If you do not buy a Ford you are a failure as a human being.
2007-07-10 14:15:46
answer #1
answered by ? 5
People in this day, are searching for meaning, for purpose and for fullfillment. Some turn to possessions, others to immoral living, motorbikes, cars, parties, alcohol and drugs. Most people, however think of there most prized and sacred possession most of the time. They worship these possessions unconciously. Without concious knowledge. EVERYONE is looking for love, unconditional love. We were created to be loved by family, by friends companionship and community. People search for love and cannot find that perfect love anywhere. They are looking for a high so they turn to drugs, alcohol or worshipping mortal things. They are looking unconciously for spiritual high that only God can fill. God never created us to be alone. He created us for purpose and companionship. To acchieve goals, to help others, to teach, guide and nurture the next generation. But He says in the book of Psalms "In the midst of all life throws at you, be still and know that I am God" He wants the best for you and your family. He wants to give you everything. But the best will only come and happieness will only come when your life is in Gods hands. He wants you to have a family, to work. But Gods way is the best way. He knows your future and wants you to succeed.
2007-07-10 21:50:17
answer #2
answered by sweetcandy 2
People say this out of the passion of their faith. But as in any group, there are differences of opinion among people who practice religion.
I'm a Christian and I belive that God has been the best thing in MY life. I cannot imagine MY life without Him. Therefore, I think having religion is one of the best parts of life. However...from my point of view, saying there aren't other reasons to live is not correct. Your reasons are great. To those who are religious, we also have the same reasons to live, but having religion makes it all better for us.
2007-07-10 21:23:18
answer #3
answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7
to be with god is the best reason not the only though and to go to school is to learn you should learn about god. To help others is to make their life better how do you make your life better? By believing in god. raise a family is to teach them religion and show them whats the best in life...god. guide the young to do whats best believe in god. be a good person by believing in god all mighty. I hope that you find Jesus nd God in the end. God Bless!
2007-07-10 21:19:09
answer #4
answered by kellybug 4
God is the best reason to live. And I would not exist without Him. Before I new Christ I thought that my life had purpose... to serve myself and do what I thought was right, but now I would rather serve God and others and this change has given me real purpose... unlike the empty purpose that I once thought was fulfilling and meaningful.
2007-07-10 21:18:35
answer #5
answered by L.C. 6
We will all die and since I have never been visited by family or friends who have passed on, how do we know what happens after death? It can't be studied by science, so what are we to believe about it.
2007-07-10 21:23:33
answer #6
answered by C N 2
I don't say there is no reason to live. I think it's plenty more fun, it's plenty more secure to live with God than without. But you can still live. Just not as secure and fun.
2007-07-10 21:15:54
answer #7
answered by spinelli 4
Religion can do nothing for you. However God can. Don't confuse religion and God.
2007-07-10 21:18:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it is the primitive mind that makes us want to believe in the existance of gods, it is the same part of the primitive mind that allows a person to believe that life with out an after-life is more unbearable than death itself.
people that have this ideology are a throw back to all our evolutionary advances.
2007-07-10 21:16:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yeah i dont really think those people have any idea of what they are talking about.
i think some reasons would be
helping the world you live in become a better place
becoming a good person
would be good reasons.
2007-07-10 21:16:56
answer #10
answered by WHISPER IN THE WIND 2