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Open to everybody, Puertorricans and non - Puertorricans.
Explain to me why your choice of status is best. I do not want fairy tales, like "Estadidad Jíbara" (for english speakers, Statehood with a native flavor), "Lo mejor de dos mundos" (the best of both worlds) or "Independencia con ciudadanía americana" (Independence with American citizenship). I want real answers, not diatribes. Do not be pulling strings at my heart regarding Olympic Games, Miss Universe, losing my culture, (I live in the U.S. and I am still as Puertorrican as the ones on the island), blah, blah, blah. I am interested in the welfare of all Puertorricans, not the few lucky ones that get to participate in these events. If nobody answers with a real argument that can hold water, do not expect ten points. Be real serious and honest about it. Puerto Rico has to decide sooner than later what it wants to be for good, so this is your chance to show that you understand the issue of the status of Puerto Rico fully.

2007-07-11 12:29:55 · 12 answers · asked by William Q 5 in Travel Caribbean Puerto Rico

So, how is the Hispanic culture shoved down somebody's throat? I always thought that it was up to me to accept or reject somebody else's culture. Tell all the networks to stop showing ads for Corona, for example, or to any presidential candidate to stop trying to speak Spanish or dubbed their political ads in Spanish. I am cool with that.

2007-07-11 12:47:23 · update #1

Associated Republic is not Commonwealth. It is what the name implies, a republic (thus independent) in association with another country. Commonwealth as defined is the so "touted" bilateral pact that never has existed. No nation will enter in an arrangement with another nation in which mutual consent of dissolving the association is required. International treaties do not function that way. Let us say that the U.S. enters in such a contract with Puerto Rico, since one Congress cannot bind another Congress, the next Congress can definitely undo the whole thing. Now, if the arrangement is in the form of a treaty that can be dissolved by either party, I got no problem with it.

2007-07-12 11:48:37 · update #2

Thanks for all the answers. Most of them were quite informative and showed me that for the most part you are interested in the future of Puerto Rico, regardless of your political philosophy and status preference. I will only hope that we could get a resolution on this problem that has afflicted Puerto Rico since 1492. If only our politicians could learn to conduct themselves like most of the answerers of this question, with respect to each other and honesty in their answers. Thanks for answering my question to all of you.

2007-07-18 02:18:08 · update #3

12 answers

I am a native American of New York State my father is native of Puerto Rico and my mother of various European states. I've been in Puerto Rico since 1977 and a few years in the 60's, so let's see all the alternatives.
Common Wealth or Estado Libre Asociado is just Puerto Rico being tied to the apron strings of the United States with only partial assistance of the Federal government, such as Social Security; in the States a person at a retired age get's more benefits than those living here. We have some but not all of the funds and programs that other states have.
Independence: I did a report on this in my Puerto Rico History class as Sagrado Corazon and the professor agreed that Puerto Rico does not stand a chance at survival under independence. Why?:
1- We do not have the resources to produce and sustain our own monetary system that would be recognizable globaly.
2-There is not a significant number of major produced products from here to be marketed globaly. Example: the Goya factory is here in Catano, but here the beans are cooked but the rest is done by the Secuccuss, New Jersey plant then shipped here.
3. We do not have our own armed forces to protect the island like other countries have in case of war.
with this the island will have all benefits and same assistance, right to have representation in both house and senate, vote for the president of the United States, more jobs, equal base salary (minimum wage). These are just a few. But most of all with Statehood, the island will have a better economical status and the ability to bring more jobs here so that more people can work and produce.
For Puerto Rico to survive, Statehood is the only option for equality. As for Miss Universe, Olympics and other events, if Puerto Rico participated as a State, there would be more Physical Education assistance here in the primary levels like in the States. More important for Puerto Rico, is the status of being economicaly stable in other word the Federal Programs where people on welfare at the same time can learn new trades, and get help to be selfsufficient. I belive that the welfare, food stamps are and other help for the needy, should be temporary and directed to those who realy need it. Many that I have talked to want jobs, but many are just part time in fast foods. But with Statehood, more companies can bring their businesses here so as to hire and even train potential employees to then reduce the welfare cases. I have done a research that Mississippi is one of the poorest states and some politions on the island have argued that bases on the Mississippi status Puerto Rico could fall just like that. But, Mississippi has been receiving Federal Funds to help move jobs to that state and the welfare is with the job and training offer that is given to these persons so that they can economicaly be independent and leave welfare. This idea has been here, but since the ppd party came in, it was dropped. While at Sagrado Corazon University I personaly interviewed the Secretary of The Department of Family of Puerto Rico and asked here about the programs that the Federal Gov has for welfare and foodstamp persons is applied here as stated by law when Rossello was governor. I asked if a family needs to move from a run down home and gets the aide, then do they help this family move to a safer home? If a single mom on foodstamps and welfare is working to feed and care for her children and the kids are under school age, will the Dept. of Family get her a baby sitter or a day care payed by them to help? If an elderly person on the welfare and stamps needs special care and attention will they see that that person gets it? The answer that I got from the her was,"I do not know about all this"! I was shocked, I told her that Pres. Bush officialy in the welfare and stamp assistant, ordered all states including PR to provide these services so as these persons can become self sufficient and able to be autosustainable, except for those who are dissabled, elderly or with terminal illnesses. At that meeting there were 3 single moms on stamps filling out the forms for Dept. of Family to cover the daycare service while they work so as to drop off the stamps and become selfsufficient, the answer that the Sec. gave was a whooping NO. I was shocked, they do not carry out the orders of the Pres. of the US in turn violating a federal funded program. Under Statehood all programs in total will be complied and carried out to the full extend and then will all on the programs have equality as in the States. Under Statehood, PR will be set straight. Oh, by the way, the Program to help those who want to start a Small Buisness which if Federal Funded and applied here was not carried out in it totality. I do want Statehood as many do because it is time that things get better. No more doctors, nurses, teachers, fire and police moving away. And instead of the Isla del Espanto it will return to Isla del Encanto.

