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Many religious folks are saying the OT laws are null and void. Many others say they still stand. Which is it? You can't pick and choose certain OT laws to validate and others to disregard. If OT laws are to be disregarded, the commandments go with them. If the commandments are to be accepted than all other OT laws are accepted as well. So which is it?

2007-07-10 13:55:32 · 23 answers · asked by Just! Some? *Dude* 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

so many different answers....but which one is right?

2007-07-10 14:24:58 · update #1

the believers should get together and come to an agreement about these things so as to not look so confused......it's always amazing how many different answers you get yet everyone believes there's is the right one.

2007-07-10 14:27:15 · update #2

23 answers

Which commandments were written with the hand of GOD?

That's a very good place to start.

It, also, helps to understand WHY these laws were given. They are NOT haphazardly introduced in the OT only to be discarded in the NT.


GOD bless

2007-07-10 13:59:37 · answer #1 · answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6 · 2 2

The laws for the ancient nation of Israel during the time of Moses are still valid today in many ways. However the Ten Commandments still apply even to all mankind. The 10 are moral laws to live by forever. The laws in the Old Testament vary one from another, dietary laws or sacrificial laws or others. Many of the laws do not pertain anymore because of fulfillment's of such laws. So many of the laws are null and void because of the sacrifice and resurrection and ascension of Jesus. God commands them first love the LORD thy God with all thy heart , soul and might. Deut 6:5. Jesus explains during his ministry that love God and mankind, those are his the two commandments to live by. Matt 22:37-40; Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
God wants from us is love and obedience not sacrifices of works.

2007-07-10 14:34:41 · answer #2 · answered by from above 2 · 1 0

The Ten Commandment are divine and natural laws. The Old Testament ritual laws have passed into history. There are different kinds of law. The Ten commandments still bind because they are universal. The jewish ritual laws of the Temple have passed away. No more animal sacrifices.
Jesus nullified the law of "Talion" an eye for an eye. Jesus also abrogated the Mosaic law allowing for divorce.

2007-07-16 17:09:48 · answer #3 · answered by hossteacher 3 · 0 0

The only law that is null and void is the sacrificial law. It was added because of sin. It was nailed to the cross when Jesus died because he is the ultimate sacrifice. All other laws are still in effect until heaven and earth pass away.

When Moses gave the laws to Israel the Lord gave it to him he didn't make it up. Moses gave the bill of divorce which was never so from the beginning.

As for these laws only being for Israel, then why did the lord say that even the stranger in thy gates shall be circumcised so why shouldnt they follow the rest of the laws.

2007-07-10 14:16:36 · answer #4 · answered by neal8mile 2 · 1 0

you have quite one in each of those solutions right here, and that i'm helpful there will be extra that variety besides, on account that definitely everyone has their very own interpretation. My perception on it is that we are to no longer dismiss the OT, yet the place issues have been punishable via dying then (as a results of fact there replaced into no salvation), now they do no longer look to be. Jesus got here & died for our sins, and released us from the dying sentance for our sins from the OT, the NT reflects extra on a thank you to be stored, and issues which will come interior the destiny. And as somebody else reported, the countless issues that folk think of have been "rules" interior the OT have been easily being given to a particular group of individuals on the time. case in point, i'm helpful that everywhere you reside, and the place I stay, there are distinctive rules, some I would desire to stay with and you do no longer and a few you have that i do no longer. that doesn't recommend they weren't actual, basically that they only utilized to a definite people, and at a definite time. rules replace, policies replace, it is existence. From my understanding of the bible, the previous testomony is extra of a historic past lesson, that leads you as much as the hot testomony as quickly as we've been waiting to acquire our salvation. that doesn't make it much less valid, yet fortuitously we've been stored via grace if we elect to settle for it, and are freed.

2016-11-08 23:15:49 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Here is an authoritative answer to your question. The Mosaic Law or Torah was delivered to the Jews by God at Mount Sinai through Moses. The law was sent to give life but was unable to do so because sin used it to excite a desire within the Jewish community to do the very thing forbidden by God (Romans 7) . Thus, the effect of the law was to enslave those who labored under it (Gal. 3). Interestingly, the law also caused sin to abound within the very people God had chosen to bring redemption to creation. God solved the problem by sending Jesus to act as the representative of the Jews where sin had been concentrated. As Israel's representative, Jesus died on the cross where sin was condemned in his flesh.(Rom 8:1-3). Sin, the true culprit, was thus condemned. The purpose of the law to give life was then fulfilled. Jesus was the fulfillment of the law. The law, having accomplished it's purpose, was then completed. The law was thus set aside. It was always a good thing, sent to accomplish a good purpose. Having accomplished that purpose, however, it has been superceeded by a superior covenant. The accomplishment of the law resulted in a single family defined, not by Torah (law) observance but by faith in Jesus Christ. We, as Christians, are called to love God and love our neighbor. In loving God and loving our neighbor, many of the things we do co-incide with the law. If, for example, we love God and our neighbor, we won't steal, commit adultery, covet, lie, cheat, etc. Not because we are observing the law but because we love.

