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What are you going to do when the world ends and you have the chance to go to heaven? Are you going to ask forgiveness from your sins? Or what? Dont bash/flame me, im just wondering.

And dont be like "that will never happen" blah, I just want to know what you will do IF that happens.

2007-07-10 16:33:06 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Now I know why people say atheists are rude...

I still dont believe half of you would have the balls to burn for the rest of eternity.

Anyhow, thanks for the answers, all I wanted to do was prove a point to someone, and it was as easy as that.


2007-07-10 16:41:02 · update #1

Well actually let me delete that last detail, some of you answered respectfully, and I am sorry to those I offended that answered nicely.

2007-07-10 16:43:59 · update #2

Quit making god seem like a jerk. Let me rephrase this, when you do see god, and he asks you to accept him, what will you say.

2007-07-10 16:47:40 · update #3

For sunshine...

Watch behind me-
I would await my death-

There, now your turn.

2007-07-10 16:53:39 · update #4

38 answers

The atheists will be standing in line, some in front of relgious people, some behind, and they will be judged accordingly.....

It is hoped that 'religious people' will outnumber 'atheists' but by what I see, it does not look good....

2007-07-10 16:37:39 · answer #1 · answered by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1 · 4 6

After experiencing this life on Earth, I should say, that hell would certainly be much better than what is on this earth!!!
As for the heaven, I know one thing, is that we make all one, and nobody, nobody will get left behind!!
Because if Atheist are left behind, then the muslims, the Buddhists, the Taoist, the Zoroastrinian, will also be forgotten, and since you always claim that god love us all, then he has no reasons to left anybody that don`t even know he exist behind!
I don`t think god is selfish enough to ask for being pray day after day, when he knows that we are his creation, and therefore follow his will. This thing you talk about is only to control mass populations, to scare them from not believing, this only a tool, and you eat the bait!! Please, you can be religious, but you don`t have to stop to think by yourself only on the base that you must have faith! Yes, you can have faith, but you got a brain to use it, then do it!!!

2007-07-10 16:47:24 · answer #2 · answered by Jedi squirrels 5 · 3 0

A lot of people are asking this tonight!

I can't ask forgiveness if I wasn't aware I was doing wrong, so no...

I do not regret my choices.

EDIT: I have to agree. Given a choice between eternal suffering (which isn't necessarily Biblical, but let's say it is) and serving a mean-spirited God, if you REALLY understood the nature of that suffering, you'd choose the latter. Most likely, anyway.

In my case, I'm just saying that I wouldn't feel bad so I couldn't ask for forgiveness. It wouldn't be legitimate... so that has nothing to do with my choice of Heaven/New Earth or Hell.

Also, I can't really apologize for others in reality, but sorry for the rudeness some of these people display on a daily basis. The atheists can be pretty nasty. This is just a hypothetical situation, people! I wish they wouldn't get so caught up in the patterns of questions, i.e. "it must be another Pascal's Wager, so I'll *drink*!" or "oh no, another stupid Christian (*doesn't read the whole thing or care*) - go away!"

2007-07-10 16:35:47 · answer #3 · answered by Skye 5 · 13 2

I punish myself far worse than God ever could, then mental agony I put myself through for my "sins" makes the flames of eternal damnation pale by comparison, in fact, in moments of extreme guilt I would welcome the penance they would provide. If the world truly came to its end and the pearly gates were before me, I think I'd die all over again from shock. It's not that I don't believe in a God, but the schematics of heaven just don't logically play out in any sense. I guess at that moment I would ask for forgiveness, for peeing my pants. :o)

2007-07-10 16:39:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're begging the question. There is no god, there is no heaven. Therefore, there is no "if."

Let's try a few more, shall we?

When you jump off the roof and fly by flapping your arms, will you fly to Australia or Norway?

When you grow an extra head, will you use it to do watch behind you or to surf the web twice as fast?

When R'lyeh rises and Cthulhu ravages the Earth with Ghatanothoa, what will you do?

And dont be like "that will never happen" blah, I just want to know what you will do IF that happens.

2007-07-10 16:50:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Do you believe in the Tooth Faerie and the Easter Bunny as well as this invisible guy in the sky. He knows all you do and if you are good or bad, sounds like Santa to me. How can you believe such crap? Where is your proof? Like, where is your sanity?
You would want proof of ability etc. if you were going to trust your money with an investment agent. You trust this god without anything but a book based on old legends, sound so scientology like.

2007-07-10 16:39:21 · answer #6 · answered by Willy 5 · 1 2

all insults aside, the problem is with your question. Whether you realize it or not, it is insulting. If I told you adamantly that if you are naughty Santa Clause was going to bypass you and then told you that you cannot state your disbelief in Santa as an answer, you would think me a fool. I'm sure an atheist could no more picture having to answer to a god they don't believe in anymore than you could picture yourself answering to Santa.

2007-07-10 16:48:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This questions has no answer. It would be like me asking you the same type of question, "What if when you die there was nothing, no heaven, no hell. You just die". You couldn't answer it because you would be just dead and nobody has ever come back from the death to tell us their story. Same thing with us, we don't believe in life after death.

2007-07-10 16:42:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I know I've been a good person. I really think that's all that matters. If there is a God and he/she sends me to hell simply because I didn't blindly believe in him/her than heaven's not the place I'd want to be anyway.

2007-07-10 16:41:42 · answer #9 · answered by Dawn 5 · 1 0

umm, you assume that I will see your point?
I don't.
the "world" will end when our sun can no longer sustain the temperature needed to contain its core, when it will enlarge (still incredibly hot in earth standards) and consume about five planets.... any other "end of the world" where humans become extinct will probably entail massive radiation from the sun not being stopped by our atmosphere/stratosphere.

to presume that I will accept the possibility of santa claus (god/jesus) coming "down" with the rapture and all is ludicrous. I am not the one who needs sedation falling asleep at night. I'm okay with the end being the end.

2007-07-10 16:55:06 · answer #10 · answered by Kurt H™ FC Steaua Bucureşti 3 · 1 1

Sins are a figment of a most fertile imagination. So are gods for that matter.

When/if the world ends, we're all going to die. End of story. I've seen no credible evidence to the contrary, so I have to go with this concept until that evidence is shown.

2007-07-10 16:40:07 · answer #11 · answered by BobAndrews 5 · 3 1

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