Because 1) they are crazy 2) being crazy they lack logic 3) If they scream loud enough, long enough they kick up enough dust to cover their side of the argument while showing people the flaws in their opposition.
Like was said in previous defense is a good offense...people are so busy looking at the "violations" in the evolutionists argument that they do not notice the lack of any ideas or evidence on the side of creationism
Neither here nor there but I find it very funny when I argue for Evolution because it is like those on the side of Creationism think God would lack the power to create a natural system for adapting life. Like it could create life and everything but a natural progression from simple life to complex life would be beyond God's God is not capable of designing and implementing such a complex system...just funny to me
alwaysmoose> Word of God I would trust...since there is no such thing on this planet I have no idea what God's word is. All we have is a bunch of books written by men, reflecting men's ideas. We have nothing direct from God, we don't even have direct from Jesus...all we have is what other men have told us they said. You would not take my word for what God said so why do you take the word of someone thousands of years dead?
fivescoreandsevenyears> Well Evolution doesn't say there is no God and to even think it does makes me think you are misintrepreting it. Fine prove to me right here and right now with real, solid, concrete proof that Creationism is correct and I will be more than happy to listen and think about cannot point out flaws in have to prove Creationsim not disprove something else....GO
Commader Data> No they have not and the prophecies are stuff like "one day the sun will rise"
transplanted_fireweed> again you do not seem to understand...the orgin of universe and Evolution are 2 do not seem to understand the Theory. Evolution does not even try to explain orgin of universe or life..only the adaptation of life on Earth. It may not be 100% accurate but it sure beats the alternatives which have less data to support them and Creationsim which has none. I guess I have too much faith in God to think it just blinked things into existance since anything on that level would make a self sustaining system capable of existing without needing God to run every single little detail.....I guess I just like to think of God as a master craftsman instead of someone who just slapped stuff together
2007-07-10 13:14:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Let's just say that lack of proof goes both ways. There are facts that are indisputable, which both sides can explain away to make their case. We all see them. But to say there is absolute proof of evolution is impossible. Have you ever heard any scientist say evolution is total fact? You will never hear that, ever. It just isn't so. We can't see it happen. We can't even model it. But man can sure mess with what God started. Just take a look at today's science as proof of that. When creationist claim that evolution has no facts, we are referring about witnessing species change from one form to another that is completely different. The basic claim of evolution. How convenient that there are no transitional forms or common ancestors around to confirm evolution's claims. I can say that Jesus was here. Witnessed by many. Men and women went to their graves for the simple reason that they wouldn't recant it. That's pure fact. I can bet you people wouldn't do that for a belief in evolution. But then again, why would you for something as dead as a belief in evolution.
2007-07-10 13:41:35
answer #2
answered by JohnFromNC 7
Faith, by its own nature, does not involve certainty or rationalization. In fact, to have faith, you must be able to stand up for your beliefs in the face of rationalization, even when they don't make sense. That's what faith is- it means you don't need something proven to you. You are willing to believe it for no other reason than trust in your beliefs. Evolution operates on a scientific premise. On one hand, it does require evidence and logic to prove, because having "faith" in an unproven science is against the idea of science in the first place. For this trade off, however, it is more logical, and the people who follow it generally have reason to do so. It is also taken seriously in scientific thought, whereas creationism is never *really* taken into consideration on any medium besides a religious debate. You know? if you weigh the two against each other, logic does overpower faith. But that is hard for people who were born faithful to understand. You must understand that they do not see things the same way as secularists. That faith that you criticize is the same thing that allows them to hold true to their beliefs, and in their own minds, their faith might as well be evidence. It's a matter of conditioning, not logic, is basically my point.
2016-05-18 23:39:38
answer #3
answered by jennefer 3
It's not just proof that the theory of evolution is is lacking in common sense. It doesn't take much intellect to realize that something can't come out of nothing, and evolutionists have to admit that all their "theories" start with something floating somewhere that did something unusual to start things rolling. When asked where the "something" came from, they draw a blank. It takes more faith than I have to believe that the intricacies of the workings of the human body, to say nothing of the vast wonders of the universe, just "happened by chance" from some "stuff" that you have no idea where it came from.
