Where did you sunday ritual come from ?
Did Paul give it to us ? Peter?
Can you find it anywhere in the New Testament ?
Try comparing your iron-cast Sunday ritual order of service to 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 ?
10 answers
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➔ Religion & Spirituality
Sawyer boy I was just trying to make light or else it will be too serious. But it's indeed a serious matter we are discussing here. I am not here to whispered to Christians , 'Sweet nothing" but to challenge them to search the Scripture for themselves and not be lead foolishly into someone's kingdom instead of the Lord's.
Believe you me, I am very grieve and concern for God's Kingdom and His saints to come into maturity and not be toss through and flo with every wind of doctrine even if it's is "sanctified " through centuries of wrong practices ! OK?
17:19:37 ·
update #1
Moreth talk some sense here !
If Christianity were to be left alone to the indigenous culture and environment, The Holy Spirit will have very much different in practice and texture said a Church in the West from a Church in the East. That one of the major problem with christianity is primary because Western Church tried to clone themselves and made Easternerr behave like the west in every way which incidently does more harm than good. Speaking as a man from the East, A Singaporean living in Singapore - a small nation in the region of South East Asia.
Most American wouldn't even have heard of Singapore except those leftist and those who want to do mischieves to our Country. I find the most enlightened people are the businessmen of USA who do businesses in the Orient. Once they have visited and work here, they will almost inevitably sing our praises to their fellow Americans.
True of not, your good folks out there whom I am talking about ?
17:26:07 ·
update #2
To further add to my last comment, an chruch in the east says, China will not be doing things exactly the way the western church does like wearing western suite to Church and follow the same order of services , preaches and talks like the "funny accent" the western preacher do when they speaks , etc.
17:38:59 ·
update #3
To clarify, I do not know where the one person got the idea you were pushing the Biblical 7th Day Sabbath (Which you should be doing). Your question seems to be about Sunday rituals.
The form of worship services that we see in almost any professing Christian Church today are not based on any sound Biblical principles but on the traditions of men. The purpose of the ritualistic services that we see today are a result of men wishing to raise followings after themselves and to maintain control over other men, and over the workings of the Holy Spirit. It stifles any participation from the congregation, so if a person is more converted than the speaker and knows something that was said is untrue, the wiser person has no avenue to protest where the whole congregation can judge what is true for themselves.
This form of worship is not found anywhere in the New or Old Testament. It is how the apostasy from the true worship of the Creator came about. While all things were supposed to be done decently and in order, it was by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, not the control of men.
2007-07-11 02:57:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
See how they don't wish to listen to anything.
At least one person brought up the culture of the day. I'm no scholar, but there is definitely cultural influence in the Bible. However, that serves only to make me question what we can truly know from it even more, as it does for others.
Edit: I don't worship anything, but isn't the statement, "I worship God as I please," incredibly ironic? I thought worship was for God, not for the worshiper. I also thought that some texts/religions teach a certain way of worship...
2007-07-10 17:07:26
answer #2
answered by Skye 5
I hope you can understand that to really understand the scriptures, you have to know the culture of that day. It talks about wives not interrupting etc. Find someone who can take you back to the Hebrew translation. For example, at one place in the Bible it says it is harder to get to heaven then a camel getting thru a needle's eye. Back in that time a "needle's eye" was a small opening under the fence people used to try to sneak thru so they didin't have to pay taxes. makes it seem a bit different HUH ?>
2007-07-10 16:56:40
answer #3
answered by I Love Jesus 5
If you believe that the 7th day is still the Sabbath, I suggest you try presenting the truth in the spirit of love and allow the Holy Spirit to convict those who do not believe. Vomiting your beliefs all over someone tends to turn them off.
2007-07-10 17:05:43
answer #4
answered by Mr. E 7
Try comparing your attitude to 1 Corinthians 13; where it talks about love?
Or, how about speaking the truth...in love? Are you loving the brethren?
Yet again; let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; who thought it not robbery to be equal with G-d, but took upon Himself the form of a servant. Are you exemplifying humility on here to your fellow Christians?
2007-07-10 17:12:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
fake Christians is somewhat steep there. greater powerful to be divided in reality the united in blunders. The Bible makes Christian doctrine on no rely if women human beings could be pastors and talk. there is not any longer something incorrect with a woman talking in Church as long as she under authority of pastor. God exalts His word specially issues. Interpretation ability to make sparkling the authors motive.
2016-10-01 08:32:53
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Everything in my church is done rightfully, and in order.
No chaos here. Paul taught the scriptures.
Line upon line, expository teaching is what we have.
2007-07-10 16:56:59
answer #7
answered by Bobby Jim 7
How about comparing your monotonous mean-spirited questions with the yapping of a vicious little dog?
2007-07-10 16:57:16
answer #8
answered by Lyle the farm cat 3
If Paul wants to give me Peter he better stat the hell away from me!
2007-07-10 16:56:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I can worship God as I please
2007-07-10 17:06:24
answer #10
answered by Gifted 7