Jesus was a Jew who never heard of Christianity. He was a great public speaker who could draw a crowd. He had a lot more than twelve followers, perhaps thousands. The Romans were the bosses and they didn't want any Jewish leaders, so they decided to have him bumped off. The story that has come down to us is that Judas led the Roman soldiers to Jesus for 29 pieces of silver. I think it is much more likely that he was threatened.
The Crucifiction was probably a pretty ordinary murder. A group of soldiers killed some guy, but the story that has come down to us is like an opera or something, with a crowd of Jews yelling "Crucify him!" and the Romans reluctantly complying. The Gospels give Jesus four conflicting sets of famous last words. He was dying of asphixiation. He couldn't exhale. Nobody would have ever been allowed to take the body down from the cross. It would have been left up for the birds to eat. The idea was to terrorize the populace.
Saint Paul never met Jesus. There were a lot of pagans who had taken on a lot of Jewish ways. They even went to the synagogue, but they couldn't convert to Judaism because they refused to get circumcised. Paul started preaching to them. He told them they could keep their own customs. They became the first Christians.
In those days people used to worship people, living or dead. Augustus Caesar, first emperor of Rome started calling himself the Son of God, to which the early Christians replied "Jesus is the Son of God!"
The Gospels were written between 35 and 65 A.D. The writers, known only by their first names were definitely not Apostles.
In 70 A.D. the Roman army destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish population, many, perhaps most of them died in the hardships that folllowed.
2007-07-10 19:43:53
answer #1
answered by Joe D 2
I can tell you why I love him, and know he is wonderful.... I was a prostitute in the streets of SF calif. no one preached to me I was lonely and had not called my family in three years. there was a pimp who beat me one night after he went to sleep I snuck out of the house and hitched a ride down to the bus station where I prayed "God if there is a God if you get me out of this I promise I'll never fo it again. I tried people in the are I knew on the phone and could not reach anyone. So finally I called my mother. She welcomed me home one year later I ended up in Daytona beach Florida where you first time in a pentacostal church a preacher preached some message that I do not even remember. When He said anyone who wants to recieve Jesus as Lord come up here I will pray for you. I ran to the alter and then got saved. I did not even know that that was what I was doing. Afterward I did understand that jesus had somehow lifted every weight of my sin from off of my life and i was free for the first time guilt did not plague my thoughts.....Jesus did that for me. So yes He is all that!
2007-07-11 02:30:53
answer #2
answered by debra a 2
How is dying to save the rest of the world for their sins being a dud? Jesus was amazing, and still is amazing.
2007-07-11 02:07:47
answer #3
answered by spinelli 4
I consider him highly under-rated, as a matter of fact! I can't imagine a son you could be more proud of. Forget football, boy scouts, or mowing the yard...he died on the cross for the sins of mankind and never even complained! I can't get my teenager to unload the dishwasher without completely coming unhinged on him half the time!
2007-07-11 02:10:54
answer #4
answered by 1901pink 4
For some, it is, for others it is a rather comforting notion that the he as the son carried their sins and saved them, let us not rule out those who believe the he was a man, a prophet whose teachings where altered to give power to few religious cult to control the masses
2007-07-11 02:12:22
answer #5
answered by KaysoCles 3
Yes, I think he is over rated. I don't think there is a God as defined in the Bible, so I naturally don't think "he" has a son. I think the man, Jesus was a delusional, paranoid schizophrenic.
2007-07-11 02:14:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No. While the world desperatly searches for answers. Jesus stands at the door of our hearts, wainting pateintly saying "Here i am"--Rev 3:20
2007-07-11 02:10:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think he is just one amongst the prophets who were sent the people from God, but we have made different meaning out of his messages. I don't think he himself ever claimed that he is the 'son of God'.
2007-07-11 02:23:45
answer #8
answered by Tanvir 1
i bet your looking for a answer thats different from...
"he died on a cross"
and all that mumbo jumbo...
over rated indeed
popular indeed
there was many people like him that claimed they where the son of God and what not.
jesus was popularity hungry
and the others werent
high and mighty they say
2007-07-11 02:14:30
answer #9
answered by ~I wish you could smile~ 6
Jesus died on the cross for all of us. If anything Jesus is UNDER RATED!
2007-07-11 02:09:06
answer #10
answered by alli7201 3