Seriously, google it. The "answer to life, the universe, and everything" = 42.
2007-07-10 15:32:51
answer #1
answered by SwimBuddy 3
Simply to enjoy life to it’s fullest and to not take any part of life's special precious moments for granted. Mankind is here today because you asked to be here. No spirit leaves heaven without first volunteering and believing that they can contribute to the success of all mankind. The purpose is to be the best person that you can be under your particular circumstances and embrace the good with the bad as being a part of the lessons of life. Nobody has a perfect life but that is part of the journey and the risks that mankind has accepted when they volunteered. The rich, famous and wealthy have there own sets of problems which you may find it hard to believe is a lot worse then the average persons life. Every single person has a different path to take based on the tasks and opportunities that are presented to them during life. Mankind is to respect each other, all creatures of the world and the planet that they live in and always love those that love you unconditionally. The goal is to help those who cannot help themselves. This can be done through your place of employment by supporting the economy or by raising a family who needs your support or by volunteering for a good cause. Always support your local government by being involved and by voting otherwise you will live a life dictated by the rules of the minority and not of the majority. Understand that mankind is weak in nature and in the environment that they live in. Always stay one step ahead and be prepare for worse should you find yourself homeless or without food and water. Pray for those who have passed away and understand that they may be in the spiritual realm or just starting a new life somewhere on this earth. Remember that God will never destroy your soul even if you have been bad and you will always exist as long as God is with us. These are just a few points, which I hope you understand is by the will and love of God. Best Regards, M.G.S.
2007-07-10 18:15:25
answer #2
answered by Mettle Gnosis Seraph 3
The meaning of life is to enjoy your life and be happy with what you are given/provided. The purpose of life is for us to reflect continuosly on our position and count ourselves as lucky for having the life we have. We can all look at ourselves and find someone who is more well off than us. We can also find many many people that are less well off than us. We must be happy that we are in a better position than those that are less well off.
Be thankful for what you have by spending in charity, working with charitable causes and working in the community. Be grateful for all the qualites that we have and live life to the full. We don't know how long our life is so make everyday count.
We are here to make life good for ourselves, our families and those around us in our community and the wider world.
We are also here to prepare ourselves for the Hereafter. If we have lead a good life in this world then we will be successful in the Next world. This life is defintely a test. We must understand and distinguish between what is good and what is bad. And make the right choices in life.
Our life's main goal should be to live a life of contentment and happiness. In harmony with our fellow human beings and other creations. Try not to hurt others mentally or physically and one day you will realise your goal.
I recommend that you read the Qur'an. You will find your answer in there.
2007-07-10 23:46:41
answer #3
answered by Rico 4
This is a stupid question. The answer is simple. ME! I am the meaning of life. I am the reason that everything else exists. If I werent here then you wouldnt be here. Everything in history happened so I could learn about it. Every person exists to help make the world what it is for me to inhabit it. People think that my belives are stupid and unreallistic, but so what. Maybe the idea that Eve was created from one of Adams rib bones is stupid or that Jesus came back to life or that some greater being created us in their spare time is stupid. Well get over it. Ill believe what I want to believe and you all can continue to follow your vague stories in history.
2007-07-11 02:46:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Get Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? It is a NY Times best seller. It is a must-read for believers, non-believers and "seekers" alike. You can read the first seven chapters here:
http://www.purposedrivenlife.com/samplechapters/index.aspx I would recommend getting a copy of it, though. I think you will find the answer to all of these questions!
2007-07-10 15:47:50
answer #5
answered by blessed1 3
God created the first human pair perfect.They were designed to live forever.He placed them in a beautiful garden paradise and told them to have children and fill the earth.
this was(and still is)God's plan for mankind.He wanted to share the beauty of life with humans.
Had Adam and Eve remained obedient,we would be enjoying eternal life now in paradise.But because of their disobedience and hence sin,as their offspring we all inherit sin and death from them.
Our Loving Creator has however provided a way out for those who wish to serve Jehovah and be obedient to Him.
Why not approach Jehovahs Witnesses.They conduct free home bibles and that way you will be able to learn the answer to all your Bible based questions.You will also learn what God requires of his human creation in order for them to receive the gift of everlasting life(John 3:16,17:3)
2007-07-10 16:32:19
answer #6
answered by lillie 6
i'm no longer a christian, yet i'm going to attempt to respond to in any case. existence is truly what you're making it. yet this existence truly isn't unfastened . It comes with a cost tag, regrettably. maximum definitely everyone seems to be a slave to somebody else's theory. hopefully you're a slave on your guy or woman innovations. it is not as painful that way. nonetheless i do no longer think of God desires his shoes shined, yet I nonetheless have faith he needs people to be reliable people and that's how i think you serve God is via treating each little thing with admire and having admire for all of God's creation. it is how i think you serve God, no longer via kissing his feet. And the international he delivers interior the Hereafter would be lots freer than this one.
2016-11-08 23:25:54
answer #7
answered by dugas 4
You can look at it from many angles, there's the Nihilist view, which involves a complex paradox that makes the question a mute point, because 'there is no truth'
The Humanist views which suggests is simply to reproduce
And the Transhumanist view which says that you should do your best to advance life before your death.
2007-07-10 15:55:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
God created us to relate to Him- as in a Father/ son, friend to friend relationship. My goal is to return to that. Your goal might be anything but that. So goals are up to the individual. I decided to go God's way. Everyone else can make up their own mind.
2007-07-10 15:38:54
answer #9
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Everyone has a different opinion. My friend says the meaning of like is to live and reproduce. I think it's to live the best life you can and help those whenever possible.
2007-07-10 15:33:00
answer #10
answered by CBlackfire 5
a) To procreate.
b) To procreate.
c) To procreate.
i) There are no Invisible Sky Critters.
ii) To procreate.
iii) To procreate.
Before or After you've procreated, or decided not to, you can make up any story you want to justify your existence and any story you come up with will be true for you.
Of course, like many, you'll be happier accepting someone else's story as to why you are here.
This attracts words like gullible, scam, slave, slave master, parasite.
2007-07-10 15:39:29
answer #11
answered by Anonymous