thats creationists
see, we dont beleive that we kindof just popped up in a magical gaden....thats you.
we dont beleive we were made of clay or dirt or whatever you claim...thats you.
and im still waitin for one of you christians to tell me who created your god.
2007-07-10 12:54:22
answer #1
answered by johnny.zondo 6
I don't believe anything is "created". Do you believe your god was created out of thin air?
Personally I believe reality is ultimately mathematics (necessary logical truth) . It only looks like space and time because we see so little of it. Nothing is ever really created. The key here is a powerful selection effect (our existence ) which selects the portion of reality we find ourselves in. Only in very interesting portions of this vast infinite reality could we evolve.
Our understanding of reality is layered. You see the world in terms of large physical objects. But you are aware that those are illusions made up of atoms, and atoms in turn are made of smaller particles. Many believe that these so called "fundamental" particles are not fundamental but are built on a layer of mathematical objects called strings. My belief is that all reality is built upon mathematics and mathematics is what is truly fundamental.
The reason why we see top layers instead of lower layers is due to our inability to see all of the the details in the lower layers.
The reasons for my belief are way too involved to cover here so I will just post a link to something simple enough that you might understand it. I fear my actual reasons are likely to be well beyond your comprehension unless you have a very advanced gaduate physics background.
As mathematics ( necessary logical truth ) is fundamental and necessary it is not created. Existence simply equals necessary truth. Mathematics "just is" because it is necessary and tautologically simple ( Zero complexity ). But Mathematics does not create reality. Mathematics is reality.
The problem with the design hypothesis is your god needs to be more complex and hence more unlikely than the reality you are attempting to explain. Saying your god just is, still leaves a much bigger question than you had to begin with.
2007-07-10 13:04:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"And God said, Let us make man in our own image after our own likeness."
God did it. Check out this website for all the answers about Creation and Evolution. It's great to know that the Bible can be trusted and isn't a book of fairytales. I recommend the site to anyone searching. If the Bible wasn't true I would have ditched it several years ago. The website covers everything from what happened to the dinosaurs to where Cain got his wife.
God bless; great question. That's the only book that can be trusted over man's opinions (even over this website).
2007-07-10 12:58:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
well you've moved on from 'who created us' at least. the question for me is 'were we created'. i see no evidence or reason to think so. and air is not that thin - in a way the evolution of photosynthesis parallels what you're talking about.
2007-07-10 13:01:20
answer #4
answered by vorenhutz 7
Read a book! You will find the answers.
You're simply a gullible, easily manipulated subject of a religion you were taught when you were young. Isn't it about time you grew up and actually made an effort to study, rather than believe in the myth and superstition you do?
Grow up.
2007-07-10 13:01:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't matter, what matters is what you believed, and if you look at your self, you can see, that you where create to his Image, be careful with expending to much time looking at your self anyway, because ego-centrism isn't so good after all, and will cloud your vision and your perception, of the real hand, of God that create you, and everything there is, around you. But, one more time, look inside you. and look into your five senses, Word's.
2007-07-10 13:00:26
answer #6
answered by paradiseemperatorbluepinguin 5
sure, everyone believes different things but, there's only one true answer. and that answer is, is that God created us and for proof read Genesis in the New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures.......
2007-07-10 13:43:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
lets put it this way, when someone said he is created by someone so great and powerful, so great that his power is immeasurable and unexplainable, let him be... if someone claims he just popped out of thin air, let him be...
if that is the way they wanted or preferred how they came into being, let them be.
how 'bout you? you prefer that you were a monkey before? no problem. we'll let you be.
2007-07-10 13:13:07
answer #8
answered by ladyluck 3
I think you should research Darwinism and it's beliefs on evolution, before you go around making accusations or false statements. There's the whole wide web out there for you, to answer your questions.
"I've often regretted my speech, never my silence."
2007-07-10 13:00:50
answer #9
answered by Alley S. 6
Not at all the next time you visit the zoo say hello to your cousin the Chimp. Humans have common ancestors with the Chimp and Great apes. We are primates.
Kisses Betty B.
2007-07-10 12:57:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
PFFFT, everyone knows we were originally meat balls in till the great Italian Lord Janos Formed us into what we are now.
2007-07-10 12:55:44
answer #11
answered by Anonymous