Sounds like you have too much time on your hands, and you need to focus on education and a job. Maybe you could try volunteering somewhere. You might also want to take up a sport and get some exercise to take some stress out of your life. Stay away from drugs, they will just make things worse for you in the long run, especially if you are already feeling depressed or have anxiety. Drugs will just intensify those feeling even more.
2007-07-11 10:10:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hi, sorry to hear you are feeling bad. Weed and stuff like that can make your anxiety and panic really bad, so I would steer clear (and can trigger other things). The following steps will eliminate (or at least significantly reduce) your panic attacks:
1.Breathe properly - if you control your breathing, you control panic. As soon as you notice the signs of anxiety, check your breathing: breathe in slowly through your nose pushing your tummy out (to the count of 5 or so). Breathe out slowly and for a bit longer (to the count of 7 or so) through your mouth. Do not breathe rapidly or shallowly (in the chest area). This will soon restore the balance of oxygen and you will feel a lot better.
2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy! CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for panic attacks and anger management. It takes a bit of work, but it is super effective. (After 15 years of panic attacks, mine stopped completely). You can take a course for free online at: It has been funded by NHS Scotland and has had great results thus far.
3. Try relaxation exercise tapes (progressive muscular relaxation). They really help if you practise often enough. This site has instructions on how to do it without the tapes (and other useful info):
With each step practise makes perfect. (i.e. practise the steps every day, not just when you are feeling bad). I hope you feel better soon. Best of luck!
2007-07-12 09:07:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, you are a young girl with your whole life ahead of you. You are valuable to this world! Also, it sounds as if you are bipolar or even possibly border line personality disorder. You should seek immediate medical help. You sound as if you have a chemical imbalance in your brain which is a MEDICAL condition. Please seek therapy and help from a qualified professional (psychiatrist, psychologist or family doctor). Also, you certainly don't want to add to the chemical imbalance by self-medicating with illegal drugs or alcohol. STAY AWAY FROM ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ALCOHOL - it will only worsen your condition!! Know people care about you and I will pray for you. There is no reason why you can't live without this pain in your life. Please do not be afraid to get help. Also, ask about the possible link between psychiatric medications and increased suicide before the age of 25 when you seek help. The brain does not fully develop until age 25 and medications to treat brain chemical imbalances seem to be more appropriate after that age. Therapy, diet, exercise, support from a church or prayer, and life-style changes may be enough to greatly improve your situation.
2007-07-11 17:28:19
answer #3
answered by sayusay2 1
Some of what you say sound like a normal 16 year old girl, but some sounds like depression and anxiety (they often go together). You should talk to a doctor about your wanting to stand in front of trains and your panic attacks. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel once you get proper treatment.
2007-07-11 17:12:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Never give in to hating; it is a totally negative emotion or will. Forgive and forget your family members faults and forgive yourself your fault of hating instead of loving. HATING IF PERSISTED IN, DOES TERRIBLE THINGS TO YOUR EMOTIONS.
Don't do drugs! They are all very addictive and lead to bad experiences, even psychotic experiences. You say you have depression in mood swings, anxiety and panic attacks; this results from the negativity of hate and is what is wrong with you. these are all mental disorders and treatable with legal medications and therapy. Contact your family doctor about this and get his/her recommendation for a psychiatrist or a psychologist post haste.
You need help because you are obviously very ill. Don't delay in seeking help from professionals not help from the crutch of drugs or alcohol. You are suffering and they can help you feel better.
2007-07-11 20:45:21
answer #5
answered by Mad Mac 7
You know, I think it'a some kind of hormone imbalance or chemical imbalance in brain that happens during these years. My best friend in high school went through a weird phase too like this. She was exactly 16 when it started. She would literally, physically fight her mother, she couldn't control her anger, she ran away from home, becme obsessed with her boyfriend and tried to kill herself when he broke it off. Then, she went off to college, she started doing coke, and basically prostituting herself. Honey, that's where you will be headed if you don't do something NOW. Tell your mom that you feel like you need to talk to someone. From what you describe as your daily interactions with family, she will probably agree. No one can tell you on this site what you need to do. Only someone who can have you in his/her office and evaluate you can help. I hope you get what you need and truly, truly I wish you the best.
2007-07-11 17:18:50
answer #6
answered by Just gorgeous dahling 4
first of all chill because it''s not big deal. Second of all, try to connect to someone and talk to him/her. This way you'll feel more down to Earth. And do some sport. This thing can solve sooooooooooooo many problems, believe me! :) And do freaky stuff like standing in the rain or singing in the streets, running...but another important thing is God. Believe. He is there trying to help you, but you won't admit (will you?). So, in the end:
1) God is here :)
2) Music
3) Sport
4) Singing in the rain ;) (i'm not joking, little things can be miracles)
2007-07-11 17:15:35
answer #7
answered by buzzbuzz 4
im sorry to hear about your situation. i dont necessarily think there is something wrong with you because you are recognizing your behavior and am looking to correct it. Perhaps you should seek a professional counselor to help you sort things out. I dont always believe medication will make you feel better. If you talk to a professional they may be able to help you figure out why you feel and act the way you do and help improve your behavior and mind set. Best wishes!
2007-07-11 17:19:06
answer #8
answered by heart2heart 2
That AUFUL combo of being normal and some depression.
You should tell a friend, I was supprised when I told one about my issues and found out that he actualy knew EXACTLY what I was talking about.
Don't start the drugs, I've herd that they actualy make these problems worse(and I don't think you want to end up in rehab).
2007-07-11 17:42:50
answer #9
answered by Crazygirl ♥ aka GT 6
yea it definitly sounds lik sum depression/axiety disorder...u really need 2 talk 2 ur docter on a counselor....u really need 2 seek help b4 it gets worth meanwhile listen 2music so it can relax u watch a scary meet new ppl...but as soon as possible talk wif sum1 ur teacher older friend,not ur parents cuz ull feel uncomfortable n if u feel lik u hate dem u'll probally end up hurtin dem lol....gud luck
2007-07-11 17:17:30
answer #10
answered by MilkWasaBadChoice 2