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If we can all agree that we are all servants, No one is not serving someone. Even the athiests or impersonalits are serving someone. Their Dog, or another person such as a boss or at least thier own senses. Even the Preseident is serving the nation. So no one is free from serving. Everyone is actually serving God you can not not serve God. But those who are making spiritual progress are consciously serving God. Those who are not are serving Gods materia energy. That is their free will and right given by God. Can We agree on this simple Truth? Your God is my God. Krisna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. One God with Many Names. World Peace.

2007-07-10 13:24:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

We can just see how low the consciusnes is on such a simple truth practically no one can agree. Oh well I will keep spreading the Truth and world Peace to all who will accept.

2007-07-10 13:35:01 · update #1

Clark and Heaven banned. I can not accept your fanatical understanding Of Jesus. That is not the Jesus I know. He is all loving and mercyful. God is not bound by any religion. But true love.

2007-07-10 14:17:18 · update #2

Ed though you have good things to say. Jesus is quite the opposit of Satan and Evil is just the servant of God showing us where we are at when we make our decision whom we are going to surrender to at every moment. So not one and the same, one or the other. Thanks though.

2007-07-11 04:24:50 · update #3

23 answers

Stole the words right out of my mouth. I commend your efforts for peace. We all in a way do serve someone. How can people not agree? When we are born, we learn from society, our actions mimic those of others. Ever heard about Feral children? Those who were literally raised with a society of animals commonly dogs, and they behaved and acted just like them, couldn't speak nor do anything "human", everything we do and everything we are is a human perception and trust for ANOTHER. There is no such thing as individual as we are all in one way or another the creation of someone Else's behavior. We do all serve someone, something, some cause. But the fact that we are human will never change. And if people can start looking beyond the layers of society, religion, and all... what we will find is a human. A human with emotions, feelings, perception, and the need for love.

As Gandhi Said.. "I am Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu.."

May peace be with you and yours.

2007-07-10 13:37:24 · answer #1 · answered by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5 · 3 0

Even a cursory look at all the answers that are coming in response to your question makes a loud statement about mankind. Most of the people fail to understand the essence of their religion. They go about as if they were holding on to some attractive material possession. Really sad but I believe in sustained efforts towards world peace, and for that, the battle always begins within oneself.

2007-07-10 15:29:15 · answer #2 · answered by nanhowala 3 · 1 0

Many Atheists serve human kind instead of a God. The same is true for Agnostics.

2007-07-10 13:29:25 · answer #3 · answered by HSB 3 · 0 0

You are so right.We are all serving in our own small ways, in our own roles for the bigger purpose of keeping God's creation together & within this serving lies eternal peace & bliss.

Even God is bound by His own creation & serving us by listening to our prayers.

I just hope we all accept this simple truth for through acceptance comes peace.

2007-07-12 01:01:25 · answer #4 · answered by Tulip 3 · 0 0

Hare Krishna !

This is my first time on Yahoo! answers that I am responding to Krishna's devotee and I am very happy to do so.

I am agree at all what you are saying and I do know that " Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. "


Well, I would love to have further communication with you because I do have a lot of questions and what I do knew from devotees that we should ask so questions if I meet to any new devotee.

And I am also Krishna consciousness person.

Well, please do leave me mail at pushpendra@writeme.com

I look forward to hear from you soon.

Thanks :)

Pushpendra C.

Hari Bol :) :) :)

And be happy :) :) :)

2007-07-10 19:30:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just a thought...and I am speaking only for myself on this important matter.

To me, this is a "Holy Name" issue; or it is, at least in part.

You state, "But those who are making spiritual progress are consciously serving God". I hope you think this also includes me (and all of us who also care about world peace) because I know I am serving Him; and can only assume the rest of us are also doing fine in doing the same.

All of you may want to consider the following before contemplating the mystery of fixing the issue of world peace being that there seems to be two sides in most belief systems ...if so then one might consider (depending on your faith or belief ... in the asking of;
"The Designer of all things, both good and evil"...or perhaps it could be said...
"To the designer(s) plural, of all things both good and evil"...
(Jesus and Satan (plural) come to mind when I consider the Christian faith).

To me when I consider the saving grace of Jesus and his righteousness to each of us in comparisom to Satan and his counterfit faith called "Magic"; I have true peace knowing that
I can stand against him knowing that I have lived to see the greatest of all "Magic" in the fact that he would have us all believe, that truly, Christ and Satan are one and the same(!);
...even as we read in our own Bibles!

In this troubled world of ours today I would encourage you all to keep your own faith and be at peace in it...thus, World Peace!

Good night ...and my God bless all of you...

2007-07-10 18:18:29 · answer #6 · answered by Paul 3 · 0 0

I'm sorry, but true Christians are not like the world or other religions, nor would I want to be. Universal love / peace is unbilical and a bunch of heathenistic malarky! There is only one God of heaven and earth and He will not share His glory with another. Peace will only come when God the Father tells His Son Jesus, " Go, get my children" and we reign together with Him forever. Maybe tonight...I hope so.

2007-07-10 13:33:52 · answer #7 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 0 3

Jan seva hi Janardan ki seva hai (Mahatma Gandhi)
"Service to the people is really service to the God"

We don`t know where that God is...
If He is every where why He can not be in poor people?
Besides poor are badly in need of some service by us rather than God..

2007-07-11 05:13:55 · answer #8 · answered by Shripathi Krishna Acharya 5 · 2 0

even they are serving themselves who are not agree with your statement because they are enjoying with their ego. hence religeous fanatism is a kind of energy consumed in materialism , in the name of spiritualism.it has its own impact , but at least everybody should care others freedom and life ,when the Lord has given freedom then no one should have any objection in it.

'Humanity should be followed by everybody , that is the basic or fundamental aspect of any religion"

Hare Krishna ,Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna , Hare Hare , Hare Rama , Hare Rama , Hare Rama, Rama , Rama Rama , Hare Hare

2007-07-10 20:59:47 · answer #9 · answered by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3 · 0 0

I may have to serve these cats, but I am not serving your magic deity, sorry. Kinda rude to tell people want to think or that your thought is the right one over their own individual view, huh?

Heck, maybe some would even be offended by your saying that their god the yours that they see as fake...

2007-07-10 13:30:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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