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An excellent question asked of me: how are you any different?

I can begin by saying I do not believe in a God whose book claims he drowned all humanity, including newborns, infants, toddlers, little kids ... Take the blinders off for a moment and visualize the horror they and their parents experienced drowning. Their book says Their God did that to those little kids.

For another, I do not persecute minorities whose rights and freedoms depend upon the whim of the majority. Holier-than-thou christians will persecute gays while ignoring their own miserable track record with morality and human rights. They try to remove the mote from our eyes but their imperfections would leave us blind.

I prefer to persecute bullies, not their victims.

And that is the other way in which I differ: I really don't care about popularity where intellectual integrity and human rights are concerned. No book will convince me to turn a blind eye to injustice or bigotry: god-made or man-made.

2007-07-11 07:07:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

All of his followers, as SOME are not correcting SOME.

2007-07-11 07:24:34 · update #1

20 answers

Yes but how are you different from the Christians who sow confusion?

That is the question you where asked and I know this because it was asked by me.

How are you different then those margarine wiggling snakes you accuse Christians of being?

That was the only question of difference I had.

I am a humanist deist, I don't think of The Divine as some giver of gifts or vengeful spirit that doles out punishment to people. I just think of The Divine as a spiritual force that connects all things and can drive a man towards good or evil.

Not that different then a human secularist who feels that the human mind has an innate ability to determine Right from Wrong.

So coming here with an obvious agenda, taunting the faithful, making up twisted questions about The Bible, twisting the answers to fit your schema, how are you any different then the hateful Christians you condom?

As I see it you are not, you are just the opposite side of the coin.

How is your deliberate mixing of faith, religion and spirituality any different then what you claim all Christens of doing?

2007-07-11 07:30:21 · answer #1 · answered by Kith D 5 · 2 1

Just out of curiosity, do you realize that not all Christians even use the same version of Bible?

You seem to be taking select examples and applying them to all Christians in a generalization similar to the bigotry you won't turn a blind eye to.

Still, if you want a better example for bizarreness, maybe you should have used the story of Lot. People believing the Bible in a literal word-for-word manner tend to have problems explaining some of the things he did.

2007-07-11 07:24:24 · answer #2 · answered by Bob G 6 · 1 0

Well, if you look at all of the many questions that you ask and all of the accusations you make concerning Christians, you may get a good idea of how you differ.

In the past, you have shown yourself to be full of self-pity. That's one way that you differ.
You also tend to blame everyone else, especially Christians, for all of your troubles.

Who is "we"? The Church of Love, to which you porfess to belong? Some other church? No church? What?

Your very question is an attack, and so is making an assumption that ALL Christians behave in the manner in which you describe.

You do make sweeping generalizations, I am afraid. Look at the questions you have asked in the past 3 weeks. Have you tried to create harmony or cause strife? Have you tried to build people up or tear them down?

You are a very unhappy and angry person. That's another difference between you and Christians. You tend to whine.

Whiners make excuses.

2007-07-11 07:21:11 · answer #3 · answered by batgirl2good 7 · 1 0

Well, my church is pro-gay marriage & our sister parish has a lesbian pastor.
True Christians love & accept everyone. You've just been brainwashed by the media to think that all Christians are bible-hugging, honk-if-you-love-jesus people. That's not the case, & it's pretty ignorant to believe it is.
We also believe that the Bible is a book of stories & isn't meant to be taken literally. If it were taken literally, men wouldn't be allowed to do many things, including eating shellfish, which is considered an abomination in the book of Leviticus.
For someone who is so against injustice, you really are quick to judge an entire group of people based on a vocal few.
I really hope someday you can open your mind & heart & realize that we're not all as bad as you seem to think we are. Maybe the rest of the country & the media will follow suit.

So, I guess that's how we differ.

2007-07-11 07:21:00 · answer #4 · answered by Vicky 2 · 2 1

Sorry you hold such resentment.
It's a good thing God believes in you though. If it were not so you would not be.
But that's OK...Jesus Loves you and so do I.
Stop blaming God for the actions of a mankind that has turned away from God.
Heres some advice minus any religion or anything.

2007-07-11 07:17:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Now that you've listed how you differ, let's look at how we're the same.

We are all human beings with rights and feelings.

If only everyone, of every faith and belief, would realize that and treat people accordingly, we'd get along a lot better, and the world would be a much better place.

2007-07-11 07:13:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I seem to have a degree of open mindedness and natural curiosity about world philosophies that a lot of Christians lack. My temperament isn't suited to unquestioningly accepting as fact one single system of belief and dismissing everything else as delusional nonsense.

2007-07-11 07:11:58 · answer #7 · answered by Andymcj 87 and 3/4. 1 · 1 1

From the book of Romans, which you claim to know so well.

And God gave them over to their own thoughts and desires, to their darkened and depraved hearts.

them=you it seems

We are here for the pleasure and glory of our creator, not the other way around. We tend to forget that a lot around here.

2007-07-11 07:11:57 · answer #8 · answered by cindy 6 · 5 1

1 - The flood... interesting point. There's no getting around the flood. God was pissed and decided only to save Noah and his family.

2 - This has nothing to do with the God of christianity and more to do with SOME of his followers.

2007-07-11 07:10:45 · answer #9 · answered by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5 · 3 2

Thank God you are not a god. Otherwise, you will be blamed for the atrocities, calamities and annihilations occuring day by day on this earth.

2007-07-11 07:16:40 · answer #10 · answered by RexRomanus 5 · 3 1

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