I'm glad I won't have to answer that question. My sins are all under the blood and all that's left is Christ.
Many blessings.
2007-07-10 16:14:37
answer #1
answered by Consuming Fire 7
No insults at all:
1) I don't deny his principles. Most of what Jesus stood for, are principles that are accepted by people of different faiths and even atheists to one degree or another. What i don't accept is the interpretation of those principles. Even Christians are not in complete agreement, or you would not have so many variations , some claiming the others are not real Christians. It is the people who, in my opinion have twisted what he stood for that I deny.
2) Let's just say that Jesus does come back with the judgy judgy thing, the Jesus that is portrayed in the bible seemed like a pretty logical guy who would not blindly pass judgment given the circumstances. I highly doubt that someone so wise would blame a guy for having doubt about a faith that was forced upon my ancestors violently. i doubt he would not understand the logic of having doubts about a faith that has so many practices he would not recognize. Jesus was never a Christian and never set out to start a new religion. Bottom line, I will answer honestly.
3)As far as is it being worth the chance? Do you not realize that according to other religions, YOU are the one taking a chance by not believing in their faith? It works both ways. I choose not to be guided by the "fear that i might be wrong". I let my desire to be good and just lead me to a path that may not be perfect but based on my own self-determination and free-will. Real free will...not the free will that says "do as i say or you die.
2007-07-10 16:10:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't wish to put all of my trust in a middle eastern guy who lived two thousand years ago, and who is still being exploited by churches today. There are lots of people doing good for humanity that don't require worship, tithes and church youth centers with Starbucks and bowling alleys. Which religious leader would you have us follow? Some child abusing priest or a preacher in denial of his homosexuality who ruins his family and congregation? If you could shine some light on a true path, I will be the first one to look at it with you.
2007-07-10 16:18:25
answer #3
answered by whrldpz 7
What will be your answer for denying Allah? What will be your answer for denying Krishna? Kali? Chac? The Great Spirit? Amun-Ra? Quetzcoatl? Shiva? The Jade Emporer? Odin? Jupiter? Hel? Why would you take the chance of being wrong when you say they are not real? What will be your answer?
I won't have to answer because Christ is a myth, just like every other man made god mythology.
That is my real answer, whether you choose to be insulted by it or not.
2007-07-10 16:25:30
answer #4
answered by Muffie 5
Christians identify Messiah with Jesus and define him as God incarnated as a man, and believe he died for the sins of humanity as a blood sacrifice. This means that one has to accept the idea that one person's death can atone for another person's sins. However, this is opposed to what the Bible says in Deuteronomy 24:26, "Every man shall be put to death for his own sin," which is also expressed in Exodus 32:30-35, and Ezekiel 18. The Christian idea of the messiah also assumes that God wants, and will accept, a human sacrifice. After all, it was either Jesus-the-god who died on the cross, or Jesus-the-human. Jews believe that God cannot die, and so all that Christians are left with in the death of Jesus on the cross, is a human sacrifice. However, in Deuteronomy 12:30-31, God calls human sacrifice an abomination, and something He hates: "for every abomination to the Eternal, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods." All human beings are sons or daughters, and any sacrifice to God of any human being would be something that God would hate. The Christian idea of the messiah consists of ideas that are UnBiblical.
2007-07-10 18:08:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What will YOUR excuse be when YOU wake up in the next world and there are thousands of really ticked off Hindu gods staring at you?
OK...for the sake of argument, IF I woke up and there was Christ asking me why I denied him...my response is he never gave me a single reason to NOT deny him. Exactly the same reason you would give the Hindu gods. They've never shown you that they exist, Christ has never shown me that he exists.
2007-07-10 16:36:06
answer #6
answered by Jess H 7
I understand your point of view, you have faith that you are right, but so do a lot of non Christians.
When you ask about Christ are you talking about the Jewish Messiah who is to come, or are you referring to Jesus Ben Joseph. Christ just means anointed one just so you know.
Now if the Jewish Christ shows up and ask why I denied him, I'll have to respond with "Because I'm not Jewish".
If Jesus showed up I would have to say "Could you set your followers straight before you start Haranguing the rest of us"
2007-07-10 16:18:33
answer #7
answered by Black Dragon 5
Won't need an answer because this hypothesis will never happen. If it did, I would say no one who allows such tragedy to continue if they have the ability to prevent it deserves my acknowledgment, let alone acceptance. Sounds lots better than missing out on the beauty of life and wasting what is before you just out of fear.
2007-07-10 16:15:42
answer #8
answered by Edhelosa 5
Jesus did not use scare tactics to get people to believe. He used love and acceptance-a pretty good model.
Even believers deny Christ when they fail to see and serve Christ in their suffering brothers and sisters. And they deny Christ when they judge, since Christ clearly asked us not to do that.
2007-07-10 16:12:57
answer #9
answered by Linda R 7
Well since it won't happen I'm not too worried. And if it does..and this what you people can't seem to get...I don't WANT to go with him! I can not in good faith practice a religion or follow a god that I feel is malicious and vindictive. I'll take my chance in hell.
2007-07-10 16:20:30
answer #10
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
I'd tell him to **** off. That I wasnt killing my chidlren because they misbahved, and I won't bow to any god who says to do so. Even if they havnt said so in a few thousand years.
Because he is a unchanging god, he obviously still belives what he said was right.
I'd join up with anyone else who thought him and evil god, and we would give it our all.
*( A panther has a baby. It is but the size of a kitten. one day her baby wonders upon a delicous berry, a verry rare one indeed. The mother quickly snatches it up and eats it. when her child complains, the mother punishes it with a mighty swing of her paws.
the baby grows up, but never comes close to the size of the mother. the mother still takes her food as a grown cat.
,many years later the four grandsons of the origonal panther cross paths with their mean grandmother.
although by theirself they are all weak, and though if not for her they would exist, she was also the root of all their troubles.
by theirselves they were week, but togther they easily took down the adult panther and took their body to their mother, where the head was placed up on a large tree to show all who passed.)
2007-07-10 16:19:06
answer #11
answered by Anonymous