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Is it like a sign up thing or what?

2007-07-10 12:33:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

yes, you sign up. preach and heal for 3 years, then get nailed to a cross for about 9 hours. once you die, you can be our messiah too. good luck!

2007-07-10 12:36:22 · answer #1 · answered by ConstElation 6 · 1 0

Sorry that position has already been filled. Christ is the only Messiah so I guess you'll have to find another line of work.

2007-07-10 19:40:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well one requirement is to raise from the dead hmmmmmmmm im a bit of a synic but i dont think you want to try your hand at that one so go with walking on water unless you cant swim hmmmmmm....how bout bringing the dead back to life.?but mind you i think the police will frown uponthat one, or how bout multiply food ( you know fish loaves of bread etc) good luck on the messiah thing

2007-07-10 19:41:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh Brian Flemming compiled a nice check list to this:

1. Death by a wooden cross or tree
2. Birth of a virgin mother
3. "disciples" or followers
4. God reincarnate
5. Put to death for your beliefs.
6. Born in a barn/manager
7. A star that points to your birth place
8. People that bring you gifts because they see the star.
9. miracles
10. resurection(wth i cant spell tonight)
11. promise of a second coming.

theres more i forgot alot.

surpisingly (or not) all of those aforementioned checklists all have a common theme..Jesus wasn't the first story to use them..Just one of the last.

2007-07-10 19:41:54 · answer #4 · answered by Sheriff of R&S 4 · 0 1

Those with Messiah complexes are a dime a dozen.....

2007-07-10 19:52:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you don't become the next messiah

2007-07-10 19:38:52 · answer #6 · answered by LatterDaySaint and loving it 6 · 1 0

People with such missions were foreordained before birth, so you can't nominate yourself.

Moses was foreordained to lead the Chrildren of Israel out of bondage.
Jesus was foreordained to be the Messiah.
John the Baptist was foreordained to baptize Jesus.

2007-07-10 19:43:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

take up acting. Then wait for a lucky break.

Or you could pull a Jim Jones or Chuck Manson, I suppose. They managed to get a few folks to believe they had the stuff.

2007-07-10 19:40:55 · answer #8 · answered by Izzy F 4 · 0 1

Preach to the poor and ignorant - there are plenty of those left in the world.

Make all kinds of promises that 1 day they will be the leaders, brainwash them to tell others about you - and before you know it.... voila.... the stories of your greatness will be told for generations....

Hey.. wait a minute, why am I telling you all this, I should do this myself.....

2007-07-10 19:37:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well for one you might want to become human...
because i dont think a robot from a animated show could be a messiah.. or could it??? hmmm......

2007-07-10 19:36:15 · answer #10 · answered by Loathing 6 · 0 0

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