These are Christian countries are you implying they are not?
Evangelical Lutheranism is the official religion; thus the majority of Norwegians belong to the Church of Norway. There are a number of other religious denominations, including small groups of Roman Catholics, Buddhists, and Muslims.
2007-07-10 17:15:59
answer #1
answered by djmantx 7
Explain the Soviet Union's adherence to atheism and it's peacefulness.
I would argue that in the case of Norway and Sweden, they are worship a different god - that being the god of the state and humanism. If that's the type of country you value, then luckily they are a sovereign state you can emigrate to. There are just too many elements of their culture that are in stark contrast to what most Americans would tolerate. Anyone that thinks the U.S. federal government can run a health care system obviously doesn't understand the inherent incompentence and inaction of Congress and the Executive Branch. I'd refer those to the oft-forgotten 10th Amendment.
You'll find that there's nothing inherently better about religious minded states and atheistic states - they all will have their problems relative to their size. Further, I feel that religion is used as scapegoat for racial or economic prejudices which are more evident in pluralistic societies that exist in the United States and lack in countries such as Norway and Sweden.
2007-07-10 17:17:53
answer #2
answered by wigginsray 7
As a Christian, I would say that if you want to get paid for doing satan's work, Go ask YOUR Boss! I am sure that satan would be more than pleased to negotiate a 'Contract' with you! Out of curiosity,,, What type of Pay would you ask for? If you ask to be paid what you are worth, you will likely be told you are worth nothing & so you Will get paid what you ask! If you Demand of a being greater than yourself,particularly an Evil one, you are likely to be put in your place. ....... And, What Conditions would you ask for? ........... I would say that you should NOT be Paid at all for doing such work! If (insert laughter), satan was a more than Fair employer, why should you as an Atheist be paid by someone who you do not believe exists??!! .... MAYBE, Just MAYBE,,,, If you are "Forced to do satan's work" & all the while you Pray to GOD as well, & you are NOT paid for it,,, Theoretically,, that Might stand in Your Favour with GOD on Judgement Day??! .... Of Course,,, I am Only Guessing.
2016-04-01 08:24:26
answer #3
answered by Shirley 4
If Satan has these guys fooled, why is he going to such extremes of displaying how good civilisation really CAN be, when countries that follow "the word of God" seem to look more like chaos, reigned over by intolerance and fear?
You don't see the answer to your own question in that? If he can make the people who are right look insane, he ruins the credibility of the truth.
2007-07-10 17:13:18
answer #4
answered by The GMC 6
Bribed them with the finest Swiss chocolates and silks from the Orient. Oh and $5 too...
2007-07-10 17:25:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Jesus Christ said that He did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Free will means that anyone has the right to reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. God rains on the just and the unjust. His ways are not ours. The United States is a particularly blessed country. I don't know why you consider those countries so "peaceful". Do you mean lack of involvement in wars. Someone once said that a man who is not willing to die for anything is not fit to live. There is no such thing as "neutrality" when right and wrong are black and white issues. Someone must take a stand.
2007-07-10 17:14:03
answer #6
answered by JUJUBABE 3
It all happened when Dethklok woke up the evil beast at that one concert in Sweden reciting an ancient curse backwards ...
2007-07-10 17:11:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I have never been more proud of being Norwegian by ancestry. Snaake Norse? (phonetic spelling, for "do you speak Norwegian?")
Bright Blessings,
Lady Morgana )0(
2007-07-10 17:22:03
answer #8
answered by Lady Morgana 7
I think America should invade and straighten them out. I hear everybody there has some form health care (as in nobody goes without). That's just communism!!! We should liberate them. Let's go!
2007-07-10 17:16:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, it seems that Satan is doing a better job than God is of keeping peace.
2007-07-10 17:12:15
answer #10
answered by WTP 6