The truth shall set you free in many ways.
2007-07-10 13:05:17
answer #1
answered by Gypsy Gal 6
In most cases, the truth. But there are some instances (and I know this sounds crazy) when I feel that a lie is better for your overall mental state. There is so Much evil, hate and pain in the world, that I don't think its a crime to be shielded from it from time to time.
2007-07-18 12:28:39
answer #2
answered by ThisGuy 2
I see a lot of atheist and evolutionist on Y/A who must enjoy believing a lie. Time and time again I have asked for just ONE little piece of evidence that support their “it just happened” ideal, and as of yet, none. I here the goofy things, well you need to put this bone with that rock, shake it up real well give it a billion or so years, oh give me a brake anyone who could buy that must be a real mental case.
2007-07-18 04:21:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not religious and it would depend entirely on the circumstances what the lie or the truth was. A person cant choose either for every situation.
Kisses Betty B,
2007-07-10 13:08:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well its said the truth hurts.I would rather someone tell me the truth so I can change whatever needs to be changed to better myself,than someone lie to me to make me feel better, I think a good friend would be honest.We can't grow as people if we don't have change and how can we change if we don't know what needs to be changed?
2007-07-18 04:00:52
answer #5
answered by simple serenity 3
I would always perfer the truth. Because even in the saddest moment there can still be joy and peace. The purpose of life is not to be happy
2007-07-18 08:31:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
a truth. because the lie might make me happy but it's a lie.
2007-07-10 13:08:50
answer #7
answered by Sam 6
When I have the Bible and all my personal experiences with God in my memory I have the truth and nothing anyone says or does can sway that.
Now if you are going to tell me I have cancer, tell me the truth, but break it to me gently.
2007-07-16 14:03:52
answer #8
answered by bsharpbflatbnatural 5
I prefer the truth but if its not an important matter-I prefer silence.
2007-07-10 13:07:20
answer #9
answered by cynthia g 1
Truth is good.
This is why I cringe whenever I hear theists arguing that I should believe in their gods because they think it would make me happy. I want to believe what is correct, not what is most pleasing.
As has been said before, it would make me really happy to believe that there is a pirate treasure buried in my yard, but that doesn't make that a reasonable belief.
2007-07-10 13:04:33
answer #10
answered by Minh 6