The Mormons have never represented Christ.
2007-07-10 15:25:42
answer #1
answered by ? 4
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Pope, bless his little heinie, has never considered Mormonism as a Christian church. But, the Pope has declared all other Christian churches to have only partial access to God since they do not recognize the Pope, priests, or sacraments.
This leaves Protestants and others hot and bothered, but I don't care what the Pope says or believes. As I've said in another post, I don't keep the Pope's letters next to my Bible. I do not recognize Mormonism as a Christian establishment, so this may be one of the few points that I would agree with the Pope on. I do, however, believe that there are Christians in every Christian denomination including Catholicism. There will be many of their traditions that will be proved meaningless in the end, and it will ultimately be their trust and faith in Jesus Christ that saves them.
2007-07-11 07:55:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Pope speaks the truth. He is merely reasserting the age old, solid dogma of the Catholic Church that it is the one and only true Christian Church outside which there is no salvation.
2007-07-11 05:27:31
answer #3
answered by Pat 3
The Pope said that? Well bless his heart.
You know what I find impressive about the Catholic Church?
All the history, tradition, and ceremony. I mean, if a person wants to see a lot of action at a church, hey, the Catholic Church has a lot going on.
I've been to liveliy dances at Catholic halls, and I have met with some Catholics in their organized club type groups. I have never ceased to be amazed by Catholics.
They have cute stuff in their little stores, and well, I just can't say enough about Catholics.
Catholics! What would we do without 'em?
2007-07-10 15:30:11
answer #4
answered by Tim 47 7
Most Christian denominations believes that each of them is the fullest version of the Church of Christ.
While the Catholic Church also believes that she is "the highest exemplar" of the mystery that is the Church of Christ.
But She does not claim that non-Catholic Churches are not truly Christian Churches. The Catholic Church teaches:
Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.
Christ's Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church.
All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him.
With love in Christ.
2007-07-10 17:19:33
answer #5
answered by imacatholic2 7
I suggest you read the actual document at
The "quotes" in the news reports are not even in the document.
Here are some real quotes:
It is possible, according to Catholic doctrine, to affirm correctly that the Church of Christ is present and operative in the churches and ecclesial Communities not yet fully in communion with the Catholic Church, on account of the elements of sanctification and truth that are present in them.[
It follows that these separated churches and Communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation. In fact the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as instruments of salvation
2007-07-10 15:47:25
answer #6
answered by Sldgman 7
The Pope is not so silly then, is he. Anyway.. what has changed?
BTW.. Just who is President Hinckley? I've never heard of him.
2007-07-10 16:18:33
answer #7
answered by Icy Gazpacho 6
This isn't news the Catholic Church has always thought they were the one and only true church.
It is only the wishy washy born agains that think there are more then one true church.
2007-07-10 18:05:36
answer #8
answered by J T 6
He got an email about it, but since it wasn't an official statement of LDS doctrine, it was sent to the "personal opinions" folder. After 30 days, it will be deleted.
2007-07-11 08:23:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm pretty sure that Joe Smith called that title 150 years ago, so the Catholic Church is just a copycat.
2007-07-10 17:54:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous