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Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?---Martin Luther

“What then shall we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews?
First, their synagogues should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up should be covered or spread over with dirt so that no one may ever be able to see a cinder or stone of it. And this ought to be done for the honour of God and of Christianity, in order that God may see that we are true Christians.
Secondly, their homes should be likewise broken down and destroyed.
Thirdly, they should be deprived of their prayerbooks and talmuds in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught.
Fourthly, their rabbis must be forbidden under threats of death to teach anymore.” – Martin Luther

“If I find a Jew to baptize, I shall lead him to the Elbe bridge, hang a stone around his neck, and push him into the water, baptizing him with the name of Avraham!.. I cannot convert the Jews. Our lord Christ did not succeed in doing so; but I can close their mouths so that there will be nothing for them to do but to lie upon the ground.” – Martin Luther

“I hope I shall never be so stupid as to be circumcised; I would rather cut off the left breast of my Catherine and of all women.” --- Martin Luther

“If we are to remain unsullied by the blasphemy of the Jews and not wish to take part in it, we must be separated from them and they must be driven out of the country.” – Martin Luther

Jesus did not call them Abraham's children, but a "brood of vipers" [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, "He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord also calls them a "brood of vipers"; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: "If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil. It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today.------Martin Luther

Learn from this, dear Christian, what you are doing if you permit the blind Jews to mislead you. Then the saying will truly apply, "When a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into the pit" [cf. Luke 6:39]. You cannot learn anything from them except how to misunderstand the divine commandments...------Martin Luther

St. John Chrysostom: “I know that many people hold a high regard for the Jews and consider their way of life worthy of respect at the present time... This is why I am hurrying to pull up this fatal notion by the roots ... A place where a whore stands on display is a whorehouse. What is more, the synagogue is not only a whorehouse and a theater; it is also a den of thieves and a haunt of wild animals ... not the cave of a wild animal merely, but of an unclean wild animal ... When animals are unfit for work, they are marked for slaughter, and this is the very thing which the Jews have experienced. By making themselves unfit for work, they have become ready for slaughter. This is why Christ said: “as for my enemies, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them and slay them before me’ (Luke 19.27).”


2007-07-11 13:14:48 · 10 answers · asked by Mithrianity 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

Martin Luther was Catholic (...his followers are Lutheran). He disagreed with the Church on several points, but hatred of Jews was not one of them. The Catholic Church fathered the Holocaust.

You probably didn't even realize when you were cutting and pasting that your last anti-Semitic quote is from St. John Chrysostom, a 4th century Catholic.

Here's some more Catholic quotes:

St. Gregory: “ Jews are slayers of the Lord, murderers of the prophets, enemies of God, haters of God, adversaries of grace, enemies of their fathers’ faith, advocates of the devil, brood of vipers, slanderers, scoffers, men of darkened minds, leaven of the Pharisees, congregation of demons, sinners, wicked men, stoners and haters of goodness.”

St. Jerome: “....serpents, haters of all men, their image is Judas ... their psalms and prayers are the braying of donkeys..”

St. Augustine: “Judaism is a corruption. Indeed Judas is the image of the Jewish people. Their understanding of the Scriptures is carnal. They bear the guilt for the death of the saviour, for through their fathers they have killed the Christ.”

St. Thomas Aquinas: “It would be licit to hold Jews, because of the crimes, in perpetual servitude, and therefore the princes may regard the possessions of Jews as belonging to the State.”

2007-07-11 13:19:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The two errors of Luther, it can be seen, contain within them two seeds of truth; salvation is indeed the work of God, and not the work of Man, and Scripture is indeed the very Word of God, which should be accorded the highest authority; but Luther goes wrong when he takes these very true principles and elevates them to the point that they exclude the other truths involved. If salvation is God's work, it is also true that part of God's work is drawing Man up to the status of sonship, so that Man now becomes privileged to share in the work of God - a co-worker with God, as St. Paul put it; if Scripture should be given the highest authority, the next highest authority in the hierarchy is not the individual believer, but the "God-breathed" Magisterium of the Church (cf. Jn. 20:21-23). There can be no eliminating this Divinely appointed "middle man," and substituting the authority of the individual for the authority of the Church. In sum, we can take these two foundational pillars of the Reformation, and demonstrate how they contain necessary truths in their essence; but we must also show how they unnecessarily truncate the truth, and thus become enemies of the very principles they wish to promote. The Protestant truths here are hampered because they are left incomplete; sola scriptura needs to be understood as prima scriptura, so that the truth concerning the Church can be admitted into the discussion; sola fide needs to be understood as sola gratia, so that the truth about Divine sonship can be allowed to flourish.

2016-03-15 02:38:31 · answer #2 · answered by Lauren 3 · 0 0

Martin Luther, left the Catholic Faith because of so many false beliefs. The Reformation was a real blow against the Catholic. I truly feel the Catholics detested Martin Luther and for many years the Lutherans. I hope some expert in Martin Luther answers you and puts you in your place. I disagree with what you have written in regards to Hitler. My answer to your question is: NEITHER !!

2007-07-11 13:54:41 · answer #3 · answered by Norskeyenta 6 · 0 0

Just because someone is wrong about one thing does not mean they are wrong about all things.

I would suppose those who would totally damn a man by pointing out his failures without acknowledging the successes of the same, have either yet to live long enough to learn that even good men at times and on various issues are given to being an *** or have yet to realize that they themselves in this very action are being one.


But then again there is Hitler... I really don't care what his successes were. If there were any they were not worth the troubles he caused us all.


2007-07-11 13:27:47 · answer #4 · answered by allamericanred2 3 · 1 0

I was at the Holocaust Musem last year and there was a short film about the roots of antisemitism. A big part of it covered Luther.

The way they explained it was that at first, Luther thought that Jews should not be condemned for rejecting Christianity - after all, the clerics had ruined the message of the religion with all their corruption and excesses. He thought that if he could present a purer form of Christianity through his reformation of the church, then surely Jews would welcome the message. In the early days he preached tolerance of Jews and said that they would see the light after he fixed things.

After he brought forth the reformation, however, most Jews still did not want any part of it, confounding his plan. It really angered him and he concluded that Jews were just plain evil and he became one of the most vehement haters of Jews in Europe.

His later preaching against Jews was surely one of the biggest foundations of the Holocaust.

2007-07-11 13:22:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

He hated the religion of Judaism not the race of Jews as all true Christians should be appalled by those who reject Jesus as the Messiah.

The people he was writing to were being too tolerant of false religion so he needed to use aggressive language to make them listen.

How can a true follower of Christ say "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" and sit idly by and let others preach the opposite?

2007-07-11 13:25:19 · answer #6 · answered by Holy Holly 5 · 0 4

come on! let's talk some football dude!

2007-07-11 13:18:25 · answer #7 · answered by fred f 3 · 0 2

He was indeed a nasty piece of work.

2007-07-11 13:17:13 · answer #8 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 0 1

There is no doubt that he was an anti-Semite.

2007-07-11 13:18:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hitler loved him.

2007-07-11 13:17:54 · answer #10 · answered by S K 7 · 0 1

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