hey 4 eyes, why r u really efftected by this, just get on with ur own life, allow generalising & making urself look embarassing & weak, ur that effected that u actually come here & post a Question of it lol, awwww bless., just dnt give a damn dude, wake up & smell the coffee, u shudnt go down that level, otherwise u will be weak for the rest of ur life & end up alone, bitter, rejected, trust me this has been proven to be true, mark ma words, see ya Clark kent lmao, lol.
2007-07-10 13:43:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Wow! Wait a second so I take it your an Atheist right? Well I am too just to make this clear it has nothing to do with religion. You are showing your true ignorance by grouping everyone who believes in god like that. This is not a question, you just found a way to bash ppl different from you and try to make it sound like your interested in the answer ( which I'm sure you are if its the one you want to her, and I'm pretty sure this isn't it).
It kind of pisses me off you know I get a lot of crap sometimes for not believing in god Jesus heaven or hell but I do believe in our constitution which gives us the right to choose what is best for us. Part of the reason Atheist's get such crap is ppl like you who want to turn the whole thing into some mud swinging campaign. Well wake up and smell the damn coffee because what your doing here is the same thing you oppose ( well at least when its happening to you screw everyone else right?). Get over yourself your not the only one on this planet and stop being such a hypocrite.
This is something else I would like to add as well! As I said before I am an Atheist and this is for all the Christians, Jewish pplz, Buddhists, Wiccans, pagans, Atheists, and whoever else I did not mention. More power to you, keep doing your thing as long as it makes you happy! Go forth and get down with your bad self because you are free and you can. Just remember to treat others with the same respect you ask for!
2007-07-10 13:58:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Were you born an idiot or do you have to work at it? I suppose you don't own a car or have electricity because
power houses are one of the biggest producers of carbon dioxide. And the foolishness of God is greater than the wisdom of men. And if I believed like you do that this life is all there is I sure wouldn't be for abortion because that baby
only has one chance at life and you just took that chance
away. And I think that you don't think.
2007-07-10 13:58:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We don't believe God will allow man to destroy the earth as depicted in Gore' film. Now can global warming contribute to some of the signs? You bet. But who are we to stop prophecy. So global warming, caused by man, is in essence a scam to us. But it certainly is another great big money grab. I say "another" because of the big money grab that is called socialized health care. Pretty soon you won't have but a little bit of pocket change to buy a few pleasures of life. You control the money, you control everything else. Seems that too is in the Book.
2007-07-10 14:03:40
answer #4
answered by JohnFromNC 7
Jesus Christ is the head of Christianity and of the Church.
If you have concerns with one of his followers being "ignorant" of his teachings, why not take it up with Him?
Prayer can go a long way in helping a fellow Christian.
Or maybe ask the follwer. Perhaps he has a large family.
If Jesus came in this day and age, how do you suppose he'd cart all 12 Disciples around the U.S.A.?
God Bless You.
2007-07-10 13:42:51
answer #5
answered by John W 6
I think you need Jesus!!! If you don't want Him I think you need a reality check on life, or maybe get a life.
I, as a Christian, have never said "Save the earth", I can't save anything but my soul. As for abortion, I have said what I needed to say in my last answers and questions.
2007-07-10 13:44:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I love my midsize SUV and it's built more rugged than a small car so that when I run over an atheist that asks stupid questions like this one it doesn't dent my SUV.
2007-07-10 14:01:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm a Christian, I drive a Honda Civic my wife a Toyota Camry.
Not big gas guzzlers.
It's NOT a Christian "thing".
GOD bless
2007-07-10 13:43:28
answer #8
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
First, Ignorant Christians isn't a question it's a racial slur.
130,000 murdered babies per month all in the name of choice. Not the same as pollution.
2007-07-10 14:12:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no i like the fact that they act like their barley able to keep their churches open and how the need money from the Church people yet the church is a multy million dollor building
2007-07-10 13:44:00
answer #10
answered by cthulhu will raise 5