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to invalidate science? For example...

I don't like evolution, therefore genetic biology is invalid?

I don't like the big bang, therefore astronomy is invalid?

I don't like radiometric dating, therefore physics is invalid?

The problem with dismissing a particular theory is that often times, many other things you accept in life rely on the same exact science. It's irrational to accept the science that enables electricity to be generated by a nuclear reaction and not accept radiometric dating which is a function of the same exact principles. Can both technologies be used improperly? Of course. One gives us a false date, and the other gives us Chernobyl.

Once mastered, critical thinking requires no more effort than employing scripture, but it makes you orders of magnitude more effective in a debate, so my question is, why don't you use it? It would only help level the playing field.

(and we'd drink a lot less.)

2007-07-10 13:34:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

I am a Christian who believes in evolution, the big band, and radiometric dating... so speaking from my point of view, no, that sort of logical leap is not one that Christians necessarily make.
Some CONSERVATIVE Christians do often make such leaps (especially those that get media attention, like Falwell and Robertson), but even then there are conservative Christians who uphold genetic biology but not evolution - in fact, there are even conservative Christian genetic biologists out there in the world.

2007-07-10 13:41:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It seems problematic to me that Christians who disbelieve in evolution are pefectly happy with the concepts behind the flu shot and other innoculations.

2007-07-10 20:47:25 · answer #2 · answered by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7 · 2 0

It would be a better analogy if you did like eggplant, but you read somewhere that it was evil.

2007-07-10 20:40:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

if they used it wouldn't it prove to them that their religion is false so... they can't use it and still be religious

2007-07-10 20:40:48 · answer #4 · answered by cthulhu will raise 5 · 3 0

LOL... One can only guess at the bazaar nature of a believer's thinking...

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

2007-07-10 20:54:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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