I was thinking about making the Straight edge commitment, which I know involves some things:
1. Abstaining from tobacco, alchool, and illegal drugs[perscription abuse is not allowed]
2. Abstaining from all sex except in a commited relationship
But is vegetarinaism also part of it, because I'm not so sure about joining in then. Although I do not wear or use fur or leather, because killing animals not for food, but for our own comfort, is stupid.(Down feathers and wool are okay by me though)
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
NO! Veganism is a personal choice made by some straight edgers, but is not part of the lifestyle. Straight edge came about out of a song by Minor Threat, and their lead singer Ian MacKaye has publicly stated that neither abstinence or veganism was part of it. Straight edge is basically about keeping your life free of addiction and your mind clean.
2007-07-10 15:44:40
answer #1
answered by The Devil 2
Yes, vegetarianism or veganism is a part of the straight edge lifestyle. But I don't see why you can not follow what you find helpful from them and decide for yourself about eating meat. Eating meat is also against the main beliefs of most Buddhists, but some Buddhists still eat meat occasionally (including the Dalai Lama).
2007-07-10 22:41:38
answer #2
answered by Pangloss (Ancora Imparo) AFA 7
Straight Edge doesn't mean you have to go vegetarian or vegan. Its Militant Edge that requires you to give up caffine, any form of drug(ones that are perscribed/over the counter), and giving up meat or becoming vegan. So you really have nothing to worry about if you want to be Straight Edge.
But more power to you for wanting to take up that lifestyle.
2007-07-10 22:42:52
answer #3
answered by snowboarderhurley 1
It is your choice.
Ashlee makes a good point. Really, if a person wants to abstain from these things, it isn't too hard. Just limit, or eliminate your association with people who practice these things, and associate with people who don't.
2007-07-10 22:38:21
answer #4
answered by Tim 47 7
No idea but why would you join "straight edge" lifestyle anyways? Why not just say "I don't smoke, do drugs, or drink"? I don't see the point in this except to be in a "group".
2007-07-10 22:39:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It is all a matter of choice, as simple as that. You will probably start out mellow and steadily progress into deep and serious as you go along and notice the positive changes in your life.
2007-07-10 22:43:27
answer #6
answered by Edhelosa 5
Dont do something just to fit into a certain clique. Do whatever makes you happy. Dont conform to any standards just be who you are and respect who you are. and vegetarianism has nothing to do with it. There are completely different things.
2007-07-10 22:40:54
answer #7
answered by Johnny Skizzle 4
i dont think vegetarianism is part of it, that could be going the extra mile. you dont have to stop eating meat to be a good person or productive member of society. best of luck to you
2007-07-10 22:43:56
answer #8
answered by motoson 4
be careful...they are STILL an aggressive group...I had a friend that was a sharpskin straight edge...and it was VERY difficult for him to separate from that group....
2007-07-11 03:00:39
answer #9
answered by juanes addicion 6
how about you just follow 1 and 2 and don't label yourself as anything?
2007-07-10 22:43:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous