simple. theyre simply regurgitating what they know.
trhey dont know anything else but that.
2007-07-10 12:56:09
answer #1
answered by johnny.zondo 6
You are supposed to learn Arabic and while many Muslims do not speak Arabic as their first language they DO KNOW what they are reciting. The azan on the loudspeaker is simply calling everyone to worship ALLAH and pray. No "chosen" people in Islam it is a religion for ALL...(including African Americans-- when your christian churches said that Africans were not good enough to sit next to their fair skinned brothers there was never any segregation in a about malik shabezz better known as Malcolm X). Arabic is a beautiful language, the Quran untouched not changed for all these won't find any missing chapters or will never see a king faisal version of the holy quran :-p cuz it isn't his word but that of ALLAH The only thing that makes one man better than another in Islam is how he behaves, acts, worships and treats his wife...I think you would better recieve an answer from a muslim...hopefully someone answers with more information and knowledge so that you may see the beauty as well.
2007-07-10 13:10:58
answer #2
answered by *~GOLDIE~* 2
People regularly learn the bible by heart. I live in the UK - we do not have a strong Christian presense here. Most people can't be bothered - yet I know someone who's learnt the bible by heart.
I don't see how learning the Qur'an by heart is mindless, it means you have to devote an awful lot of study into it - and it is very cost effective in countries where books are expensive - which they often are in Islamic countries, sub-saharan Africa etc.
So you think it's 'astonishing' when catholics recite a requiem? That they "cackle that eerie Latin language?" for the "latinate supremacy of Christianity?" Or when Jews recite the torah for their Barmitzfa? Many Jews know no Hebrew other than for that purpose alone - does that scare the pants off you too?
I doubt it. Cause you're just trying to stir up the waters for Islam alone. What IS your beef man?
2007-07-10 13:03:50
answer #3
answered by Mordent 7
Christians do mindlessly recite something as well. Go ask the Catholicsm yes, Catholics are relegated as Christian maybe you didn't know that because you had Islam in your crosshairs. The Buddhists do have their chants too, as well as Jews and Hindus.
Not meaning to be disrespectful as I am a Christian myself, which version of the bible should be read? There are so many ones to it that I've actually given up. At least in Islam, they strived to keep their word pure hence the use of only one language. If you knew that, you wouldn't commit that faux pas. Ignorance excuses no one nor is it a reason for stupidity.
You sure are adamant about spreading targetted misinformation. People like you are scary. You remind me of Jim Jones.
2007-07-10 13:16:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Kaganate - non are a sparkling 'faith' - they seem to be a continuation. the reason the Qur'an became relatively a on an identical time as after Jesus became so the Gentiles (Romans to start with) St. Matthew 12 v 21 (Christians) could desire to be nicely typical. the strongest distinction is Christians are not into non secular circumcision. however, no longer all is 'literal' speech.
2016-10-01 08:13:34
answer #5
answered by renate 4
You are so wrong about Quran. People like you create more rift and wars among religions by promoting hatred against each other. I hope God give you the peaceful state if mind. Holy Books are to promote some order in this world. At least you should read Bible with its whole context.
2013-12-25 03:26:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is always best to leave a happy man alone in his religion. One could also ask why the Catholics feel the need for rosary beads. Does it really matter? There are Christians who can quote from the Bible verbatim. Many religions require repetitious prayer. If one finds it objectionable, one can always become involved in a religion in which one is more comfortable. Some people seem to find it easier to criticize others than make an attempt to understand them.
2007-07-10 13:16:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First of all, you have accused Muslims of doing something that they do not do. But reading and reciting the Quran has numerous purposes.
To name one--> It's just one more reason the Quran hasn't ever been altered or changed. These people who are "mindlessly reciting" happen to be preserving it.
Respect Please.
2007-07-10 13:17:37
answer #8
answered by i wonaaa 2
I don't know but the Word does tell us that He will being all things to our remembrance. Of course you have to read the Word daily for that to be able to happen.
2007-07-10 12:58:10
answer #9
answered by 1saintofGod 6
I think if Muslims want to chant and do what they do, that is their business.
The Bible is so hard to understand, I have trouble with it. That's why I go to church, to have the minister, who is trained in teaching it, to explain it to me. Makes it a lot easier to understand bit by bit.
2007-07-10 13:00:51
answer #10
answered by Tigger 7
Christians try to actually learn what's in the Bible, not just randomly recite it.
2007-07-10 12:57:48
answer #11
answered by superheroicguy 1