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I have to ask this question again, because I never got that many answers........one fool said you can not pray this and go your own way...like he judges me......I have no life, but to pray for perfection in in Gods eyes. I just look at God....well did that for 3-4 yrs...its only been the last 2 yrs I only do it for 4 hrs aday.......God for some reason can not defeat sin, I know my life, I know my mind and I see sin...fight with everyone on it...but my natural soul is evil and I have no choice to sin. God can not defeat sin, all he can do is kill his son for us...that is why so far I am standing against God and calling him week, saying I am hear to defeat sin and gave my life to do so....but God is not there, he just keeps weeping making me feel he loves me and keep asking for perfection. Maybe this is what God wanted everyone to do?to seek for perfection to get into heaven, in stead of him wanting to put his son on a cross for us, to save us....

2007-07-10 16:35:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

God gave you free will, you sin because you want to

2007-07-10 16:38:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, God can't defeat the sin in your life, that is why He gave us free will. We can do what we please, but is your life an example of how to please God, or yourself??

God cannot make you a robot, make your decisions for you, you have to be the one that chooses God, or your sins.......God hates it when He is backseat to your life, and will stay away from your sin, if that is what you choose.

I can't make you choose God, either, I'm just a person, but telling you about the choices might make a difference.

Yes, God asks for perfection, but He doesn't hold us to that, that is why He sent Jesus to die for our sins. The only thing He asks is that we TRY to follow Him.

I'm so sorry that you back slid, but He forgives you and wants you to have a relationship with Him even though tons....(ALL of us,) have had sins in our lives.

God made this planet, us, etc. He is not weak. We are weak, but we think of ourselves as so strong. Even though we can't quit our addictions, we stand against God saying "how can you stop me from doing this?"

We have to, get some help, or counseling, or addiction counseling, but God will come back, and denying Him then means a lot more hurt than what you feel right now.....

2007-07-10 23:45:01 · answer #2 · answered by kaliroadrager 5 · 1 0

I think you are missing the point. You are asking for perfection in God's eyes. But while God loves you and understand where you are coming from, God wont think you are perfect because you are not. you are choosing evil and asking God to see you as perfect. God is perfect and all we can hop is to aim for that, but we do not have it. But what you must understand is that we all have out problems and faults. And we must WORK at healing ourselves. And moving towards goodness.

You must not focus on what you do not want from GOd. Dont say: i do not want to sin. Instead you need to focus on what you do want. God I want to come out of the shadows and stand in the divine light, I want to have good thoughts and be kind. I promis if you sit in your room asking for positive thoughts and the will to do good for four hours a day, things your life will change quickly.

God gave us free will, which is why you are not going to move away from impure thoughts. You need to make the choice to do this and do it. Which means you must want to stop it. Once you make that decision the creator will support you and help you. And y7ou must be greatful for every positive thought you have. When a negative thought comes you must say not and force ap ositive thought. Eventually it will become natural.

Also mae your room a nice play with pretty calming things. make your environment and relationship reflect what you want. Hang out with good people, in peaceful places.

You can do it!

2007-07-10 23:47:09 · answer #3 · answered by shea 5 · 0 0

God cannot make conscious decisions for you. A decision to sin is made by only you. A story I heard once: A man meets the devil. The devil tries over and over to persuade him that God is not there. The devil takes him to the top of a building and says, "If God is here and you believe that he will save you, then jump from this building." "This will be your proof that God exists." The man stands there and thinks. He thinks long and hard. Finally, he steps down and says to the Devil, "The Lord is with me every step I take. It is not right of me to test the Lords powers." He goes on to say, "I will go on with my life, knowing that the Lord loves me. He hates only the sin, and not the man."
Friend, the Lord loves every person in this world. Strength comes from the word and the belief of our Lord and savior. He cannot directly reach into your life and flip a light switch. He gives you the strength to know what is right and wrong. You make your own decisions. But he will love you and forgive you, as long as you ask for forgiveness. Every man sins. We are all born sinners. No one is perfect. Accept yourself, and love yourself for who you are, and who you are not. Love yourself as God loves you.

2007-07-10 23:55:07 · answer #4 · answered by Sneebs 4 · 0 0

You are mad at the wrong one fella. You are the sinner, not God. Jesus defeated sin by never sinning, but He knew you were not capable, and that is why He died... for your sins and mine. What have you done but fail and then get mad at the God who offers you redemption. Rejoice if you are a believer that you are saved and do your best to keep from sin. But I don't feel sorry for you and you sound like a child for blaming the Father for your sins.

2007-07-10 23:41:29 · answer #5 · answered by L.C. 6 · 0 0

Is a reality that call rotation and the earth spin around.the sun go no where, we are very fast.....!have you notice.if that movement stop or slow down is a god will.a though.a though can you see you though ,possible no but the are there all the time modern way lost this place just look around ,.............,are we all the same under the sun..........no until the philosophy that one race is inferior or superior .and a person is no different to another will stop or Babylon one again...... my friend is all cool the pole have not de free zed ,oh sorry a did..........oh god what we going to do?

2007-07-11 00:05:06 · answer #6 · answered by christian j 2 · 0 0

First of all, I don't believe in god, but I was raised Christian and I know and so should you that thw whole idea is that god gave us free will so that we must make and be accountable for our own choices.

And second of all, to say that god doesn't sin is to say Castro doesn't sin. Meaning, he who makes the rules can always follow the rules. assuming god is real, god does a lot of things and has done a lot of things that are really terrible, but, he has a rule that he is never wrong. Consequently, no matter what awful things he participates in, he gets a free pass.

2007-07-10 23:39:16 · answer #7 · answered by it's me 5 · 1 1

When we live in the flesh, then we are acceptable to Sin. but when we live in the spirit, we are free from sin. Read Romans it will give you food for thought oh retched man I am.

If we could have done it, Then God would have not sent his Son to do it for us, he has the victory as we do through him.
We will never be with out sin through our own power

2007-07-11 01:08:08 · answer #8 · answered by Greensweep 1 · 0 0

Look at it like a small child and his parents. His parents know that if he eats an entire box of chocolates he will vomit and get real sick and because they love him they tell him not to do it (sin), but you have to remember that God gives us free will just like the child who can sneak to the chocolates, but there are consequences for your own actions. Don't ever blame God. what a cop out.

2007-07-10 23:39:10 · answer #9 · answered by I Love Jesus 5 · 2 0

God gave us the power of free choice. We make the bad decisions. Lucky for us that the allmighty wonderful God is forgiving and loving. Good Luck. Bless

2007-07-10 23:38:59 · answer #10 · answered by sarah r 4 · 2 0

did I read this right? If a man asks God to not sin anymore? God cannot sin

2007-07-10 23:39:07 · answer #11 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 2 0

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