Anyone, regardless of race or current beliefs can become Jewish (Ok, strictly speaking member sof the tribe of Amalek can't, but since they haven't been around for more than 2500 years, they are not an issue... LOL )
Converting takes time and effort- a lot of time and effort for an Orthodox conversion, a lot less time and effort for Conservative or Reform conversions- but an Orthodox conversion is the only one accepted by all Jews.
As others have said, Messianic Judaism and Jews for Jesus are NOT Jewish sects- they are Christian sects using deceitful tactics to convert Jews. Here are a few of the theological differences between Judaism and Christianity:
1) The belief that God would physically manifest to produce a child is the opposite of Jewish belief
2) The belief that God is made up of different beings is the opposite of Jewish belief in the single, undivided nature of God.
3) The belief that any being could set itself up in opposition to God (i.e. the devil) is the opposite of Jewish belief in which God is the sole and only authority and author of events in the world
4) The idea of eternal damnation for people who err (Hell), is the opposite of Jewish belief in which God is loving and always forgives.
5) The idea that God would ever cancel his convenant, after explicitly stating it was eternal, and thus turning God into a liar, is the opposite of Jewish belief
6) The idea that God could ever make a mistake (i.e. that the law he gave was too difficult to follow and was thus replaced with the sacrifice of his "son") is the opposite of the Jewish belief that God is perfect and never makes mistakes.
7) The idea that God can make mistakes is also the opposite of the Jewish belief that God is eternal and across all of time (God is, God was, God will be) and thus knows rthe consequences of every action and can tus never makes mistakes or not know the result sof something he does.
And here, in brief, is why we reject Jesus as the messiah:
1) The dead were not resurrected
2) The Jews did not beome priests to the other nations
3) There is no world peace
4) The temple is not standing
5) There is no temple service
6) There is no parah adumah or its ashes to render us tahor
7) The messiah is from the House of David. your house/tribe is inherited from your father. Your father is your BIOLOGICAL father- there is no adoption in Judaisim to another father- if God is the father of Jesus- then Jesus cannot be from the House of David as God is not frm the House of David.
8) Human sacrifice is completely forbidden in Judaism- remeber God stopping the sacrifice of Isaac? The idea of a human being sacrificed is the opposite of anything from Judaism!
9) You have to atone for yourself! An essential part of the atonement process is being repentant. Someone cannot be repentant for you- you have to do it for yourself. ONly communal sins can be forgiven communally- not individual, private sins!
And no- the messiah does NOT proclaim himself- he will be recognised by his deeds- not by his claims- in other words, through doing the above he will be recognised as the messiah. On top of that- mashiach is a HUMAN being, with HUMAN parents- the idea of an anthropomorphised God going around and impregnating young woman is completely alien to Judaism- though it fits very nicely into the pagan religions of the time which had their heroes being fathered by gods (ala Hercules and his daddy Zeus)
2007-07-10 21:10:05
answer #1
answered by allonyoav 7
Oh you are not the one who asked to talk to another Catholic.
So to answer your question, YES a Christian can convert to Judaism. Just as a Buddhist can convert or a Islam can convert to Christian (any denomination). Or an atheist can become anything. Christianity is a Faith ~ the religion is the particular denomination within Christianity.
I think there are also some Christians who became Jews. It is a matter of belief and preference. Which is one of the greatest freedoms we have in this country. AMEN.
2007-07-10 16:30:50
answer #2
answered by MELANIE 6
Although we do not seek converts, we accept them with open arms. Anyone with a sincere desire to lead a Jewish life can convert to Judaism, but one cannot be both Christian and Jewish, since the two religions are polar opposites.
This website illustrate this point very well:
2007-07-10 17:14:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Not only can they, but they are -- especially Catholics. Catholics are surprised to find that not only are they allowed to ask questions, they are *encouraged* to ask!
From my experience, I've noticed that they have more trouble giving up Santa Claus than Jesus.
BTW: Messianic Jews and Jews-for-Jesus are NOT Jews. They are another group of those door-to-door Christians who masquerade as Jews in order to convert Jews.
2007-07-10 15:02:37
answer #4
answered by Hatikvah 7
Yes of course.
Depending on what group you want to convert to - Orthodox, Reform or Conservative - will determine how long it will take. Orthodox is the strictest, the only group to use the Talmud.
Once you fully convert you are considered to a full Jew, regardless of your upbringing or blood line.
If you have any questions let me know.
2007-07-10 15:01:34
answer #5
answered by noncrazed 4
Absolutely yes, but they'd have to renounce the concept of Jesus as messiah.
[edit] Just to add to what some have said below--"Messianic Jews" and "Jews for Jesus" are not Jews. Period, end of sentence. This isn't even up for discussion.
2007-07-10 15:00:12
answer #6
answered by Mark S, JPAA 7
A Xtian could, but they would have to give up their Xtian beliefs and become a Jew. There is no such thing as a Xtian Jew. You cannot believe in J*sus and still be Jewish.
2007-07-10 15:02:35
answer #7
answered by LadySuri 7
I know that Christians are welcome to visit the various Jewish congregations (I know of one who visits regularly).
There are also Messianic Jews (people of the Jewish faith that believe that Jesus is the Messiah). (See Jews for Jesus)
So, I do believe that a Christian could convert to Judaism.
2007-07-10 15:04:18
answer #8
answered by Searcher 7
Of course you can. But you'd have to give up everything you were taught to believe, etc. about christianity.
2007-07-10 15:18:49
answer #9
answered by -♦One-♦-Love♦- 7
You could be a jew but still believe Jesus died for you, so maybe you can be both.
2007-07-10 15:00:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous