. Anyone would agree that Gods and Horrendous space kablooies are equally hard to prove and far -fetched.
Of course all that is a theory, and so is God.
But what do we know? Heck what do i know?
But one thing that truly stumps me is: how is the big bang theory or Earth formation related to atheism in any way?
Enjoy my response to your thought.
2007-07-12 07:32:25
answer #3
answered by mateohao2003 3
Far more logical is the belief that some big bozo rolled up a ball of mud and set it into space. There's the earth. Then he rolls up some balls that are thousands of times bigger that the earth, and sets them into space. Then he puts zillions and zillions of other planets and stars all through space.
Strange, nobody has been able to figure out how anyone could possibly do that, or where all the material came from, or where he came from. or what tiny shread of evidence supports such a crazy belief.
Religious people say that evolution believers must show where the material for the earth came from, that everything must come from someplace.
Fair enough. I would like the church people to tell me where god got the material from. And whatever answer they come up with - - - how did the material get there ? It had to come from someplace. Whatever the answer, where did it come from in order to be there ?
In other words, the religious people say that non-believers must show where the earth came from, but when you ask them, they're stuck for an answer.
2007-07-12 07:31:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Two sides in this debate. I agree that the human's for example , have utility of design- the lungs to breathe, reproduction, etc, shows INTENT. So your watchmakers argument ( as it is called) has much merit in the debate with atheists.
The rebuttal, however, that people simply can't grasp some concepts like eternity or 'creation' , since neither fit the laws of nature/physics. HENCE, deists simply invent a creature (god) for which the rules of time and space don't apply.
Their answer- inventing a being which doesn't follow the laws of nature is not an answer, it just shifts the question.
Who created the universe? god.
Who created 'god? god always was.
well, by that reasoning could just say the universe always was.......
Neither argument is strong.
My guess is there is a being greater than us,
2007-07-12 07:17:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I just thought I'd comment on the opinions voiced here. I laugh at the narrow minds at work here. The big bang theory is just that a theory. Man is always trying explain what he doesn't understand. It is difficult to admit when you can not explain something because it gives you a felling of weakness. That's why most atheists produce theories so they can convince themselves that they are all knowing and the greatest intellect inferior to none. The truth is there is things we can not explain because a being greater than us created them. For example you can understand a 3 sided figure and picture in your mind what it looks like. Try to picture a 1000 sided figure. Too complex for you to comprehend yet no less capable of existing. This is like trying to understand God and how powerful he is. For those who say there is no God and that we are here by chance. How sad are you? Honestly, if you truly believe that why aren't you running around doing whatever you want because the end effect is the same, you cease to exist? Admit that there is something in your head that helps you distinguish right and wrong. This is only your conscience right? A natural phenomenon that helps the human species stay alive by exhibiting behavior beneficial to the human race. WRONG this is God telling you that you are wrong and you just deny him. So he still does talk to you and he talks to you through other people and you still ignore him. I suggest all you arrogant scientific minded people look at the Answers in Genesis series by Dr. Ken Ham. It's hard to argue with him but if you want to debate it shoot me an email.
2007-07-13 03:09:27
answer #6
answered by Jared G 5
big bang theory is a theory, just the same as the formation of earth and other planets. because we have no way of experimenting it by creating our own planet or our own universe. but because it's a theory doesn't mean it has no credabilities. you can hardly compare formation of earth to making a watch out of a bag of metals. matters, particles and elements all follow laws of physics and quantum physics, these laws dictates them to act certain ways, such as form a planet. the metals of a watch, however, don't have a set of laws that dictates their behaviors to turn themselves into a watch. as of the cabin in the woods. with the theories of evolution and adoptation, it seems more like we have been living in the woods for a long time, and have learned to cut down trees, and make tools, forge metals, then we build a cabin for ourselves to live in, and stock it with things we need to survive, but since it took so long for us to do it, we became unsure if we did by ourselves at all. maybe watch and cabin are not very good examples to argue, because watch and cabin are made by people and used by people. and you are using these to compare with something that is not made by people, and not used only by people either. it just doesn't seem right to me.
2007-07-12 07:24:20
answer #7
answered by Chuck Schwarzenegger 2
It is quite a different matter to see artifacts on the one hand, and the world on the other. The bottom line here is that this is another case of the anthropic argument: the world is as it is for our convenience. This is an example of a logical fallacy called post hoc; the reality is that we are here because it is possible; no driving force is required other than the laws of physics, which prevail througout all space and time.
2007-07-12 07:21:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
if there was a big bang, what came before that? there had to be something to explode, right?
The problem we have is that people want a beginning and an end because they have been conditioned to think that way.
there is no beginning of everything. Everything always existed in some form and always will exist in some other form, by the definition of the words exist and form.
What is interesting, and either gives you peace of mind or freaks you out, is to understand that time is a human construct used to measure one aspect of existence. We can look at history and conclude that there are many many things we have no idea about yet, that will change how we view the place in which we find ourselves as we gain further understanding. Its a cool and interesting journey. enjoy the trip.
2007-07-12 07:17:22
answer #9
answered by John M 7
Nobody has ever claimed that a bag of metal parts can be shaken up and a watch will drop out. Nobody has every claimed that a log cabin can materialize out of nothing.
What they do claim is that certain chemical and physical processes can occur over billions of years and very slowly produce the universe as we see it.
Consider - I can put gasoline in my car and it will go. If I put water in it nothing will happen. It is all a matter of which physical laws do what under what circumstances.
2007-07-12 07:18:05
answer #10
answered by Alan 7