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When I was a mormon teenager I had a peace sign necklace I would wear and the mormon adults and my mormon peers were all aghast that I was wearing it. Why is peace evil? Is it because it relates to hippies and mormons hate hippies?

2007-07-10 17:30:27 · 9 answers · asked by Amy 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

BTW, I am an EX mormon now. I saw through the lies.

2007-07-10 17:41:40 · update #1

9 answers

The peace symbol was derived from semaphore flag code. It came about when members of groups against atom bombs came together for demonstrations and needed a symbol.

One, rather sharp, old Boy Scout, had studied semaphore. He stated the were all for "Nuclear Disarmament" so he drew a straight line from the top to the bottom of a circle. The letter "D" is one flag straight down and the other straight up. then he drew the arms at 45 degrees down springing from the straight line, which is the letter "N." ND for Nuclear Disarmament made a very balanced and eye catching symbol.
After the first demonstration the knockoffs were everywhere. The "(N)uclear (D)isarmament" meaning was lost and the symbol came to stand for Peace.

It has never been meant as the "Broken Cross" many religionists wish to assign to it.

The next time someone looks askance at your Peace Symbol, take a moment to give them the gift of the truth.

2007-07-10 17:52:43 · answer #1 · answered by Terry 7 · 4 0

This is from wikapedia, mormons are not the only ones that dislike the peace symbol, it is also mainstream christians to:
The fact that the symbol resembles a bird foot in a circle gave rise to spurious alternative interpretations, ranging from plain mockery of "crow's foot" or "The Footprint of the American Chicken" (suggesting that peace activists were cowards) to a number of occult meanings, such as an upside down crucifix with the arms broken downward, suggesting the way that St. Peter was martyred. Others have claimed that the symbol resembles a medieval sign known as "Nero's Cross" that represents Satanism. Alternatively, some have suggested that the symbol is an inverted Elhaz rune, which would reverse the rune's meaning, according to the critics, from 'life' to 'death' (although the Elhaz rune is thought to mean elk. As well, a commonly repeated conjecture during the 1960s was that it was an antichrist symbol: a representation Jesus on the cross upside-down. Gerald Holtom's explanation of the genesis of the symbol and his first drawings of it, however, do not support those interpretations

2007-07-11 02:01:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

different people have different interpretation of the same thing, it really only shows what's inside their hearts, in other words it tells you more about them than it says about the symbol itself. I look at it and I think camper VW vans and hippies smoking grass and building fires by a river playing guitars and being happy with the world.

Why do Mormon's think the peace sign is evil?
When I was a mormon teenager I had a peace sign necklace I would wear and the mormon adults and my mormon peers were all aghast that I was wearing it. Why is peace evil? Is it because it relates to h...

2014-11-04 01:42:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I really don't think Mormons think the peace sign is evil. But along time ago I heard the reason some people thought it was evil is because the hippies in rebellion against society took the cross turned it upside down and angled the sides of the cross to point down.

I have no idea if this is how the peace sign was made or not.

Just read some of the answers and found out how it was really made. Interesting how is was made.

Still I don't think Mormons think it is evil.

2007-07-10 17:53:06 · answer #4 · answered by J T 6 · 3 3

Not only is the peace sign an evil symbol connected to love and peace, but it is a symbolic bastardization of God's Car of the Holy Priesthood, the Mercedes Benz.

Seriously, much of 'mormonthought' originated from Mark E Peterson, Ezra Taft Benson, Joseph Fielding Smith who viewed the hippy movement as particularly immoral and ungodly, and worst of all, communistic.

Dallin Oakes and Boyd KKK Packer continue this proud tradition.

2007-07-11 05:27:13 · answer #5 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 2 2

Maybe some Mormons think it is evil. There are also people who are not LDS who don't like the symbol. I think that if the symbol simply stood for peace, there would be nothing wrong with it- but as you said it is associated with Hippies. Hippies tend to have the whole "sex, drugs and rock and roll mentality. Most of the time they are anti government, they are the ones trying to legalize marijuanna, they are all about free love, no consequences in life- sure they preach peace and love, but that is only just a little bit of what they stand for. The peace symbol to most people stands for hippies, and hippies stand for a lot more than peace.

2007-07-11 09:40:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

The peace sign was derived by taking the Cross, turning it upside down, and "breaking" the cross piece. The hippies later adopted it as a sign of peace. That's why some people think it is evil. However, I personally think that it means whatever it means to you. If you see a peace sign, and not an upside-down, broken cross, then who cares what others think.

2007-07-11 08:15:21 · answer #7 · answered by friendlyexmo 3 · 2 2

to my knowledge LDS/Mormon church has never made a statement regarding the peace symbol.

I have never heard anything remotely disparaging regarding the peace symbol.

I do not think it evil

Mormons don't hate anyone as a rule.

Obviously there are things that hippies are "generally" into that we disagree with (like drugs).

Mormons want peace and liberty as a rule

2007-07-11 06:49:53 · answer #8 · answered by Dionysus 5 · 1 2

yet another area of D&C common that the Quorum of the 12 Apostles might have equivalent authority to the 1st Presidency. while Joseph Smith grow to be murdered the Quorum took overleadership of the Church. After 3 years the 1st Presidency grow to be reorganized and Brigham youthful grow to be then chosen as Prophet. the rationalization grow to be because of the fact in easy terms the Apostles have been given all the priesthood keys. D&C 107 23 The twelve vacationing councilors are referred to as to be the Twelve Apostles, or particular witnesses of the call of Christ in all the international—hence differing from different officers interior the church interior the obligations of their calling. 24 and that they type a quorum, equivalent in authority and ability to the three presidents until now suggested. while Joseph Smith asked Brigham youthful to take area in plural marriage, he needed he have been lifeless. nonetheless, he observed the Prophets management. in case you have ever seen photographs of his different halves, you will see that's grow to be no longer from a carnal choose.

2016-12-10 08:33:07 · answer #9 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

i live in utah and ive never heard of a mormon thinking the peace sign is evil. im not mormon but its really funny hearing all of you go on about them like this, i think its funny... most of them are normal

except the flds(fundemental lader day saints) theyre crazy... they live in hildale & colorado city, and they are against anyone cutting there hair or having less then like 100 wives (not a joke) lol so im sure theyre against peace signs... sorry i didnt mean for this to be so long
k bye

2007-07-10 18:37:11 · answer #10 · answered by Terra 6 · 6 0

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