I hope you are the guest speaker at your mother's funeral.
I can see you are filled with the love and compassion of Christ.
2007-07-10 16:03:41
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
you are right to say that anyone who has not accepted Christ as payment for their sin will not be in heaven- and nothing anyone can do about that after they die- HOWEVER- there are ways to tell people this, other than at the funeral while people are grieving. Jesus even went to Lazarus' funeral and wept= even though He knew He was going to raise him from the dead. You are speaking truth, except you are forgetting one very important thing- THE LOVE OF GOD- remember I said at the beginning that you are right to say, nothing can be done once the person died- however, PLEASE respect the people who have just lost a family member or friend. No wonder Christians are called judgmental in this forum. I am a Christian, and for those reading this question, especially ones that aren't Christians, I AM SO SO sorry for this person who is truly forgetting the love of God,
Maybe if you would share the truth with love, to the family later, they may come to know Jesus, however, if I was not a Christian and was at any of those funerals, I would not want to come to know Him.
2007-07-10 16:17:00
answer #2
answered by AdoreHim 7
Is a priest praying for a dead person a Christian? Do you have a clue what the word of God says....you are misrepresenting the Kingdom. Whatever denomination that family was from was not for you to question[ Christian]. Do you know what a Christian believes or what God wants for us? You are sure about what happens in hell? And you come up with a vulgar episode of those that will love and always miss this person regardless of his failure to thrive in society. Do you take things personally or do you show a reflection of who God is?
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but the bringing down of stronghold through God....we tell the message of the love of God and he takes care of the rest. If deceased was as you say God has mercy and grace whom ever he chooses and that includes you. Matthew 7:21-29. it is not all about you it is about God and what he does through us at any opportune time. What one says he sees[ignorance,condemation,judgement,raped,lake of fire,brimstone,opposition,mystification,acceptance,upsetting and forcing] What is that to God? If any thing is to be done to and for man it is not by your might or power but by the spirit of God. When a fool is present he is considered wise when he holds his peace and says nothing.Psalm 17:28.
2007-07-10 16:32:38
answer #3
answered by God is love. 6
A child can not go to Hell unless the know right from wrong, a retarded person can not separate whats right from whats wrong so he can still enter the kindgom of God. Why do you feel its your place to disrespect someone's home going service and cause their families more pain? Were you there with these people when the left here to insure that they didn't get their souls right with God. The families of these people are searching for peace and then you go an do something like that. The bible says blessed is the peacemaker. Since you are so adamant about letting peopl;e know this do you go out and witness to people before they die to ensure they have everything right with God before they leave this earth. Maybe we should ask you why is that can do this and have no compassion for other? Search your self first.
2007-07-10 16:17:22
answer #4
answered by m W 3
Nobody is burning in hell right now. Until Jesus comes again, then the righteous shall be saved and the unrighteous will be judged. THEN, those that have not accepted Jesus Christ as thier personal saviour will burn in the lake of fire.
(i dont know about the rapist demons thought, i would lay off on that one)
If you came to a funeral of my friend who never knew Christ, and you explained that he is burning in hell, I would be very upset.
2007-07-10 16:12:35
answer #5
answered by Neilio 4
How can you really accept something that is given freely?
Do you have hate for those who die without Messiah?
Do you have hate for those people who have just suffered loss?
You make no friends for the kingdom by condemning the dead and the living. You do not know what was in the heart of the deceased. You are not God so don't play judge. You may fall victim to the very sin spoken of. If you don't love your brother whom you see, you cannot love God whom you can not see.
2007-07-10 16:06:30
answer #6
answered by Bimpster 4
Are you a member of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas? In their never ending quest to normalize homophobia and bigotry, they, too, are known for protesting at funerals, hoisting signs and screaming that the deceased is burning in hell. While I think your question is in jest and meant to make a point, I think anyone that would believe it's even remotely appropriate to criticize the dead at his/her funeral while the family is grieving has absolutely not the slightest concept of the Golden Rule. It's incredibly cruel and indecent.
2007-07-10 16:12:41
answer #7
answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7
You are not a christian, that statement about the demons shows clearly that.
You are the one who is going to go to hell, if you don't repent.
Am I being too rude? No more than you on the supposed funerals (I think most probably you have just made that up; anyway, you need to know the real Christ)
2007-07-10 17:10:40
answer #8
answered by Joshua 5
Wow you are not only angry but arrogant, judgemental and downright insensitive and rude.
You do not get to say who goes to heaven and who does not. God, who knows what is in a person's heart gets to do that. What you are doing is blasphemy, setting yourself up as judge.
And what good do you do, when a family is in deep grief over the death of someone they love, to make a public jerk of yourself and torture them with your narrow interpretation of God's love or in your case, of God's hatred?
I have played the music for literally thousands of funerals in my career. If you got up and behaved like that in my presence, this grandmother would get off the bench and take you down personally!
Take the log out of your own eye! Or haven't your read that part of the New Testament. How about judge not, lest you not be judged? How about whatsover you do the least of God's people you do to God? There are huge gaps in your theology and in your humanity, too.
2007-07-10 16:08:49
answer #9
answered by Linda R 7
Because you are being very rude about it. It's christians like you that give are religion a bad name. You dont need to be saying things like that at a funeral. People are already upset enough that there loved one died they dont need you shouting out rude comments about the person who died when there obviously feeling down about there lost. I think that's really disrespectful. If you wanted to help someone then do it before they die. Tell them about God before they leave the earth. Otherwise there is no point of you saying anything. Keep you rude comments to yourself.
2007-07-10 16:07:06
answer #10
answered by luvfades 5
They don't want to hear that while they're mourning. To say that at a funeral is harsh and cruel. Save the message for the living who haven't so recently lost a loved one. You may be speaking the truth, but I don't feel the love.
2007-07-10 16:05:05
answer #11
answered by sdb deacon 6