yes, it is very easy to get a credit card. It is also just as easy to become full of debt which is what they are hoping will happen. They are looking for suckers to rob blind. I have one credit card pay the balance each month or sometimes just the minimum and only charge when I absolutely need to.
2007-07-17 08:28:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes it is. I had to do a term paper on the effect of credit cards on teens and families. Just listen to some of the facts. In the recent U.S. Treasury report, 46% of all households have over 2000 dollars in credit card debt. That is not an outstanding current charge, it is debt. That debt can accumulate over 200 dollars per month in late fee charges etc. This is how the credit card companies make it affordable to give credit cards to any and all. At this point, there is not law on who can recieve a credit card. In 2004 or 2003 there was a big lawsute (forgive the spelling) against capitol one because a child 12 had recieved a credit card offer, sent it in, recieved a card, and charged over 2000 dollars on it. The family who suied lost and had to pay because there are no laws on how old you have to be and since having a credit card is an open and no deal type of thing, it is not catagorized as entering a contract making it legal for a young child to posses one.
The last thing to consider is that you don't even have to show I.D. when purchasing with a credit card. SO yes, it is too easy to get a credit card.
2007-07-12 13:22:05
answer #2
answered by man who is lost 2
Yes it is too easy to get approved for a credit card.
What amazes me is how many young people that are ages 13 and 14 want credit cards!
I never had a real credit card until I was 26. Even then, I did not want one and I rarely used it. (I needed it for business travel, because hotels/motels insist on it as a source of a security deposit. They don't like taking cash.)
There only advantages to using credit cards is the ability to just write one check at the end of the month to pay for all of your purcahses. Of course, not carrying around a large amount of cash is nice too. But as far as those deals are concerned (2% rebates and special pricing to members), there is very little benefit to the consumers.
2007-07-16 23:10:00
answer #3
answered by nickdc1960 7
Yes I agree it is beyond too easy to get a credit card. I’ve had my identity stolen and it was much easier for the thieves to get the cards then prove I really was who I said I was and close the accounts. I’m willing to trade the convenience of getting a quick approval over the phone, for needing to go in, show proper ID, and give them a thumb print.
2007-07-12 13:15:49
answer #4
answered by Robin C 5
good question, yes it is for NOW. You will see them tightening up those standards. Use mortgage companies as an example it was very very easy for anyone to get a mortgage 3 years ago. NOW it is much more difficult and you will see credit card companies follow this.
2007-07-12 13:39:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
lol did you ever see the married w/ children where buck got approved for a credit card and they bought a whole bunch of stuff? Yes way too easy.
2007-07-12 13:12:26
answer #6
answered by KidCuervo 3
when my son was less then a week old he got a pre approved credit card offer i couldnt believe it..yes its way too easy i get like 5 offers a day in the mail and i shred them all unopened
2007-07-12 13:18:02
answer #7
answered by little78lucky 7
yeah but those pre approval things are just a way to suck you in to filling out the real thing i havent been able to recive a credit card yet but i just barly turned 18 a month ago
2007-07-12 13:12:55
answer #8
answered by adriannmodel 2
they pre approve everyone now a days, even if you had bankruptcy recently! Off course, they have different criteria to approve the card. But they doesn't want to miss any opportunity to lend you money.
2007-07-12 13:17:03
answer #9
answered by Ted 4
Your dog must have pretty good credit.
I don't think it is too easy to get a card. It is just too easy to use it when you have it!
2007-07-12 13:17:08
answer #10
answered by Mr. Taco 7