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27 answers

God has already forgiven all men.
It is men who have rejected the offer.

2007-07-11 15:41:30 · answer #1 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 1 0

The bible actually says 144,000 will go to heaven. That is less than 1% of people living today, so if the questioner takes that seriously he/she certainly has a right to say that at least 99% go to hell. It's actually far more. You could say 99.9% and still be very accurate.

The answer is that Jesus is an amalgam of many characters. He is based on the mythology that preceded his story. Man-gods such as Mythras and so forth. Jesus therefore comes off as having a personality that often contridicts itself. Some of his teachings seem to make the very idea of hell seem the polar opposite of what he preaches, while other teachings fit right in with it. This is because these different stories and teachings were simply drawn from a variety of earlier characters, written by different authors, each with their own view of how things should be/were/etc.

Read anything by Dr. Robert Price for more detailed information on the subject. By far the best biblical scholar IMHO.

2007-07-11 15:42:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a very fundamentalist view indeed. This is what Hell is about, and only this : GOD CANNOT CHANGE HIS NATURE —it is fearful, but it is right to say it;—that if we wished to imagine a punishment for an unholy, reprobate soul, we perhaps could not fancy a greater than to summon it to heaven. Heaven would be hell to an irreligious man. We know how unhappy we are apt to feel at present, when alone in the midst of strangers, or of men of different tastes and habits from ourselves. How miserable, for example, would it be to have to live in a foreign land, among a people whose faces we never saw before, and whose language we could not learn. And this is but a faint illustration of the loneliness of a man of earthly dispositions and tastes, thrust into the society of saints and angels. How forlorn would he wander through the courts of heaven! He would find no one like himself; he would see in every direction the marks of God's holiness, and these would make him shudder. He would feel himself always in His presence. He could no longer turn his thoughts another way, as he does now, when conscience reproaches him. He would know that the Eternal Eye was ever upon him; and that Eye of holiness, which is joy and life to holy creatures, would seem to him an Eye of wrath and punishment. GOD CANNOT CHANGE HIS NATURE Holy He must ever be. But while He is holy, no unholy soul can be happy in heaven.

2016-05-20 01:18:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Imagine you are in court and found guilty of a serious crime. The judge has sentenced you to life in prison without the possiblity of parole unless you can come up with $100,000 but you don't have a penny to your name. Then a stranger in the court says "Your Honor, here is the money to pay for this man's freedom." and has the whole payment in cash in his hand. The judge then looks at you and asks if you accept this man's payment. If you do, the charges are dropped and you're free to go. If not, the the sentence remains.

Jesus doesn't send anyone to Hell. He is the one who wants to keep you out of Hell. So much so that He gave His own life for you. He took the punsihment for your sins. His death is a free gift to you. But you have to accept it.

2007-07-11 15:44:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I really like you :]

I think it's really funny that people can actually believe that God said these things. They were most likely written by some men who wanted to be in charge. Which is where there is confession, and no birth control. I mean, Most of the things people claim he said were said before writing was invented so...how is there a written record of it? Also, if you read the Bible closely, you can tell that it is written by several different people, the writing styles are completely different.

It's like my reliegeous friend once told me: I know for a fact that everyone believes in Jesus. They just don't all believe he was our savior. I was like, what about all the people who live in seclusion who have never even hearn of Jesus? And I feel bad because if you really are going to hell if you don't accept Jesus as your savior, all those people who have never heard of him are just fukced.

2007-07-11 15:36:54 · answer #5 · answered by Katie V 2 · 1 0

WE are being tested. Can we do as we are told to? Are we good enough? If not and some are being anything from nasty to having fun murdering people would you want to live with such minds in the afterlife?
But remember if one is even a murderer and he accepts Jesus as he should, he can go to Heaven.
We only go to Hell if we don't put the effort and belief of God into our hearts - fulltime.

2007-07-11 15:40:18 · answer #6 · answered by geessewereabove 7 · 0 0

If we all do that then everyone wouldn't be torched by the flames of Hell. People are judge by God in the afterlife. God determines who goes to Heaven or who goes to Hell base on his/her sins. Jesus isn't the guy who sends humanity to Hell by the way. He's the one who died for our sins (that's if you believe the bible like me). He also is the savior who will take your sins away if you repent and never commit that same sin again. I truly hope this helps. That's all I know.

2007-07-11 15:38:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who said He is sending 99% of humanity to Hell??

2007-07-11 15:34:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Do you believe that only 1% of the population are followers of Christ? Where did you get that statistic? Also, people are told that they can go to Heaven if they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or they can face judgement for their sins. God gives you a choice between heaven and hell, between life and death. People who have heard the gospel and rejected it has already made their choice, so the blame is on their own heads. God bless.

2007-07-11 15:35:03 · answer #9 · answered by 4Christ 4 · 1 1

For the last time God doesn't send anyone to hell. We choose to go to hell for not receiving Gods gift of salvation paid for on the cross.

2007-07-11 16:19:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think if you read John's 2nd letter to the Statisticians closely you will find that the correct answer is that only 96% of us will go to hell and 3 % will actually go to purgatory. Better check your facts next time.

2007-07-11 15:36:50 · answer #11 · answered by Frodosfeet 2 · 0 0

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