2007-07-13 02:17:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think puerto rico should try to become independent. I hate the whole commonweath thing. Puerto Rican culture is slowly disappearing. There's less farming and too many tree and lands being destroyed. I remember when i was little and use to visit Puerto Rico. I loved it because it was so peaceful and the air was so clean. You were able to see waterfalls in as you drove to a different city. But now everything is loud and dirty. There's hardly any waterfalls because people clogged up the rivers and the air is just as the states. It's been too Americanized. I'm not trying to say that the US is dirty but the yound people in Puerto Rico don't care about farming or their own land. All they care about is the money. Alot of place you go everyone only speak english. The people who have a hard time with this is the older people who still work on their fields in order to gets some income. I know people who are 93 years old and still work and are as healthy as a teenager. I barely see our culture in the island. I think the people in NYC holds more of our culture then the people in Puerto Rico. I think if Puerto Rico was independent then the citizens would be able to trade with other countries and would force them to care for the island on there own. It's better for them and the island. I just want Puerto rico's beauty to show. But I know that will never happen because the young people are too lazy to learn the old culture and the old ways of life.

2007-07-14 08:07:43 · answer #2 · answered by EvE 2 · 1 1

I am also interested in the well-being of the People in Puerto Rico. I am Puertorrican, living in the USA. I truly believe My Country only need a decent political status. I am cool with either Statehood or Independence. Puerto Rico does not need to "qualify" to be a State. It will just take a Congress act, and that up to the US Congress. Puertorricans have shown for years their loyalty for the USA. We are part of the Armed Forces, we abide by federal laws, and we are US Citizens for almost 100 years.

Independence does not necessarily means an ending of the relation with the US. There are several independent countries around the world with excellent diplomatic, financial, and mutual respect relations with the US. There is no reason why Puerto Rico can be one of them.

The present status is just not favorable for either part now. Maybe it was 50 years ago, but not anymore. The present status make Puerto Rico the US "Whore". We're good to send our kids to war; we're good to hold fundraising activities for both Republican & Democratic Parties; we're good when the federal government decide to run some weird experiments; we're good to hold shooting practices for the Armed Forces on our soil when every other state in the Continental US is trying to fire against it. But when "sex" is not that good, we're critizice like we have never paid OUR DUES.

Maybe this is not a pretty answer, and it doesn't have to be right. But, I bet it is one of the most honest answers you will get.

Thanks for the opportunnity.

2007-07-12 12:42:38 · answer #3 · answered by Pichulika 2 · 1 1

I don't know but I'm tired of the colonial status. The current ELA is ruining our county in the economical and social living. In my time in sailing I learn that motorsailers boats can't work efficiently. A good boat should be a power boat or a sailboat. The same occurs to P. R. the better of the 2 worlds is a fallacy that works for some 50 years but is not going anywhere anymore. Some people believe that being a state is the solution but I don't agree, statehood is by fact the culmination of the colony. In the globalized modern world is a tragedy that a country like P. R. can be a independent nation in the same category as the rest of the free nations.
You can stay all your life in the house of your parents, the ones that make the principal decisions for you, or you can choose to work hard for your own living. Is our decision and I'm not afraid. Are you?

