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I keep reading how stupid Athiests are , so I just wanted to know why that is???

2007-07-10 15:17:22 · 24 answers · asked by slaveof12gods 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Hello dear!
In your question you ask for two different classes: Christians and A-Theists; it would be more adequate to either ask Theists - A-Theists, or Christians and Buddhists (for example).
Now, when someone is intelligent does not need the rulers to impose on him/ her a religion. On the other hand, since in the monotheistic as well as other religions the rulers impose a certain religion to all subjects, the ones pretending they are theists have easier lives - does this make them more intelligent? I think: No! Since this makes them parts of this machine and do not argue on their stands, thus no progress!
Overall, believers are not intelligent, they are followers, like the lamps and goats who have to follow certain ways, although they feel free since they can eat from some meters from their way! Do the herds have more intelligence and freedom than the free beasts?

2007-07-10 19:08:54 · answer #1 · answered by soubassakis 6 · 4 2

Atheist are people.
Christians are people.
People are religious or non-belivers
People have a certain intelect.
Intelect = high or low.

In this case means that Atheist and Christians are a group of people and inside it there can be find many types: from smart to stupid; from carring to sadic; from shy to out-going.
As well there are many other religious forms not only these two; what about animism? - they think that even that bench out side has a soul. Are they intelligent, maybe not... but who are we to judge a person for it`s own choosing?
Think a minute: many profets, writers, painters, musicians, etc. that are well known were either religious or not religious. So we can`t say that christians are stupid or smart as we can`t say the same thing about any other religions. Now atheists revolve on science, probably and they just exclude other posibilities even if they sound weird like God, for example.Why not research? it is much easier to say I don`t Think he exists though to search and study, etc...

So I think I can resume to one small fraze:

None is more intelligent, cause they are a group.


As well I am not a religion freak or a atheist... I guess I am a christian though I find God as: love, friendships, and other stuff that represents the best parts in life. And the Devil as: hate, killers, pedophiles, etc. those things that represents the worst parts in life = in people.

I can`t say If I am a christian I am like a sheep as for atheists that they can`t evolve. I say I am a christian for my soul = to be in peace when I die, and not be scared of death. Maybe a religion teaches you this thing... not beeing afraid; and yes you are a sheep if you don`t live your life and follow others. But religion is not like that.

Atheists they will evolve in time, think about it: they`re last day of life... you won`t know now but you will see... the ironic thing in a atheist is at his end of life... "if there is a God... please I don`t want to die". Even if you don`t believe me here..

I am a christian, atheist = combined these two. I mean I believe in science, religion, my own oppinions (important) and follow my own rules but with not breaking the others.

2007-07-11 05:22:20 · answer #2 · answered by Jonah 2 · 0 0

Some Christians are indeed more intelligent then some Atheists.

Some Christians are just blinded with their faith and thought only those that believed them are the intelligent ones, just like the story of emperor's new clothes, people will want to believe they are the intelligent ones to the level they want to fool themselves into believing something because someone else says so.

2007-07-10 22:22:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. They choose to believe they are smarter and they give their proof as the fact that they believe in a book of fables and can prove it's infallibility by way of a few well placed historic references, all the while ignoring the fact that all non christians have read and usually understand the lit better and thus they are non christians, as well as the fact that they can create their own thought instead of copy and pasting ancient, dusty words, and also that they can actually formulate, grasp the concept, and truly understand science and free will.

2007-07-10 22:26:29 · answer #4 · answered by Edhelosa 5 · 2 0

Well that is not true at all. Maybe some Christians, Atheist, Jews, Muslims etc aren't very smart but that has nothing to do with what they believe in. You can't judge how smart someone is by a belief in something. There are too many people to in each group to make such a narrow-minded statement.

2007-07-10 22:22:57 · answer #5 · answered by Vintage Glamour 6 · 5 0

I'm a Christian, but I don't think that believing or not has nothing to do with being intelligent or not. I bet that when Atheists say the same thing about Christians, you don't like it, but they have the right to think the same way about us. Only respect begets respect, if we want our beliefs to be respected, we need to start respecting theirs.

2007-07-10 22:25:55 · answer #6 · answered by Millie 7 · 1 0

No. Christians and Atheists can be equally intelligent.

The only difference is that atheists not believe in god.

A believer can say they are not wise, but they can be more or less inteligent as anybody. After all, believing in god is about decision, it have nothing to do about reason.

2007-07-10 22:26:26 · answer #7 · answered by Alder_Fiter_Galaz 4 · 0 0

Not true - the higher the level of education someone has, the less likely they are to be Christian. Atheists don't believe in mythology, but Christians do. It's that simple.

2007-07-10 23:01:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Whenever I read a Christian who clearly can't spell or think say, "Atheists are stupid" or "The fool has said in his heart there is no God" or whatever, I always think of the dumb crocodiles in Pearls Before Swine (my favorite comic strip *ever*) calling someone an "eediot."

2007-07-11 11:10:02 · answer #9 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 1 1

I am kind of dumb but I still test out as smarter than 90% of the people around. Funny, eh!

2007-07-10 22:31:16 · answer #10 · answered by ? 5 · 4 0

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