I believe angels exist. I can't prove my belief scientifically but I've had a couple of experiences that reinforced what I've read in the Bible, what I've read in Angels by Billy Graham, and some books of other people's experiences. One time I felt like I was stopped a fraction of an inch away from a wire that would have driven into my eye that had dropped down from the ceiling of my dad's work area in the basemen. One time I felt a force keeping a car from back-ending me as I was turning into my driveway one afternoon next to one of the most dangerous roads in that county. I heard someone tell me it was going to be okay one night and a feeling of peace as I lay curled up in the floor during a bout of severe post-partem depression. And I thought I saw an angelic presence one night on the way home just before I narrowly avoided being hit head-on a minute later on a narrow road going around a blind curve.
2007-07-10 13:03:51
answer #1
answered by suzi q 4
Unannounced to most, angels don't have wings. They move thought the universe on either flower or swan airplanes or by the mind and they can not be seen by ordinary persons. They are higher beings who live in the Material heavenly planets. The problem with the bible is it doesn' show the difference between the material heaven, which is part of the creation and the eternal Heaven which is never created.(that is why it is eternal.) I can't understand why Christians can't figure that out. That is why people in the material heaven come back in 10,ooo years, because when their good karma is up they fall back to the earth to try for the eternal heaven. Those who want wealth and follow Jesus go to material heaven. Those who fully surrender to God wanting nothing in return go to eternal Heaven. Srimad Bhagavatam 1st canto tell all. srimadbhagavatam.org/ read on line.
2007-07-10 19:59:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Scriptures say they are real, and they are surrounding God in heaven constantly singing His praises. They are real spiritual beings doing work for God. They are not like us, they are very different. They are not human, they are angels and the Scriptures say the are amazed when the Lord takes a life and turns it all around. They are mentioned alot in the Scriptures, but they are not to be worshipped, they worship God day and night.
2007-07-10 19:57:48
answer #3
answered by trainer53 6
As far as Abrahamic (Christians, Jews, Catholics, etc)scripture, their names and the entire hierarchy was known in the Judaic writings.
Unfortunately many of the early Christians were either ignorant of those writings or knowingly deleted them from the documents voted into the Christian faith.
If you are a Christian and want to learn about angels, you must go OUTSIDE of the bible to learn about them.
2007-07-10 19:54:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In Christianity and Islam ,angels are recognized as being real 'bodiless powers" that are pure spirit with real personalities and stong intellectual and volitional pwers. the devils are angels who rejected God as God and rebelled.
2007-07-10 19:54:31
answer #5
answered by James O 7
There are nearly 300 references to them in the bible - slightly more in the New Testament than the Old. Can't say I've ever seen one myself !
2007-07-10 19:58:06
answer #6
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
angels were created before humans as God's servants. Unfortunately, one third of them tried to rebel, led my Lucifer, and got kicked out of heaven.
2007-07-10 19:54:30
answer #7
answered by superheroicguy 1
They exist, they were God's first creation and are here to serve him and help us in any way they can
2007-07-10 19:54:54
answer #8
answered by I'm Here 4
Are you serious?
No wonder religion is looked upon as a joke.
Grow up, read a book! No, not the Bible.
2007-07-10 19:54:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they exist and are God's servants like us
2007-07-10 19:52:34
answer #10
answered by spidersam408 4