Creation doesn't need any further exists, look around. It is, therefore, it doesn't take much intelligence to figure out that it makes sense to believe that a Higher Power was responsible for the awesome creation we behold everywhere. It just makes sense.
The problem with that, though, is that if you believe in God and creation, you can't escape the other reality that this God loves you and gave his life for you so that he won't have to be without you for eternity. If you have to admit that, you won't be able to resist loving him back.....and that could change your life. That's scary.
2007-07-10 13:26:45
answer #4
answered by transplanted_fireweed 5
Because our beliefs have been proven and even accepted by scientists. Because so many prophecies mentioned in the bible thousands of years ago have come true.
Because were not stupid enough to believe that a vast emptiness of darkness and nothing can explode causing matter to mysteriously appear and spread around forming life and planets and stars and water and air to breath and animals and humans with intelligence and with just the perfect amount of oxygen and water to sustain life and was set just the perfect distance from the sun for this to happen.
Were not stupid enough to believe that the human body which is one of the most complex organisms known to man to accidentally form over and over and over again.
I could go on but I wont.
2007-07-10 13:24:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Neither does evolution, but that doesn't make you quiet....
All evolution does is attack creation. That's the entire point. To say, no God didn't create this, we have to make up facts in order to prove there is no God. And we aren't going to sit down and let you athiests have your way by saying nothing about God. That's why evolutionists have such a problem. Because Christians won't let their useless and worthless idea make any sense because they keep spotting the obviously inaccurate details! Why do they keep doing that!? Christians are supposed to be quiet and peaceful, not sophisticated and defensive? Why won't they put down their beliefs under ours? Because we aren't going to let the world win. That's why. We aren't shaken by any of evolutions attacks, and that's what ticks everyone off. We can prove creationism with science, which is just ridiculous!
We know you don't like we stand up for what we believe in, but I know that at least I'm not going to sit down and let the unfactual win us over.
2007-07-10 13:17:10
answer #6
answered by spinelli 4
Right. Mutating viruses become nothing but viruses. Yup. That's real proof of evolution. Questions like this are the result of people who think they're "educated", but yet are obviously stupid enough to not realize that the method of proof for historical analysis is completely different from that in the sciences, obviously. In fact, the Legal/Historical Method of proof for all things historical is a hell of a lot broader than that ever used in science. Go argue your bilge in the mythology section where evolution really belongs.
2007-07-10 13:15:49
answer #7
answered by RIFF 5
I despise people who go on to stereotype and generalize Christians as being "poorly educated" or "less bright" than an Atheist simply because they do not believe the same beliefs. It's true that Christians and Atheists are educated on their beliefs differently, but that's because each have different beliefs.
I'm an Atheist but I acknowlede that Christians have their own set of beliefs and it's their will and their belief - not mine. They might not believe what I believe or know what I might know, but it doesn't make them poorly educated as Monica suggested.
It's circle logic - why do Atheists attack Christians for their beliefs when ours, even though there's more evidence to support us, aren't able to explain everything? Neither of us can prove or disprove God, so it's a lost cause to argue about it or stir up trouble.
2007-07-10 13:10:55
answer #8
answered by Alley S. 6
I dare you to check out this website. They got answers to all the hard questions.
There is no "proof" for either. Creationists and evolutionists (and everybody else) all have the same science and evidence, it's how they interpret the facts. Ex, evolutionists see fossils and think billions of years, creationists think Noah's Flood.
If you care enough to search and ask, check out this site.
2007-07-10 13:23:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because their beliefs do not stand up to any scrutiny. These people are trapped by a philosophy, Biblical literalism, which can barely survive the burden of the internal inconsistencies of the Bible. Now page one falls apart by looking around the world.
2007-07-10 13:18:57
answer #10
answered by novangelis 7