2007-07-16 09:57:30 · answer #6 · answered by irthnvesl 1 · 0 0

this is one of those things that falls under the category of,no one can answer that but God. If you will look in the Bible, it tells you the answer. it also tells you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before God. There is no other way to be saved. Read you r Bible, and see what it says. Get a Study help book that translates a lot of the original Greek and Hebrew words for you so that you are sure what they mean. Jesus told you everything that you need to know. do no t be misled for your own laziness to look up His words.

2007-07-18 08:41:07 · answer #7 · answered by † Seeker of Truth † 4 · 0 0

i believe the commandaments was for us all. the new testament Jesus said he adds 2 more to them. the other various laws like mixing fabric, and rules like that was for the jews so we were never under them anyhow. Paul said even though the gentiles didnt have the laws they were still in our hearts. but the laws arent what saves you anyhow, its the grace that God has on us. not only that but ive read in the new testament if you broke "1 of the laws you broken them all," cause the same God that said not to lie also said not to steal. ppl worry to much on stuff that wont help them instead of what will.

2007-07-18 07:43:49 · answer #8 · answered by warrior*in*the*making 5 · 0 0

Without meaning any disrespect to any religion or member thereof, but ppl tend to want their minister or priest to hand them their religion. What, when, and how to worship, and who to pray to with ready made prayers included.
My beliefs require study. When Jesus was born the old testament did pass away, along with the commandments. Because Jesus was now here to tell and show us how to live. He told us that there was only one commandment that was more important than all the old commandments. This commandment was: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. By living this one commandment, it is impossible to break any of the old commandments.

Blessed Be

2007-07-18 04:02:08 · answer #9 · answered by Linda B 6 · 0 0

Which laws? The Ten Commandemsts are universal laws for living. Who can disagree with any laws of the Ten Commandments? Remember, Jesus Christ came to "Fulfill" the law. He also expanded the law. Humans could not obey the laws.

2007-07-10 14:46:09 · answer #10 · answered by Bruce7 4 · 2 1

Very simple Storm Devil. The OT laws which were for the Children of Israel and all those Gentiles that came to trust in the God of Israel are not in effect for Gentile Christians as per Acts 15:20 .... But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.

Now basicly this was decided so that new Gentile believers in Yeshua the Jewish Messiah would not have to observe the dietary laws of Moses. The Jewish believers continued in the dietary laws as they were required. What the Jewish believers in Christ did not observe was the hypocritical traditions of the elder Jews which was not of God and of course the animal sacrifice of Moses since Jesus' sacrifice on the cross ended the need for animal sacrifice. This is all clearly spelled out in Hebrews chapters 8 thru 10. So contrary to what you think and state above most of the Old Testement laws are still in effect. Animal sacrifice is out, tradition of the elders is out, for everybody and all the dietary laws are out for Gentiles. Of course with regard to captal punishment (stoning and etc) these laws were valid and just in their time but are not legal today.

You also err thinking that the commandments must be thrown out because certain others have been nullified by Christ. Jesus said if ye love me keep my commandments. He being God wrote the 10 commandments and many if not most Bible scholars believe it was Jesus himself who delivered them to Moses on Mt Sinai. Furthermore the breaking of most of Moses' laws are repeatedly refered to as sin in the New Testament. Why must you try to twist the truth. We do not pick and choose . If you read the Bible, from start to finish, it is quite clear what God demands of us . Obedience and love is the theme from start to finish. And as John the Apsotlel said in 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.... So all your objections are nothing more than a smokescreen to hide the truth. That truth is that you refuse to obey God and you do not want to feel guilty about it. Just because you dont want to obey does not give you the right to say Christians must disregard any laws you dont like. In truth your question shows your great lack of knowledge of God and the Bible. Come to Christ!

2007-07-10 17:00:06 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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