EXCELLENT question! Thumbs up, dude!
2007-07-11 06:13:14
answer #1
answered by JayDee 2
Does your "logic" apply to ALL gods or just YOUR god?
Since there is no proof that all the other gods in the history of the world DON'T exist... does that mean you keep your mind opened to all possibilities? Or are you single minded in that the god you choose to follow is the right/only one??
And let me ask you this.... What would be sufficient proof of something NOT existing? I would think that the fact it is not there and cannot be detected by any means would be enough proof.... but basically what you are saying is that we cannot say that something that isn't there doesn't exist.
So you've completely removed the category of non-existance by saying that unless there's proof that something doesn't exist (which is impossible) we cannot say it doesn't exist...... That is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard.
When you lose something.... let's say for the sake of example you are trying to find your car keys...... do you stand in the same place staring at an empty table groping around trying to find your keys saying to yourself "It's not there, but that doesn't mean it's not there!" ?? If something is not there that is usually sufficient enough proof that IT'S NOT THERE...... and in the case of god..... no matter where you look for it it is nowhere to be found, and thus has no evidence for any kind of existance.
The only "proof" you have is a 2000 year old book by guys who were inspired.... by what? we'll never know, but i strongly doubt it was some all powerful being. It was probably more like some all powerful mushroom or herb... or maybe both!
You, my friend, have earned the title of Y!A village idiot. Congratulations!
2007-07-11 06:20:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"It's a simple matter of probability. God is highly improbable."
That was in one of the answers. Personally, I don't see how anything could exist. Where did it all begin? There is no way it could have begun using the common sense of man. Atheism has one huge flaw:
It's based on science and math which is based on common sense.
To answer the actual question, I don't know why. I'm Christian, so I agree with your point.
Lastly, it seems atheists here are saying God is like a fairy tale. I disagree. Recall, the writers of the Bible wrote some pretty crazy things. No fairy tale has Noah getting dunk and naked. The Bible is amazing because it's very insulting to those who would like to think that everything is simple. No fairy tale condemns the religious scholars and upholds a thief, a woman caught in adultery, and a traitor (a tax collector).
2007-07-11 08:31:59
answer #3
answered by Charlie 3
This one comes up over and over and over. Non-existance can't be proven. Any and all non-existance.
Example - -prove that there is no tooth fairy. Okay, a person will say, " I know there's no tooth fairy because I put the coin under the pillow". That doesn't prove that the tooth fairy does not exist. It only proves that in his case, the fairy was not there.
Non-existance of anything is un-proveable.
Another guy will say, " Prove that there is a tooth fairy, if you can't, then that's my proof that there is none ". That doesn't proove anything. He's asking the other guy to do the proving for him. Again, non-existance is unproveable.
Your next error. Nobody believes in Atheism. It's not a belief. Atheism is the absence of religious belief, but is not itself a belief. I hope this clears up some of your questions.
2007-07-11 06:27:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As others said, the onus of proof is on you if you wish to believe because the same argument could be made of any fictitious being - tooth fairy, santa, whatever.
But while you cannot disprove a god in general, you can certainly prove that the Christian god does not exists because the facts claimed about him can readily be refuted, and some are even internally logically inconsistent.
2007-07-11 06:26:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Atheism is not a 'belief'. Atheists merely find that the reasons supporting the idea that invisible, magcal sky-faified (gods) actually exist are neither credible nor compelling, and are thus insufficient to initiate or maintain a mental state of 'belief'... for EXACTLY the same reasons that you might decline to believe in the Tooth Fairy, garden gnomes, bridge trolls, monsters under your bed or a herd of invisible pink unicorns that cavorts in your back yard under the light of a full moon.
"Atheism can be considered to be a 'belief', or a 'religion', only in the same sense that one might regard NOT collecting stamps to be a 'hobby'." ~ Unknown
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." ~ Stephen Roberts
2007-07-11 06:20:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm sure there's a drinking game about this somewhere...
It's simple, if there's no evidence for something existing, I assume it does not exist. Not the other way around, otherwise we'd assume _everything_ any acid-tripping hippie dreams up is real until we disprove it. What kind of sense does that make?
That's not to say that I think it's impossible for god(s) to exist, but I'm going to operate as if they don't until there's some evidence to the contrary.
2007-07-11 06:18:26
answer #7
answered by 006 6
Well, lets replace the word "god" in your question with the words "Invisible Pink Unicorn that flies!" Now why don't you believe in the unicorn when there is no evidence against it?
The burden of proof is on you. You can't prove a negative. You can't prove my unicorn doesn't exist. But because I have no proof that it does exist, you don't believe it exists. Same thing for your god.
2007-07-11 06:14:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The Flying spaghetti Monster, Invisible Pink Unicorn, Thorn, Flying Tea pot, Odin, Great JuJu and all other deities have no proof of their existence so should I believe in them to along with your god?
Or should I say something that has no evidence to support is probably false?
2007-07-11 06:16:39
answer #9
answered by John C 6
Because certain people would rather be skeptics than be believers.
I was brought up to believe that there was no such God or creator, only the universe and organisms.
Neither religion, nor Atheism holds proofs, in my opinion. It's all just beliefs.
But honestly, why do you care if people don't believe in God? Does it affect your beliefs?
2007-07-11 06:15:08
answer #10
answered by Cinders 4
That's just the way they are. Just because they choose one way doesn't make me better than them. I don't think it's a Christian's responsiblity to prove it to an Atheist either. I don't beleive the existance of a God can be proven, that's the whole basis of faith. Live and let live.
2007-07-11 06:17:22
answer #11
answered by spark8118 3