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Is it possible to become a nun somewhere if one is openly gay? Yes, I know plenty of religious types frown upon homosexuality, but is there anywhere that it's possible?

In before 'Go to Hell'.

2007-07-10 14:25:12 · 26 answers · asked by Sara H 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Yes, obviously there is a vow of celibacy. That doesn't mean that one is asexual, because one is still attracted to either sex. However, I don't know the specific process to go about it, and if someone has been openly gay their whole life, is it possible that they could be turned away?

2007-07-10 14:43:20 · update #1

26 answers

Yes, you can. Homosexuality is NOT a sin. The act of homosexuality (sex out of marriage) is.

Should you wish to become a Religious Sister or Cloistered Nun, I know you will be warmly welcomed. There are vows that you will take, as long as you honor those, you will be fine.

2007-07-10 14:30:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are nuns in various religions including different Christian sects and Buddhism. The Christian sects do not discriminate against gay people for being gay but they do consider gay sex to be sinful just as extra-marital sex is. I don't know about Buddhists. Nuns generally take a vow of celibacy and that would apply to homosexual as well as heterosexual nuns. If you are celibate, it doesn't matter what your orientation is.

2007-07-10 21:32:02 · answer #2 · answered by tentofield 7 · 1 0

As a Catholic, I'm making a fairly good guess to answer your question. I think it's probably not going to happen in your lifetime, especially with all the media coverage concerning abusive priests. For your own edification, let me say this:
Being gay is not a sin; doing what gay people do outside of marriage is a sin. The Catholic Church does not frown on homosexuality in and of itself. What it does frown on and does not condone in any way, shape or form is the sexual behaviors given to gays and lesbians outside of marriage. With this in mind, I am thinking that a religious group probably will not accept you because of your homosexuality. This does not preclude, however, your searching for an organization that might be open to receiving you into their sisterhood. I might further suggest you do an internet search on religious life and explore each what each has as its requirements. One that might be open to you would be LIttle Sisters of the Poor. This group of beautifully dedicated sisters devote their lives to caring for the aging population.
Given the environment in which they provide their caring service, you might be an ideal candidate. This is just an opinion. So, again, I would encourage you to please explore what religious groups might be open to you. Before your search, it's important to understand that you cannot continue to have an active sexual life. All religious are celibate. Are you ready and are you fully prepared to leave that piece of life your behind you? If yes, that move forward.

Start with a group in your local area and then go from there. My best wishes are with you. I hope you will find what you are searching for.

2007-07-10 21:41:53 · answer #3 · answered by Ms.Social Worker 2 · 1 0

Remember also that the word "nun" connotes virginity.

One has to pass psychological tests to be admitted into a convent. You cannot be a homosexual and be a Nun or a Sister, a Brother or a Priest.

Sometimes, it may seem that a celibate person is a homosexual. Honestly, I believe that sexual attraction is highest when one is young, as you are young. This idea of yours that one is always attracted to one sex or another is baloney. One is attracted to God. So, don't judge a celibate person as being a homosexual. This is often done by unreligious people.

If you are Catholic, and you are a practicing homosexual, STOP, GO TO CONFESSION, and see what GOD wants for you. He is the one who calls a person to Religious Life.

2007-07-10 21:29:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well I know that being a nun requires that you leave all others behind, as a nun you wont be able to have any relationships gay or straight. That's how it is.
It's a vow of celibacy.

2007-07-10 21:30:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are counseled all during your study period and each congregation of sisters would be different in their approach to the matter. You would have to be the one to pray that this really would be the right vocation for you...the call is to celibacy and the single life. That is what you would seriously have to consider.

2007-07-10 21:30:39 · answer #6 · answered by Tapestry6 7 · 0 0

Nuns are required to make vows promising to live lives of poverty, chastity and obedience (to the rules of the Congregation).
Are you asking : is it o k to have homosexual relations with other nuns?

2007-07-10 21:35:40 · answer #7 · answered by flugelberry 4 · 1 0

I think the whole point to being "married to Christ" is that you are no longer carnal. "Openly gay?" Do you plan on continuing a sex life? Otherwise, I think if you are devout, any cloister would be happy to have you.

2007-07-10 21:29:37 · answer #8 · answered by Pryva D 3 · 1 0

Do nuns even have a sexuality? They take a vow against it, so wouldn't they be Asexual?

2007-07-10 21:28:21 · answer #9 · answered by Vez 3 · 0 1

I was under the impression that being gay for nuns was almost a requirement for entry. I know! Over 18 years of Catholic education has introduced me to well over 100+ nuns. In my estimation, 90+% of which were openly gay. You have nothing to worry about! Just supress that urge till you get your holy orders and you are in!

2007-07-10 21:29:56 · answer #10 · answered by UpChuck 3 · 0 4

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