State your answer. I strongly believe in the words of the bible and what reason it gives for the Earth coming to an end. As a matter of fact, this end, supposedly a "Rain of Fire." Some people believe this is a nuclear war of some kind. I believe it is a comet that is actually inbound to Earth. It may be scary, but it's proven by actual science research. The comet will predictably kill 2/3 of human population, and so a christian article says it will. The bible proclaims 7 angels sounding horns. The comet crashing to Earth contains 7 events that will destroy human life:
1) Collision
2) Coastal Floods
3) Ash rain
4) Rain of heated comet debris
5) Heat Wave
6) Extreme Freeze
7) Death of plants and other animals for food
This, I believe, is what God, and the Bible, mean by the death of Earth. If you are Athiest or you are Agnostic about Revelations, please do not state your opinion.
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