I'd ask "didn't you used to be the lead singer of the Spin Doctors?"
2007-07-10 13:36:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No I wouldn't just jump up and go with someone claiming to be Jesus today. But I do follow Christ, there is this thing called faith, and for some reason when I think of Jesus I know he is there. There is 2,000 yrs of growth in the Christian faith, and despite the challenges it faced getting started and the struggles from within that have tried to break it down, it continues to thrive. As for miracles well they are happening everyday at every moment. Just look at the world around you and see how delicate each little system is and know that if the planet itself was just a bit larger or smaller it couldnt sustain the very life we take for granted. There is a higher power out there is it God or Jesus I think so, but each person must find there own way.
2007-07-10 20:15:42
answer #2
answered by Sluth master 2
I would tell the person that he couldn't possibly be God because the Bible tells us distinctly the method and the events surrounding the return of Jesus to this earth. There will be tremendous destruction all over the earth just preceding his coming, every eye will see him, he will be in the clouds with millions of angels, the graves will open, his feet will not touch this earth, instead the righteous will ascend into the air to meet him and go to heaven with him.
I wouldn't call a mental institution....many people in the past and present claim to be Jesus (God).....they are self-deceived, but they are just another proof that the Bible is true because the Bible warned just such people would exist.
And based on many, many other things the Bible claims that have been proved in history, I can have complete confidence that all it says about Jesus' life here on earth, his sacrificial death, and his resurrection and ascension to heaven are also true. No, I wasn't there.....but I have no reason to doubt the writings of those who were.
2007-07-10 20:10:23
answer #3
answered by transplanted_fireweed 5
Same could be said about all "religions". Anything that has a name and a classification is nothing more then a business seeking more consumers and will lie, cheat, steal and kill for them. Most won't even question their faith or where they got their faith from, they just do it because that's what everyone else does. Not saying all religious people are bad, I think its like shopping at wal-mart. Its a ripoff business but people who shop there don't deserve the blame, its the company.
That "praise be upon him" garbage is worhtless. People need to show their praise through action and not words.
2007-07-10 20:14:12
answer #4
answered by Ken O 4
How would I know he looked like Jesus of Nazareth,
when I have never seen Jesus before?
I don't believe Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God, ever.
I just think he was a very, very, wise and great philosopher.
So if someone were to claim be a "God",
I would think him odd, but hope he is able to find happiness within himself and not have to make some somewhat ridiculous claims.
2007-07-10 20:05:43
answer #5
answered by ✡ 5
I would not believe for when the Son of Man returns it shall be like lightning in the sky and everyone shall know.
Your question implies you are either an atheist/agnostic or you believe Jesus is God, but the pbuh implies you're a Muslim; very confusing.
2007-07-10 20:05:37
answer #6
answered by Holy Holly 5
Such a call will not be so, because God, and also Jesus knows very well, that if so, it will affect the inert fibers of your own Soul, (Alma), to accept such revelation, that will impose on you a completely new and different reality?, A reality, that HIM(God), will have been (seemingly), forcing in someone or in someone like your self?, also and because of the conditions that God, nor Jesus are from this world, they will not only be exposing you, to all and every present and future evil, if they don't have reasons to tell you this in person? Word's
2007-07-10 20:10:16
answer #7
answered by paradiseemperatorbluepinguin 5
We Muslims Highly respect Jesus! Im Going To say this! I study bible and my father and his friend priest who embrace islam. I found out that the Bible Didnt say that Jesus is God and we should Worship him! Jesus didnt say that "I am God Oh Mankind so worship me!" No! Jesus didnt say that.
Dont Get me wrong People but for me, from what i've heard from so many former Christian even Christian, they said that we just believe jesus as a son of God or a God! But They cant say that Jesus Declare himself as a God! If i found out that Jesus said that "I am God, I created the earth and the sky and everything that exist so whorsip me" if he say that i will convert to Christianity but he Jesus didn't say that.
Remember when he is crucified? He scream out loud!
2007-07-13 14:59:42
answer #8
answered by Newton 1
Well, there are lots of insane people but also the Bible says that in the last day persons will do just that. Jesus will come a second time but only to take his followers to heaven and only then will He appear. I hope and pray that you find the way to Jesus and give Him your heart so that you will go with to heaven and leave this hell behind.
2007-07-10 20:04:59
answer #9
answered by EVEI 6
What is more important is why anybody would follow a man who was described as having sex with a nine-year-old.
From the Muslim hadiths:
Bukhari vol. 5, nos. 234: Narrated Aisha: The Prophet was engaged to me when I was a girl six years old...I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends...Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the afternoon and my mother handed me over to him. At that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
Bukhari vol. 5, nos. 236 "The Prophet...married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age and consummated that marriage when she was nine years old."
The Muslims forbid the representation of Muhammad and (if paintings are allowed at all in a certain Islamic time and place) Muhammad must go veiled. We have no idea what Jesus looked like, but I suspect the Muslims veil Muhammad because he looked like Gomer Pyle.
2007-07-10 20:22:46
answer #10
answered by PIERRE S 4
If a person who said he is Jesus, I would believe Jessus (hispanic person). Jesus was stab with a spear, nail to a cross (foot, and hands). Where are the holes? The blood was shed for us, to either accept or reject. But when that day comes when he returns you will know where you will spend your time.
2007-07-13 15:21:20
answer #11
answered by darius352001 1