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which religion most believes this in their teachings?

2007-07-10 14:25:45 · 5 answers · asked by Lightworker 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

If you're referring to the church holiday, it's the celebration of the bodily Ascension of Christ into Heaven, and in the Catholic Church, it's one of the holy days of obligation.


2007-07-10 14:34:07 · answer #1 · answered by solarius 7 · 0 0

Ascension is going from a lower level to a higher level of Reality. We Humans here on Earth are classified as ascending sons or daughters of God into eventual final perfect spiritual status on Paradise. We start out in this first life on Earth (there is no reincarnation) as a mortal personality. As we seek truth, beauty and goodness in our life experiences, the spirit of God within duplicates the best of you as soul. At physical death the soul, mind records and personality are re-united up on a higher soul level sphere. This is your first ascension of over one billion ever higher ones until you are a perfected seventh stage Spirit Being on Paradise. Higher Beings descend to here to help us ascend to Paradise.

Many religions, especially Christianity, teach about ascension and the Ascension of Jesus Christ Michael back to God in AD30, and then the sending of He the Spirit of Truth of God and Jesus as One Spirit upon us all.

Any more questions on this?

Peace and progress in ascending into all Truth

2007-07-10 21:47:09 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

It is a Christian doctrine, that Jesus ascended to heaven. I doubt anyone takes this as a literal statement of fact nowadays, as though heaven is literally 'up there'. Of course, it would be useful to explain the delay of the second coming in terms of the fact that the universe turned out to be a lot larger than anyone (including Jesus) could have known.

If any Christians DO take this doctrine literally, they ought to be lined up for jobs at NASA in the hope of being the first person to spot Jesus' return via the Hubble Telescope! :-)

2007-07-10 21:43:21 · answer #3 · answered by jamesfrankmcgrath 4 · 0 0

The act of having ascended.

2007-07-10 21:30:05 · answer #4 · answered by Grendel's Father 6 · 0 0

Christ is the only one who died , rose and "ascended" to His Father.

2007-07-10 21:29:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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