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Has anybody seen the movie WarGames, and how at the end the Computer
realizes after simulating hundreds of tic-tac-toe games each resulting
in a draw, and then simulating hundreds of nuclear war scenarios all
ending in a draw it came to the conclusion that

"The only way to win is not to participate."

Thats what any debate between Facts and Faith come down to and it will
continue to be this way until there is a logical explanation for
everything, theists will continue to use Arguments from Ignorance,
Pascal's Wager and maintain a God of the Gaps, well in my opinion at

2007-07-10 14:59:06 · 6 answers · asked by Ian G 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My point is that the debates themselves will solve nothing, and serve no purpose other than to provide everyone in R&S with some light entertainment.

2007-07-10 15:06:06 · update #1

"But we must learn to accept each others religions or beliefs or we will destroy ourselves."
Indeed we should.

For those who don't know what acceptance is, I'll give a definition.
"Acceptance, in spirituality, mindfulness, and human psychology, usually refers to the experience of a situation without an intention to change that situation. Acceptance does not require that change is possible or even conceivable, nor does it require that the situation be desired or approved by those accepting it. Indeed, acceptance is often suggested when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk."

In simpler terms, acceptance doesn't mean you would have to agree with all religions and beliefs, you would just have to acknowledge their uniqueness and significance.

2007-07-10 15:18:03 · update #2

6 answers

I saw that movie as well and you are right. There are some things that we have to agree that we will endlessly debate for as long as we are on here.

But take a look at your final comment in the additional details and then look at what you said about the people's belief in the Judeo-Christian God. Does your comment fit in terms of being respectful of our beliefs? Why say it's out of ignorance, when many of our beliefs are based on either personal experience, what we have seen in other people's lives, or what we have read and researched?

2007-07-10 15:29:40 · answer #1 · answered by Searcher 7 · 1 0

The point of the argument is not to win, but to examine the validity of the opposing point of view. Who knows...you "might" actually learn somethin.

Besides, where would all the fun be?

Yes, i've seen the movie only cause my hubby was watching it.

2007-07-10 15:03:29 · answer #2 · answered by Leila G 3 · 2 0

I don't understand how avoidance = winning unless you consider time saved as winning.

Yes it is an exercise in futility but what about that slim chance of converting one to the other's side and tipping the balance so you have a majority and then you have won it all?

2007-07-10 15:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by csucdartgirl 7 · 1 1

You are right. But we must learn to accept each others religions or beliefs or we will destroy ourselves.

2007-07-10 15:04:52 · answer #4 · answered by punch 7 · 1 0

Revelation 21:6 He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life."

2007-07-10 15:07:25 · answer #5 · answered by Holy Holly 5 · 0 2


2007-07-10 15:03:06 · answer #6 · answered by Malachi 4 · 1 0

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