2007-07-15 13:04:29 · answer #4 · answered by Lost. at. Sea. 7 · 0 0

Well My Friend,
I live in PR and my opinion is this.The political history of PR is clear, we never be our own guardians. Remember, the only time when we are along was in the Taínos era, then come to PR in 1493 the spanish conqueror's, our political situation in the spanish time is the same we living in this time, only with a different boss(USA). PR don't have the aptitudes to control the political and financial issues as an independent nation (only see the latest issues). Our nation grow as subordinated one (first Spain, now US), right now we don't have any kind of agriculture to sustained us (no body wants to work in that, only the illegals)or any other kind of resorce. All our progress as a nation is thank to the US government, their funds and the supervision we receive. As you said, all that stupid ideas of our Olympic Team is only excuses of our opportunist politics (all our good participant decide to represent the US because is better for the future of their career, remember Gigi Fernandez). About losing our culture, that another stupid idea, if that thought was truth, right now we most said we don't have culture because all our lifestyle is Americanized (we only see satellite or cable TV, in ENGLISH for God sake and more of 95% of our private schools have their regular curriculum in ENGLISH). If we decide independece (and the US government have the last word) this island go back around 60 year and all of you prepare in the states to receive puertorricans immigrates (illegals), like Cuba and others from latin america. And another thing all the world (especific the United Nation) need to get in mind, the puertorrican people can't live without the US, if we be able to choose, I know the statehood win the election (puertorrican people love their lifestyle and the small group that represent the independence are the first to leave the island if the independence win) and the US government don't want to win a more worth reputation leaving us after be in here with the control for more than 100 years and making with us and our land all they want and with the record that more than 60 % of their soldiers are puertorricans.

2007-07-12 03:37:40 · answer #5 · answered by Melissa C 2 · 1 2

Independence or Associated Republic (Commonwealth) is the best option for PR.
Puerto Rico is a latin america nation. US congress has never given the option of us-statehood to PR because they do not want a latin american nation of 4 million as part of their own american nation. PR represents a different language (spanish is the main language of 99.99% of puerto ricans and the language of power in that country), religion (catholic) and more than 500 years of history and latin culture.

PR has the infrastructure to become the megaport (just like Singapore is in Asia) of the america's since it's location in the caribbean is the best one to build this, PR is the eastern most country between the European Union and the Americas and the closest country to Spain. This advantage (location) plus the quality of infrastucture (the best in the caribeean and central america) make PR te best option to be the home of the megaport of the americas, the port of Singapore made this tiny nation (it is 1/5 the size of PR and has a population of more than 3 million) the biggest economy of Asia after being a poor tiny country. In PR the story of Singapore is well known and it is given as an example of the path that PR needs to follow.(other examples include Ireland)

2007-07-12 11:35:13 · answer #6 · answered by Brian 2 · 1 1

I am a Puerto Rican who was born in the states and I can't believe someone would say our culture was being shoved down their throats. We live in a land made up of foreigners but they force english on us. My mother would only speak english to us at home because she wanted to make sure we fit in but in the process I lost my culture. I was 15 before I decided I needed to know my language, my people, and I learned how to speak, write and read in spanish on my own. I so good now I work as a Marketing Consultant for Latin America and I am based in the home office in the states.

I know this was not your question but How dare some one say we force something on them. Like you said and I agree one hundred percent no one can make you accept anything.

Now I don't know when Puerto Ricans will make up their mind on what they want to be in relation to the US but one thing I say to all those living in the states embrase your culture, love your complection, because we all know we come in every shade of the rainbow. We are a beautiful race and Culture. Learn the art, the history, take it all in and grow as a person as a Puerto Rican. Then take it in and make yourself a better person.

2007-07-17 16:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by My Three 5 · 0 0

Considering the fact that Colonists broke treaties with and massacred the Native Indians in order to steal their land, I don't hear you getting all worked up about that. Puerto Rico gets 97 billion a year in aid from the U.S. The Indians got sent to reservations. You're contradicting yourself by saying the government should stop avoiding the Puerto Rico issue of choice and just step in and decide for those people what they want.

2016-04-01 09:55:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When the US Congress decides what options Puerto Ricans can vote on, then I'll defend a position. For now, I am tired of making pro or con arguments when definitely, they won't get me anywhere. I have voted in 2 plebiscites already for what? If the US Congress doesn't make a decision, I am not wasting my time anymore.

2007-07-14 15:05:30 · answer #9 · answered by lasm97 3 · 0 0

That's Not For US Puerto Ricans to decide...

Whatever the US decided to do with Puerto Rico..THAT will be it....

If we had a choice and the Power to decide..I will choose Statehood...Puerto Rico can NOt survive without the Federal Goverment subsidies...and WE Have 0 agriculture to sustain Our Needs...

2007-07-11 20:58:30 · answer #10 · answered by shinningstarofthecarribean 6 · 1 1

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