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Did you want to work on it together?? im trying to become better and follow Gods way. let me know your info and we can chat! thanks. 22/f btw.

2007-07-10 16:24:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

oh! my yahoo messenger and AIM is rachiebachie841
my msn and myspace is yummierae

2007-07-10 16:25:32 · update #1

14 answers

I'd love to talk to you. You can email me through yahoo answers if you'd like. If you would like to talk on im, I am on yahoo messenger as well. You can find that information through my profile. God bless.

2007-07-10 16:35:38 · answer #1 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 1 0

I am sure there are alot of christians who are nice and trying to become better people, but I'm not christian I'm a baha'i... I am trying to become closer to god though, I'm 22/f also. I'm trying to become a better baha'i but that is kind of the same thing as trying to be a better christian cause we folow the same laws and worshp the same god... the difrence is we belive christ already came back... any way good luck and god bless.

2007-07-10 23:45:49 · answer #2 · answered by Aztrik 3 · 0 0

Nice? I am trying to grow in Christ, and would be delighted to have you or any serious Christian email me for serious discussions or shooting the breeze, if you are in the mood. I have seen a serious effort from many Christians to avoid contentious remarks and to spread a little joy. I think our Father smiles at us for coming like little children!

2007-07-11 00:10:05 · answer #3 · answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6 · 0 0

Just so good to be able to hook up with other sisters who wanna love the Lord and not just on their own but with other believers too. We are all members of the Body of Christ an as many of God's genuine children who are willing to come out of their comfort zones and reach out to the other members of Christ's body I AM FOR IT!!
Hook me up sister

2007-07-10 23:34:18 · answer #4 · answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6 · 1 0

There are a few nice christians out there. There are also some nice atheists, muslims, buddhists, hindus, wiccans.

I find it interesting that spell checker wants me to capitalize all the religions, except wiccan.

2007-07-10 23:32:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not sure if you care to chat with a guy twice your age,but I am a Nice Christian,who is growing in his Grace,in my daily walk of sanctification.

my e-mail is always open..

(((Sister Searcher Hugger)))...she would be an excellent contact for you.

2007-07-10 23:30:56 · answer #6 · answered by bonsai bobby 7 · 1 0

Feel free to contact me. I'm a christian under construction - hence my name Searcher...I'm still searching to fully understand what God wants for my life...

Feel free to send a message by clicking on my avatar.

In Christian Sisterhood.

2007-07-10 23:29:21 · answer #7 · answered by Searcher 7 · 1 0

yes I am.. u can email me anytime.. I study THE WORD OF GOD for guidance and knowlege.. I believe that knowing GOD'S TRUTH is the most important thing. Knowing about JESUS, HIS life and death and resurection and how HE showed us how to live.. I also believe that JESUS is THE LORD of the old testament. that means that when you read about GOD in the first part of the BIBLE you see it from the testimony of JESUS' life. It makes alot of sense to me in knowing who GOD is.. JESUS said ' If you have seen ME you have seen the FATHER'.. that speaks volumes to me..it gives me a new way to look at the BIBLE as a whole.. stay in touch. and GOD bless you..

2007-07-10 23:33:10 · answer #8 · answered by spotlite 5 · 1 0

together christian will unite to grow deeper into there devotion of the LORD and im all for that

2007-07-10 23:28:21 · answer #9 · answered by resigned 5 · 1 0

Here I am, my flawed fragile human self. Email me anytime, sister. God Bless You!

2007-07-11 03:40:16 · answer #10 · answered by Dr. G™ 5 · 1 0

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