This agnostic would cast his vote for:
--- ..ATHEISM...(by way of lex parsimoniae)---
2007-07-10 16:03:31
answer #1
answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7
Choose what you will. We all have free choice, that is God given. But remember, with every choice we make there is a consequence. See Pascal's wager.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me". Before you choose either I'd do some research on both. That means reading the Bible and reading atheist works also. Then deciding for yourself. For belief in God google "is there a God", Dr. Hugh Ross and the Perry Marshall website they offer scientific proofs for God's existance. For the non-existance works, try Richard Dawkin's work the God Delusion, the American atheists website, and the infidels website. These are a good place to learn about both.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."--Herbert Spencer
After reading the works of many believers and non-believers and having a spiritual experience, I am a Christian. There are many more works about Gods existance than there are about his non-existance I've found.
2007-07-10 23:19:27
answer #2
answered by Deslok of Gammalon 4
2007-07-10 22:59:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In increasing order of difficulty...
1 - weak (immature) atheism is a default position for those who find the rigours of Christianity too demanding
2 - Christianity - has everything figured out for you and as long as you can follow simple commandments, you're soul will be saved
3 - STRONG (mature) Atheism requires the strength of conviction and knowledge to counteract the theological gobbledegook we have been fed for 2000 years
2007-07-10 23:39:24
answer #4
answered by Kevin S 2
Christianity is far easier, at least in the western world. I imagine both are pretty tough in, say, the Muslim world. But being a Christian in America means the immediate respect of your peers, the assumption that one is moral and that all of your ideas about the world are sound, the strength of numbers, and the freedom to never have to consider life's important and unimportant questions. Being an atheist, all of those things are stripped away.
2007-07-11 05:34:41
answer #5
answered by Dan X 4
The sand slips through the fingers of the Christians, who grasp it tightly as if faith. The atheists cup sand, as if knowledge.
The path of least resistance is Christianity.
2007-07-10 23:00:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It depends on what your parents were. If you were born an atheist, you probably won't end up thinking twice about religion. If you're born a Christian and become atheist, you're probably going to face some difficulty.
2007-07-10 22:59:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Easily Christianity in the US anyhow. you are part of the majority, are told what to believe, how to act and who to hate. Life as a sheep is pretty simple.
2007-07-10 23:08:43
answer #8
answered by t_rex_is_mad 6
In any such circumstance, swallowing the religion will always be the easiest course. It requires no thinking at all, just rote memorization.
Perform these functions, say these words, and heaven is yours.
Nice and easy.
2007-07-10 23:01:38
answer #9
answered by Samurai Jack 6
Christianity, at least where I live in Georgia. I can't talk about what I believe here.
2007-07-10 23:00:56
answer #10
answered by Heidi K 3
C because you are just going with the flow. Being A takes much more moral courage.
2007-07-10 23:00:44
answer #11
answered by Lionheart ® 7