Ahh, but you will see them again in the Christ promised ressurection!
Sometimes it helps to look at the big picture.
2007-07-11 16:03:24
answer #1
answered by Tim 47 7
The best way for you to understand things is to go to Bible Studys or get the studys from the christian book stores that you can do a workbook with the books--they are easy and you really learn a lot! Your purpose here according to the King James version of the Bible is to gorify God--this place is temporary--we all die! I think that anyone who loves (Remember that God is Love) does not forget someone they love ever! Tell me where it says in the Bible that when you die you forget your loved ones. If someone has told you that--ask them to prove it to you that it is in the Bible. Don't give up the good fight! Remember that God says that we don't fight against ourselves--but principalities of darkess --Remember that satan is very smart--he even has seen heaven--don't be sucked in by others telling you things that they do not prove to you first! God Bless
2007-07-11 16:17:45
answer #2
answered by Deborah G 3
i don't believe that, when you die, you don't remember loved ones anymore.
i'm a christian, and i'm working on going into missions. you're right: there are a lot of made up things. that's why you go directly to the Bible. (the following remarks are not bashing, just facts and what i believe.)
Cathlics and Mormons have made up many rules. things like praying to mary, and not being allowed to drink caffinated drinks. Rules like those were made by men.
go straight to an orrigonal bible (one that doesn't have any extra books), like a new international version or a king james. there are many concordances that you can get that will also help too.
i hope that my answer has helped you, and i pray that you continue to walk stong in your straight and narrow path.
"Therefore, sense we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness,let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with preserverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1
2007-07-11 16:16:20
answer #3
answered by kim_yrdiah 1
Because most of beliefs have been made up by man-
The Bible tells us at ”—1 John 4:1.to test every inspired expression to see where it originates, with the world (man) or with God. On your though regarding death check out what THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY...
Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 For as respects whoever is joined to all the living there exists confidence, because a live dog is better off than a dead lion. 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun.
It CLEARLY states that the death are not conscience of anything, so this rules out the thought of watching over their loved ones. They are not in a place or torment or suffering.
Similarly, Psalm 146:4 says that when a man dies, “his thoughts do perish.” We are mortal and do not survive the death of our body. The life we enjoy is like the flame of a candle. When the flame is put out, it does not go anywhere. It is simply gone.
Does your religion agree with what the Bible teaches about the dead? Most do not. Why? Because their teachings have been influenced by Satan. He uses false religion to get people to believe that after their body dies, they will continue to live in the spirit realm. This is a lie that Satan combines with other lies to turn people away from God.
Knowing the truth about the dead protects you from being misled by religious lies. It also helps you to understand other Bible teachings. For example, when you realize that people do not pass on to the spirit realm at death, the promise of everlasting life on a paradise earth takes on real meaning for you.
You will be able to see your loved ones again, note what Jesus promised at John 5:28,29
. 28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
▪ The dead do not see or hear or think.—Ecclesiastes 9:5.
▪ The dead are at rest; they do not suffer.—John 11:11.
▪ We die because we inherited sin from Adam.—Romans 5:12
2007-07-11 16:19:59
answer #4
answered by erica t 2
You will see your loved ones in heaven, it's promised by christ. Also about some parts of religo being made up, yes it happens, very much actually. So the best thing to do is read the bible and pray to God, then you will have a strong faith and good relationship with God with out people's parts of religon being thrown in.
2007-07-11 16:06:26
answer #5
answered by I'm here for now 3
I can help you, I know what you feeling. I'm going to try and explain to you what happened to me.
I needed God and found him. Then I joined a Church. Well they started to teach me but one day I reserched what they were saying and found they were NOT only one tracked minded but misunderstanding the bible as well.
If I said to you "He is limp" .... what would you think that meant? Some would say it meant he couldnt get hard, others would say a limb was broke, or he had some mental issues... Point is with out knowing exactly who, what, and so on, how can you think anything aside from what your interpatation is?
your family should be "saved" and I say that lightly because it is widely misunderstood and misused, but if they are not simply pray that God will bring them to the point of being able to join you in heaven.
I feel the bible is the same way. Many will disagree, but start looking in to things your self and you will see every relaigion has thier own idea of what things mean, and even with in the same Church people will tell you something different.
we all different, and the bible will bring us to an understanding of what is going on in our own lives, no one else can do that for you. The problem is most Churches have forgotten the true meaning of GOD!!!
Some one asked me "what is heaven for you" ... I said Sheep, I want to herd Sheep with no worries, fears or anything else, I just want tons of animals around me 24-7 .... they laugh.... Animals arnt in Heaven.... But the bible says I will be happy, so if sheep make me happy why wouldnt they be with me?
The fact is, NO ONE has died, went to heaven then came back to tell us about it, except for John (read Revalation). But he didnt tell us what we really wanted to know, he told us what we really needed to know.
Dont listen to any one, read your bible every day, and allow God to tell you what it means for you. I assure you, you will find it much more relaxing when you elimanate the crap others fill your head with.
2007-07-11 16:19:25
answer #6
answered by Me 4
I know right from wrong too and I'm an Atheist. The funny thing is it is made up. The way people practice today isn't the same way they did years ago. Things change and religion had to also. Unfortunately for religion, they have to change the way they interperet the bible on a daily basis. If you ask any specific question to a number of christians you will receive 100 different answers. Ask that same question to someone that doesn't believe and you'll find that the answes not only make more sense, they are also able to be proven by science.
2007-07-11 16:09:52
answer #7
answered by Patrick 4
Me too. Have bein wonder a lot lately because a lot of things the preacher says are in the bible are not really the truth. It goes back and forth and around and around. It confuses me sometimes. I see a lot of the folks that come to my church doing a lot of things that Jesus said not to do like treating people bad and stuff. My Grama said just before she pased away that she would watch over me everyday so not to worry. Then the pastor said it was just talk to make me feel better cause I'd miss her. She never lied to me before so I believe her.
2007-07-11 16:09:39
answer #8
answered by UnityForce 1
Quite honestly, we don't know what the afterlife is going to be like.
I perfer the Jewish position - life is a gift from G-d. We are to concentrate on living this life instead of focusing on the next one. Part of that means having faith in G-d, that he will do right by you.
Those that claim this and that about heaven do not know. They do not have the mind of G-d. Instead, concentrate on knowing and loving G-d more deeply.
And personally, I believe that G-d allows us to have deep, loving interactions with each other. Do you really think that these would be null and void when we get to heaven? Our souls are experiencing these relationship now. And it is our souls that will be in the afterlife.
2007-07-11 16:13:00
answer #9
answered by noncrazed 4
"...I believe in god...I follow God's Word...I feel like some things in the religion have been made up.."
1 - Do believe in god.
2 - Do read and follow God's Word.
3 - RELIGION is a man made institution, and some things within religions are made up.
Go by what it says in the bible. That's where the truth is. If it does not align with what your pastor is teaching, show him - if he doesn't see the light, leave and find a true bible teaching pastor. If your feelings don't align with what is in the bible, recognize that your feelings don't align with God - who should change?
2007-07-11 16:11:07
answer #10
answered by teran_realtor 7
Watching over us is a job granted to the angels, not the saints.
When we get to this heaven, we are in the presence of God and other saved loved ones, we are not watching over our living loved ones.
The point of bad memories being erased from our memories does not come until after this heaven and this earth have passed away, and the new heaven and the new earth have come down. It is at that point that all tears are wiped away and bad memories are erased.
2007-07-11 16:06:03
answer #11
answered by cindy 6