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What is your religion and why do you beleive it. If it is a lesser known religion then please explain it. Also what are your convictions

2007-07-10 16:46:36 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

"religion n. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator ... religion. n. Definition: belief in higher power."*
I believe in a supernatural living God who made Himself known to this world in order to satisfy the great, wonderful and intense love with which He loves us.
I used to believe in only the natural sciences (from teen to young adulthood). Being a life coach, I was concerned with how best a person could make lasting changes for the better. However, I soon found that there was no power in me or any man-made laws to make a lasting difference in transforming lives (laws and principles could only reform lives temporarily).
I researched and tried out many different philosophies, mystical and supernatural ways in my search, to no avail.
The supernatural found me. No, I did not experience dramatic encounter with the supernatural force. No, I did not do more good deeds than what I usually did when I was an unbeliever. No, I did not psych myself up with any of the highly charged emotional stuff. I am too sceptical and critical for that.
I encountered the reality of the supernatural world in my ordinary and rational daily living, through listening and reading, through observing others' transformed lives, through asking (yes, actually opening my mouth and asking God to show me He exists) and practising (i.e. believing). In fact, I carried on my usual living with my family, doing nothing to make myself more deserving than before.

I sought and found God.

2007-07-10 17:30:57 · answer #1 · answered by AAA Jack 1 · 0 1

I don't have a religion, I believe that religion was created for people that couldn't find their own paths in life, people that couldn't understand the way of life and would rather be told how to live instead of living and experiencing life as it goes by.

A higher power is another subject, whether you believe in a god or two, a superior being, in paradise or believe in the flow of energy, it's all the same... faith is in each persons heart and mind, there are no facts only beliefs and that is the reason why religions exist.

Religion over the years have created differences that have caused wars, greed beacuse reliegions have a great amount of the worlds economy (that's just wrong, beliefs should be free) and peace.

2007-07-11 00:00:53 · answer #2 · answered by synxz001 3 · 0 0

I follow the Dao which is easy and only requires that I seek no harm to any living thing and live my life as close to the natural order of the universe as possible. By being quiet and at peace with all things and without the need to be Mr. Big anymore I can actually be big by being small.

2007-07-10 23:52:45 · answer #3 · answered by nikola333 6 · 6 0

I'm a Christian and was taught in the Baptist church. One day I wanted to "know" for myself the truths in the Bible..(not questioning the reality of God, but the truths of the scripture). I asked God to teach me and He did. The pages opened up and He showed me how Jesus fulfilled prophecies, how eternal life is possible only by accepting what Jesus did on the cross, how He will come again one day as King of Kings and Lord of Lords..and every knee will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

2007-07-11 00:05:28 · answer #4 · answered by Jlk 4 · 0 1

I am Roman Catholic. It feels right to me (after trying everything from baptist to Islam) and I feel at home.

I dont 99.9% of the religion, a few things I disagree on but its nothing that I will rant about.

2007-07-10 23:49:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am a Christian, so I believe in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe in God for several reasons.
1) Jesus is the only "guy" in religion that rose from the dead.
2) Jesus fulfilled many prophesies:
- Jesus was born of a virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14).
- He was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
- After hearing God’s voice, Joseph brought Mary and Jesus into Egypt (Hosea 11:1)
- John the Baptist “prepared the way for the Lord” by preaching to the people in the Desert of Judea (Isaiah 40:3)
- Jesus lived in Capernaum (Isaiah 9:1,2)
- He healed people (Isaiah 53:4).
- He was God’s quiet chosen servant (Isaiah 42:1-4).
- He spoke in parables to the people (Psalm 78:2).
- He rode the colt in Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9)
- His people (the disciples) abandoned him (Zechariah 13:7)
Those were a few that I found; there are probably more.
3) I have felt God in me and through me.
4) I have seen miracles and healings performed in Jesus' name.
All in all, I believe in a relationship with my Savior, not a religion.

As for my convictions on religion, I honestly do not understand how someone could not believe in at least a supreme being.

Think about it: everyone is life is searching for something. We cannot comprehend what this "something" is, but it's deep within us and we long to have satisfaction in our lives. Some people strive for fame, fortune, and overall success; others try to fill in that "gap" by abusing drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, or anything else that can entertain their minds for as long as they need. But do you ever hear about celebrities being happy, or secular rock bands that are honestly happy?

Most of them admit to still being miserable, feeling empty even though they already have "everything." As for people who idolize earthly things, they too end up having the same emptiness, with the extra baggage of addiction and other far worse personal problems.

Then consider the person who finds faith. They are finally, truly happy. No, they aren't necessarily perfect, or have "everything" according to the world's standards. But they are happy, and something inside of them is fulfilled that nothing else ever could before. This faith of their's even begins to change their character.

People are continuously blinded by the simple things of this earth--that's because Satan is very clever--and keep missing out on the great grace, forgiveness, and love that God provides to fill that emptiness, that gap that has been there since the fall of man. Everyone confides in temporary things in hopes of happiness, believe that they are happy, and in the end are fairly disappointed.

Then people get caught up in the lie that God could never love "a sinner like them", or they have seen other believers that do not portray themselves as someone who really has been changed by "such a miraculous God." That is because Satan whispers in people's ears, confuse their minds, and use all of their weaknesses against them to get close to anything but God. That's his job.

But with God--the true, beautiful, pure, loving, caring, compassionate, everlasting Creator of the heavens and earth--life has its purposes and satisfactions. Does that mean life will be fair? No. Understood? Definitely not. But it will give a person that peace that they so long for when they began to wonder "why" or "how" with life.

2007-07-11 00:07:27 · answer #6 · answered by your best friend 1 · 0 2

I believe in my Religion, Roman Catholicism, only because of the gift of faith that I've recieved from God through the Holy Spirit. My Christian faith of Roman Catholicism is the only religion, with apostolic sucession, or the ability to trace its origins to the apostles themselves and to Jesus Christ, our LORD. I am blessed and grateful to have been born into the Catholic Faith which I believe has the fullness of truth and the means of salvation, the most precious blood of our LORD Jesus Christ (the 7 holy Sacraments provide us with God's graces). Yet, I still have much more to learn about my faith and to become a better Catholic (I'm only 19). God bless.

2007-07-10 23:52:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I believe in Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and God the Father who is above all
the nine gifts of the spirit
follower of Jesus
no special church, not main stream, independent Holiness
I have the gifts of the spirit and they teach me and they are taking me places I have never been

2007-07-11 00:03:01 · answer #8 · answered by Gifted 7 · 0 1

Christian. I believe it because I chose to, and every attempt to disprove my religion failed.

I believe that all mankind is infected with sin, and Jesus Christ is the cure for our sin. He redeems us, and through the Holy Spirit we are led to righteousness.

2007-07-11 00:01:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Norse Folktru Reconstructionist Heathen (Asatru)

I believe because it is my ethnocultural heritage and birthright---the pre-xian beliefs, folkways, and traditions of my Normannii ancestors.

It adds luck, beauty, and connection to my life.

2007-07-11 00:08:16 · answer #10 · answered by Boar's Heart 5 · 1 0

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