The number of the rungs vary; although the favorite one appears to be seven, in reference, apparently, to the mystical character almost everywhere given to that number.
2007-07-10 17:29:53
answer #1
answered by Patricia L 4
In the symbolism of Jacobs Ladder there are three steps representing Faith, Hope and Charity. Sometimes there are represented an additional seven steps adding to the first three Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence.
In Jacobs vision in which G-d revealed himself (Gen. 28. 10-22) he saw a ladder ascending to heaven. In Masonic symbolism it signifies the access to G-d of the pious.
2007-07-12 20:53:12
answer #2
answered by MarkS 3
The ladder, and its three principal staves, may be seen everywhere in
Nature. It appears in the septenary scale of musical sound with its three
dominants ; in the prismatic scale of light with its three primary colours
; in our seven day scale of weekly time, in the septenary physiological
changes of our bodily organism, and the similar periodicities known to
physics and indeed to every branch of science . The perfect Lodge has seven
members, including three principal Officers . The advancement of the Third
Degree candidate to the East is by seven steps, the first three of which,
it will be remembered, are given special significance.
2007-07-11 00:26:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What do you have against free masons?
Jacobs Ladder is a great Rush song and a great Sci-Fi effect.
2007-07-11 00:21:10
answer #4
answered by Uncle Meat 5
Could you elaborate on why you're asking? I am just curious. Thank you.
If you're in a major town see if there is a masonic lodge with their own library. That might help. Also there is an online masonic library. Look it up. Good luck!
2007-07-11 00:21:55
answer #5
answered by Mit A 2
Good luck, I never want to know anything about freemason, my grandfather was one, but I neve follow his steps.
2007-07-11 07:55:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
In freemasonry it is said to have three PRINCIPAL rounds. Faith Hope and Charity
2007-07-11 00:22:37
answer #7
answered by centripetalphorce 2
I believe that there are 7
7. Gold .............. Sun ............... Truth
6. Silver ............. Moon ........... Mansion of the Blessed
5. Iron ............... Mars ............ World of Births
4. Tin ................ Jupiter ......... Middle World
3. Copper .......... Venus .......... Heaven
2. Quicksilver ... Mercury ....... World of Pre-existence
1. Lead ............. Saturn .......... First World
2007-07-11 00:26:39
answer #8
answered by ♥Tom♥ 6