.. from the very very very beginning ? .. of everything ? like.. the big bang ?
i would have to say matter, energy and hydrogen
2007-07-10 14:49:38
answer #1
answered by nola_cajun 6
We weren't created like you think we were.
There was no Invisible Sky Critter who wiggled his nose or blinked his eyes or waved his magic wand to create us from nothing.
It's not something I could be bothered with trying to explain to someone who has no interest in acquiring knowledge outside of The Goat Herders' Guide to the Galaxy.
Go on to YouTube and look at Ken Miller's 117 minute explanation. I even found it for you but I betcha you won't watch it till the end let alone understand it.
I know you want simple answers but they are not available in the world of Reality and Non-fiction. Sorry.
I just noticed your additions:
"of course no one will answer because they know that there wrong."
Most people will realise what THEY'RE dealing with by how you wrote that there. LOL
"for the last ******* time i asked how we were CREATED! not how we came to ******* be human!"
Oooo. And a nasty little xian too; why am I not surprised.
[LATE edit]
Um, Brian; Atheism has nothing to do with believing in a religion or not - Atheism is ONLY about NOT believing in the existence of any Invisible Sky Critters.
2007-07-10 20:44:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It involved my parents, some heavy drinking, a Barry White tape, and the back of 67 Chevy.
2007-07-10 20:35:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was born because my parents had sexual intercourse. Same for everybody else on this planet. BTW, my mother told me that she and my father had intercourse often and both enjoyed it a lot. I'm not concerned about how I got here, I'm concerned about how to save our endangered planet for future generations....who will be born after their parents have sexual intercourse.
2007-07-10 20:47:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am in no way an evolution expert. Therefore it advisable you research evolution on the internet for yourself. I hope that you actually do research it thoroughly before dismissing it based on religious claims and beliefs.
2007-07-10 20:36:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Atheist means you have no religion. God created man. This doesn't mean you have to believe in God. You make your own choices you have wills like he gave you.
2007-07-10 20:49:24
answer #6
answered by Brian 2
My, how condescending of you. I don't really give a damn how, I'm more concerned with where this world is headed, no sense in looking backwards...I just know no magical beings were involved, that's just silly.
Edit: My my...someone is feeling like a little prick this evening...
2007-07-10 20:38:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The earth is only 6000 years old too, and the Dinosaurs never existed. AMIRITE!?
2007-07-10 20:38:58
answer #8
answered by EB1285 2
We weren't "created;" that is called creationism.
We evolved from single-celled organisms over millions of years.
I'm sure you can google "evolution" if you want more information.
2007-07-10 20:34:56
answer #9
answered by Fool on the Hill 4
"of course no one will answer because they know that there wrong."
if this is your attitude why do you expect anyone to bother to seriously answer your question?
2007-07-10 20:44:12
answer #10
answered by vorenhutz 7