and how do they explain ghosts that move on? how do they explain the soul? how do they explain such powers as telekinesis are simaler to ghosts? how do they explain the fact that the goverment is a cult? how do they explain what keeps us moving?
23 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
how do they explain ancient texts? surely we whouldent do them for shits and giggles (lol thats the best line that could match what i am talking about)
13:59:58 ·
update #1
how do they explain the pure will power that we all have inside of us?
14:00:22 ·
update #2
what first gave us energy?
14:04:29 ·
update #3
whats stoping something ultimate or unlimeted existing in all space and time itself? whats stoping a great entity from existing and exposing people to the 4thdimension? whats stoping the belief that the soul is a force that moves us and that gives us power and can stop us from crosing over to the other plane? really whats stopping that?
14:21:17 ·
update #4
Edit: Pocket Stooge, moldy bread... like that caused DANCING FEVER! Or people to become werewolves?! (Woooooo lycanthropy! 'Tis a shame it was so deadly, though...)
Youch, this'll be a long one...
God... God... I remember something about a certain part of the brain that is closely linked to spiritual experiences... so, I guess you might call it overactive imagination.
Ghosts... Hmmm, well, not everyone feels the need to prove ghosts, considering not everyone even thinks they're real. But, there are theories relating to energy. Something about the energy imprinting on the earth in certain conditions. Like, if somebody is brutally murdered the energy exerted by their emotions- their fear, anger, etc.- might make an imprint on the earth, sort of, and therefor can play with magnetic fields and the like. I dunno if this is widely accepted.
Telekinesis... never heard of an actual case of it, but I've never looked into much. Pretty sure it's largely disregarded in the science community. I suggest another source.
Which government?
Moving... the brain and the nervous system makes us move. You see, the brain sends a signal in the form of neurotransmitters along nerves. Oh, darnit, we just did this before our finals, too...
Ancient texts? People wrote 'em! It wasn't for sh!ts and g!ggles (I had to make the !'s match). A long time ago, people didn't have our methods and advances in science. Then, all they could do to explain our world was, basically, make up these things. They got written down and voila! And, you know, in one or two hundred years there are going to be things we believe now that people then will think are just dumb.
Pure power... um, that has to do with energy. Chemical bonds and the like. When we eat we break down the food and break the bonds between the atoms of the food. We use the energy that was holding the atoms together to make us move and think and have that 'power'.
The sun is the source for all of our energy. See "food chain". That oughtta point you in the proper direction.
2007-07-10 14:12:40
answer #1
answered by Diavola 3
1. Atheists are not known, generally speaking, for having overactive imaginations. Nor imagintions either.
2. The only ghost I would expect to "move on" would be Hank Snow.
3. There is no god. No god, no soul.
4. Unintelligible.
5. I was not aware that the government is a cult. Other than in your ..... mind?
6. Sheer ignorance, Thumper.
2007-07-10 21:14:49
answer #2
answered by Grendel's Father 6
Prophets are either lying, deluded or both. Ghosts don't exist. Nor do souls. Telekinesis doesn't exist. The government isn't a cult, though that wouldn't have anything to do with atheism. Energy from food keeps us moving. Ancient texts are documents dating from before 476CE. Willpower is necessary for survival. We first got our energy when we were embryos by absorbing nutrients through our cell membranes. Something unlimited cannot exist because it would violate the laws of physics. People have already been 'exposed' to the 4th dimension; the 4th dimension is time. See previous answers regarding souls and what causes people to move.
2007-07-10 21:02:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ghosts: Even some Christians dont believe that one.
Soul: Have they discovered we have a soul? Did i miss the discovery channel documentary on it?
Telekinesis: What does this have to do with religion? Accept some people that claimed they had it before were burned for having the "devil's" power. Even some Christians dont believe this one either. If they do it is "ungodly".
Government cult: Huh?
What keeps us moving: Physics and Biology
Ancient texts: They had "ancient texts" on ancient Greek gods but you dont believe in them do you?
Pure will power: Your brain?
Energy: Energy can never be created or destroyed. This is the principle of Conservation of Energy. It comes in may ways. Kinetic, potential, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, and mass energy.
2007-07-10 21:13:23
answer #4
answered by SwimBuddy 3
I have a question for you... I know you might be curious and everything but why exactly do you want to know this?
There is no "god"
It really sounds to me like you're someone really religious in some way or another trying to prove Athiests wrong. Although you may be just curious, this is what it sounds like to me.
You can believe in a certain god or multiple gods, it does not interfere with anything because TRUE Athiests know that there is no such thing as a god or multiple gods.
2007-07-10 21:06:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
How do we explain--
prophets of god - self deluding
ghosts - no such thing
the soul - no such thing
telekinesis - no such thing
goverment is a cult - now you're raving
what keeps us moving? - kinetic energy
ancient texts - there are lots of ancient texts. The Odyssesy, anyone?
the pure will power that we all have inside of us - evolution.
2007-07-10 21:04:23
answer #6
answered by Bad Liberal 7
1. anyone can be a prophet of god. just open up a fortune cookie, tell it to someone...remember to be vague...and then watch them be wowed.
2. yes
3. ghosts that move on? uh....youre gonna have alot of explainiong to do on that one...might be best if you avoided this one.
4. how do YOU explain the soul? last i checked there was absolutely ZERO evidence for the existenceo f a soul...i DO have a brain though....
5. see #3's reccomendation
6. uh...the government is a cult? (makes circley-ear motion)
7. um....inherent perpetual motion?
these are laughable.
2007-07-10 21:00:32
answer #7
answered by johnny.zondo 6
I think the "fact" that the government is a cult explains them all. So, you hear this term, "overactive imagination" quite a bit, don't you?
btw, my girlfriend explains the "pure power" that the two of us have inside as "Lindt & Sprungli"
2007-07-10 21:02:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no such thing in ghosts. no soul. no such thing in telekinnesis. the government is a what? well, what keeps us moving is our bodies and internal organs and brain and heart. and the fact that we all think we might be able to afford that car one day.
2007-07-11 10:53:19
answer #9
answered by pete 3
Prophets were mostly xenophobic moralists who preached that everyone who wasn't an Israelite was a sub-human who deserved to die. They earn no respect from me.
Souls, telekinesis, ghosts, and the like all have one thing in common: they don't exist.
2007-07-10 21:01:48
answer #10
answered by Minh 6