Everyone just didn't stop..there are many true and faithful Christians. My question is why did you give up and quit running the race? You came upon a challenge and quit.
As soldiers of the cross we stand together and fight these battles with God at our side. We don't waver to and fro like the waves in the ocean. That is what makes us strong Christians.
2007-07-12 10:41:49
answer #1
answered by Stormchaser 5
People stopped believing in God about the time we took the Bible out of the classroom, started suing people and states and counties for having the audacity to acknowlegde the Creator. People stopped believing because God no longer looked after you--the welfare state did. Churches no longer were looked to as the arbitors of charity and help for the poor, and the government started handing out food stamps to anybody too lazy to work. People were encouraged to "tune in and tune out" and drug use ran rampant over our country. Liberals told us that "all paths lead to God" so it wasn't important to learn the Truth anymore...in fact, liberals took over our colleges and taught our best and brightest that there was no truth, and we called it "higher education".
Come to our senses? I think not. Has anything good or even halfway great been associated with the USA since about 1967? Our national test scores have plummeted. Our brightest youth are captivated with the goal of money rather than scientific achievement or humanitarian goals. No, they'd rather create video games or play them. We consume more than we produce. We have become a service economy rather than a production economy. All in the past 40 years.
All since we began our slide as a secular culture. Coincidence? I don't think so--and neither should you.
2007-07-11 00:24:31
answer #2
answered by Todd J 3
Everyone did not just STOP.
I think that idea encourages people to reevaluate their beliefs- that is a good thing.
There are many people in the world that are choosing to believe.
I know many young educated adults that have chosen the path of ministry- through whatever job they currently have-
I also see that when Christians don't live what the believe -and that involves quite a bit- people don't see what we know. Basically, I am saying that some of the fault lies in Christian's hands.
2007-07-11 00:26:56
answer #3
answered by kskwwjd 3
Cus most of us have learned shunning other religions is like judging people by their skin.People who choose not to take a side with religion can see from other peoples perspective and understand that we are all the same no matter what we believe in
2007-07-11 00:16:45
answer #4
answered by KAPtin KRunCh 1
I don't think people have so much stopped believing in God as they have stopped believing in the God describe by religious Dogma. I think the fact the world is better connected has a lot ot do with it it.
2007-07-11 00:14:22
answer #5
answered by Yahoo Sucks 5
I think there were always people who did not believe in God because of the media,TV and the Internet we are finding out more about it,also people are more open now with their thoughts and feelings.I believe in several Gods and goddess,do you think in the 50's I would have told people that ?
(Many blessings)
2007-07-11 00:17:58
answer #6
answered by margaret moon 4
You know, you're right. The thing is that for every doubt we have or every reason we have there is a passage or whatever in the bible that answers our doubts. You know, if you told me to write a 5000 page book in size 4 font, I could give you vague answers to apply to any topic in life also!
2007-07-11 00:12:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"what made everyone suddenly come to their senses?" I love how atheists complain about being ridiculed, and now you pretty much straight up said christians are stupid. You cant complain about being ridiculed for not believing in God and then go bashing on people who do...
2007-07-11 00:17:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
obviously I'm not part of THE "everyone" LIST ,
I'm feeling God, the light of creation is within, nothing shall ever put it out, no matter how hard you try.
i thinks it great to question everything and anything, go at it Bruddah !
2007-07-11 00:16:14
answer #9
answered by inbangur2008 3
I still get shunned for being an atheist. But you know what? Those who would shun me aren't the kind of people I want to spend my time being around anyways.
2007-07-11 00:11:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous